
Analog "Lindaksy": "Meridia" or "Reduxin". What to choose?

For many women and even men, the desire to lose weight sometimes grows into a real idea-fix. And at some point, losing weight can no longer adequately assess the consequences that their actions can lead to. Today, many different products have been developed and put on the market, helping to reduce weight. Their use allows you to easily and quickly achieve the desired result. But such drugs cause irreparable harm to the body. In terms of dangerous pills for weight loss should especially highlight sibutramine-containing drugs. This means "Lindax", as well as an analog of Lindax - a drug "Meridia". There is also a domestic medicine for active weight reduction - "Reduxin". Consider the principle of the operation of these funds in more detail.

Sibutramine - a substance that is very close to a number of psychotropic substances for the effect. Due to the fact that it is part of the Lindax or some kind of Lindaxx analogue, losing weight with the help of these drugs does not feel hunger, feels light, the desire to actively and actively move. All this undoubtedly contributes to the fact that a person consumes much less food, and the extra pounds melt almost before our eyes. In addition, the tablets "Lindax" contains and serotonin, which is not without reason called the "hormone of happiness." Thus, weight loss with the help of this drug, in theory, should be accompanied by a sense of joy and pleasure. But the harm from this medication is still greater.

Many people are interested in the question - what is the difference between Reduxin and Lindax or what is the difference between the drug "Meridia" and Lindax? Different names, different price category - so is there a fundamental difference in what exactly to use for weight loss? Let's figure it out.

It is generally incorrect to say that the "Meridia" remedy is an analog of Lindax. Quite the contrary, Lindax's medication is an analogue of meridium, a cheaper synonym for it. The drug "Meridia" was approved in our country unlike other tablets with sibutramine. And the difference in price is simply the result of the wide advertising of these pills. Although on the other hand in several European countries, as well as in America and Australia for several years, this medicine is under the strictest ban and is equated with psychotropic drugs. The composition and lindaxes, and meridia, and reduxin are identical - it is sibutramine (10 mg) and a number of excipients (in particular, MCC and serotonin). MCC - microcrystalline cellulose, although not the main active substance, is still directed to help sibutramine, so that the slimming person does not have a feeling of hunger. Only MCC, getting into the stomach, swells and fills all its space, and sibutramine has a corresponding effect on the central nervous system.

As you can see, whether you buy lindax or any analogue of lindax, your choice will not affect the effectiveness of the slimming process. But now I want to pay attention to the reverse side of the intake of these (and in general any) sibutramine-containing drugs. This, of course, side effects, which are very similar to those that occur after taking psychotropic substances:

- dry mouth,

- sweating,

- depression of respiration and motor reactions,

- violation of the rhythm of the heart,

- increase of pressure,

- headache,

- sleep disorders,

- a sense of anxiety and panic,

- Acute psychosis,

- impaired vision,

- violations in the work of the liver.

By the way, according to reports losing weight on sibutramine, these side effects are manifested only at the initial stages of taking tablets, and then come to naught. But do not be happy with this fact. A good state of health means only that your body is used to sibutramine.

It should be remembered that the Lindax preparation or any Lindaxx substitute (Reduxin or Meridia remedies) was not originally created in order to quickly and effortlessly drop a couple of extra kilograms for the beach season. These pills should be prescribed only by the attending physician and only to those patients who have this or that diagnosed degree of obesity, that is, for whom completeness and gastronomic dependence is really a real problem.

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