Health, Medicine
Drug provision of the population. Free medicines. Network of social pharmacies
Programs for providing state aid to all those with free medicines have gone to the dead end in recent decades. The qualitative organization of the order of obtaining medicines is the key to successfully solving problems and overcoming the health crisis, connected with the authorities' insufficiently attentive attitude to the diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures of the population.
The objectives and benefits of concessional drug provision
Drug provision should first of all affect the most vulnerable and vulnerable categories of the population. The social importance of such projects is difficult to overestimate. It is worth noting that such an action is aimed at promptly overcoming and preventing possible risks. Providing unprotected people with the required medicines is an important component for maintaining their health and, as a result, the normal level and quality of life.
In addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the availability of medicines allows to achieve the success of therapeutic measures, to reduce the statistical number of patients who are in dire need of hospitalization and inpatient treatment.
Strengthening the issue of drug provision at the legislative level
Who is entitled to free medicines, and what medicines are provided to people on a humanitarian basis and how to receive them, you can find out by reading the legislative framework that regulates this issue. The main normative legal act, to which one should seek clarification, is the document "On circulation of medicines", adopted in 2010. It is important to dwell on the interpretation by the legislator of the term "medicines". Deputies in the State Duma believe that this group should include any components and their combinations that come into contact with the human or animal body and actively penetrate deep into biological tissues. To apply any of the medicines is to carry out the following:
- Preventive measures;
- Treatment;
- Surveys;
- Postoperative recovery and rehabilitation;
- For the preservation, prevention or termination of pregnancy.
The same group includes drugs obtained in a variety of ways:
- From the blood;
- Organs and tissues of an animal or a person;
- Plants;
- Mineral components;
- Due to biological or chemical synthesis.
Benefits for medicines: from the 90's to today
Bypassing the attention of the pharmaceutical market, it is worth considering the problems accompanying preferential medical provision of the population. The first time about the need to address this problem seriously began to speak at the end of the last century. Then, in the early 90's, because of the many unfavorable factors of socio-economic development, people who needed help with buying medicines could not afford to buy the necessary drugs themselves. Low incomes for the main part of the country's residents, high incidence, a significant decrease in the average life expectancy, etc. - all this became the primary causes that led to an increase in debts to pharmacy companies that laid the beginning of the release of medications on a free or preferential basis according to prescriptions From the doctor.
In this regard, in 1994 the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution "On State Support for the Development of the Medical Industry ...". According to this by-law, a separate category of residents of the country, as well as persons suffering from various pathologies (a list of ailments to the resolution was attached), there was a preferential leave of drugs. The free basis for obtaining medicines for certain groups of the population was reflected in the best way on medical care for citizens and healthcare institutions.
Changes in the tasks of drug provision
Drugs, therapeutic products became available to the public during the restructuring of political and economic intrastate relations in the field of drug products turnover. Despite the fact that the rapid rise in prices and the decline in the income level of the population became the main reasons for the inaccessibility of various drugs, the concept of "free medicine" has not taken on empty meaning.
The policy of the Russian state is aimed at removing obstacles to getting citizens of the country, regardless of their financial situation, the necessary treatment. The annex to the above decree was the address of pharmacies, in which the privileged groups of the population could receive the prescription drugs they needed.
Medicinal products, principles and schemes of which were revised by the Government in 2004, acquired the following characteristic features:
- Individualization of accounting for medicines provided in the form of state aid;
- A single level of prices, operating within the framework of the generally accepted list of medicines;
- The former disproportional drug provision in the regions of Russia was eliminated.
Amendments to some legislative acts in 2005 paid special attention to the need to prescribe at a more formal level a more precise mechanism for people to receive a "drug benefit". In addition, in the block of the above-mentioned amendments, it is envisaged to carry out adjustments with regard to the process of realizing state support to socially unprotected layers of the population.
Who has the right to provide assistance from the state?
To date, the program of providing medicines and medicines on a free basis to needy citizens is being actively implemented by the state.
- Persons with disabilities who are injured or sick as a result of WWII fighting;
- Participants in the direct battles of World War II;
- Veterans and servicemen who served in military educational institutions, military units, institutions in the period from 1941 to 1945;
- Persons who have a breastplate order to the "Resident of Leningrad besieged";
- Workers of air defense facilities and local air defense during the Great Patriotic War;
- Persons involved in the work and construction of defensive structures, bases of the navy, airfield, etc .;
- Members of the family of deceased war invalids, veterans of the Second World War and veterans;
- Disabled persons and disabled children of 1, 2 groups;
- Participants in rescue operations in the zone of the Chernobyl and Semipalatinsk radioactive destruction.
Social pharmacies: where can I get medicines?
To get preferential medicines, patients should come to a specialized pharmacy. The pharmacist-pharmacist will be able to provide the necessary preparation only in the case of a prescription, certified by the seal of the attending physician and the head physician of the medical institution. The prescription is issued on the forms intended for this, issued in accordance with the approved form.
In every Russian city, the pharmacy network that benefits the pre-tender is bringing the preferential drugs to the public. The tasks of the selected enterprise include storage, transportation and dispensing of medicines to needy citizens. Over the past few years, the process of obtaining the necessary medication by people has changed in a positive way. In place of endless "live" queues in many cities came a convenient registration system, operating in online mode.
The network of social pharmacies, which has passed the competition, is, as a rule, maximally adapted to accept visitors with disabilities. In many rooms ramps and special phone-buttons are installed to call the pharmacist. Most often, the halls in which citizens are accommodated are located on the ground floor in order to create maximum amenities. Addresses of pharmacies in a specific village, prescription drugs on a free basis or at a discount, can be found in the directory or on the official website of the city.
Who put free drugs: a list of beneficiaries and patients
Guarantees for the provision of social assistance in the form of benefits for receiving medicines are exercised by state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with the territorial federal program. As already mentioned, funds for unprotected people are released, based on lists of groups of categories of citizens and individual diseases. For outpatient therapy, drugs are prescribed for free, and in some cases 50% discount for people. Free medicines are given to such people as:
- Heroes of the USSR, Heroes of the Russian Federation and gentlemen of the Order of Glory;
- Prisoners of the camps during the Second World War, prisoners of the ghetto and victims of fascist actions;
- Children under 3 years and children under 6 from large families;
- Disabled persons 1, 2 non-working groups, children with disabilities.
Patients suffering from certain ailments are also entitled to free medicines.
- Childhood diseases of the central nervous system, cerebral palsy;
- Phenylketonuria and hepatocerebral dystrophy;
- Cystic fibrosis (in children);
- Acute porphyria;
- AIDS, HIV infection;
- Malignant formations.
Medicines received at a discount
Preferential drugs with a 50% discount most often throughout the state receive separate groups of people, among them:
- Pensioners. People of the older age group who receive the minimum cash allowance to reach the retirement age, disability, and also in case of loss of the bread-winner.
- Invalids of 2 groups, continuing to work, and 3 groups in the absence of official employment and the properly established procedure for its confirmation.
- People who experienced political repression, imprisoned in places of imprisonment for political reasons, underwent unreasonable forced treatment in psychiatric hospitals, etc.
Separately, free medicines for people with diseases belonging to special categories of pathologies are released. Such are hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Gaucher's disease, pituitary nanism, multiple sclerosis, blood cancer. In specific drug supply, patients need also after transplantation of separate organs and tissues. The funds for the implementation of such a program, approved at the legislative level, are provided for by subsidized intergovernmental transfers.
Money instead of medicine: is it possible?
Free medicines are optional benefits. The law of Russia today provides for the right of citizens who have grounds for receiving social medicines to refuse the drugs they are supposed to. In addition, instead of a package of medicines a person can receive monetary compensation. To do this, it is necessary to apply with appropriate statement to the social protection bodies of the population, confirming the desire to refuse to receive benefits in a natural way.
The period for the provision of social services to citizens from the category requiring free or reduced-price medication is a calendar year. At the initial appeal for the provision of medicines, it is necessary to present the medical policy of CHI, SNILS (citizens in the Federal Register) and a free prescription. The discharge of medicinal products is carried out by the doctor immediately after the examination of the patient.
How do they prescribe preferential medicines?
Among specialists who can prescribe the use of drugs classified as preferential, at the legislative level are noted:
- District therapist;
- District pediatrician;
- Family doctor (specialist in general practice);
- Paramedic.
Specialists of a narrow profile can prescribe prescriptions for obtaining preferential medicines in accordance with the approved list of basic diseases. In some "non-standard" cases, the prescription of medicines is made by the attending physician in consultation with a specialized specialist.
The number of drugs on a preferential basis, as a rule, corresponds to the required volume of medicines for the passage of a full course of therapy. If you need long-term treatment and, accordingly, the use of more medicines by the decision of a special commission, the discharge of medicines can be prescribed for no more than 2 months. Exceptions are drugs and medical products subject to regular subject-quantitative accounting.
In cases where the course of treatment coincides with the time of the patient's stay in the sanatorium, the attending doctor is required to write prescriptions for medicines to the extent that will be sufficient for the entire period of stay in the medical and preventive institution. As a rule, we are talking about the therapy of chronic pathologies that have a long protracted course.
A doctor or an ambulance should familiarize with the right to receive preferential medicines of a person belonging to a privileged category. Medicinal provision for everyone who is in desperate need of this is one of the important tasks of a modern socially developed state.
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