Health, Medicine
Sergei Bubnovsky: biography, books. Exercises of Sergei Bubnovsky
Doctor Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich is the creator of a unique way of treating pathologies that occur in the locomotor apparatus. His technique allows you to restore the ability to work and remove pain.
In the city of Surgut in the spring of 1955, a future doctor and professor of medical sciences Sergei Bubnovsky was born. Biography of this amazing person is very interesting to those who today is his patient. It all started in the army years. The driver of the car, in which the soldiers were traveling, fell asleep at the wheel. In this accident many were injured, including Sergei Bubnovsky. From this moment his biography changed radically. The result of the accident was the state of clinical death. After the doctors came out young man and Sergei Bubnovsky came to himself, he realized that not hurt in the accident was only his left leg.
Medical education
For many years, Sergei Bubnovsky could only move with crutches. With them, he came to take exams at a medical institute. Becoming a student, the young man carefully studied the theory, using in addition to lectures various specialized literature. Received knowledge Sergei Bubnovsky practiced on himself. This gave him the opportunity to select the most effective methods for recovery.
Not leaving the crutches, Sergei Mikhailovich was able to graduate from two higher educational institutions: in 1978 - Mopi them. Krupskaya, and in 1985 - the MMSI.
Beginning of medical practice
The first work of Bubnovsky was in Kashchenko. There, his patients were mentally unbalanced people. Further, Sergei Mikhailovich becomes the chief physician of the psycho-neurological boarding school. After that, Bubnovsky got a job as a medic in the Russian national team in skiing. All the knowledge obtained over the years of medical practice helped the doctor to develop the technique, which was the basis of kinesitherapy.
Principle of alternative recovery method
Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky before the beginning of classes is trying to convey to his patient that the bones of a man do not hurt. Unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations arise in the muscles adjacent to them. This adjusts the patient to a certain mode of operation. The patient is taught how to make the muscles function normally. Thus, the main concept of Bubnovsky's method is concluded in a combination of physical fitness and health-improving exercises and medical and consulting help to the patient. These two components merge into a single system. Its implementation is an effective method, allowing to treat the organs of movement and to prevent their pathologies.
An alternative way to get rid of ailments adheres to the basic postulate of kinesitherapy, which states that the treatment of pain occurs with the correct movements of the recovering person. And for the patients to understand and properly perform this technique, Sergei Bubnovsky wrote the book. In them the author gives answers to all questions of interest to readers.
Wellness centers
The principles of the unique system are realized in practice. To get help, the patient needs to contact the Center of Sergei Bubnovsky, located near his residence. There are many such institutions in Russia. For example, in 2013 there were 79 of them.
All centers operate according to the same scheme. Initially, the patient, by appointment, should get an appointment with a doctor, who will conduct a facial diagnosis of the patient. This is a procedure for assessing the condition of the joints of a person and the motor function of his muscles. After the examination, the doctor completes the medical history and draws up an individual recovery card for the patient. This document is very important. During the course of treatment, the recovery card is constantly edited. This allows you to monitor the state of human health .
In the centers that Sergei Bubnovsky created, books on a new alternative method, written by a professor of medicine, can be purchased by everyone.
What is used for treatment?
An effective technique helps to eliminate the pain and return pain. And it becomes possible thanks to individually developed for each patient exercises, which are worked out on the multifunctional simulators Bubnovsky. These sports shells help a person move faster along the path of their recovery. Rehabilitation devices provide anti-gravity and decompression effects. This eliminates the axial pressure on the joints and spine.
Kinesitherapy is carried out with the use of hydrothermal and cryotherapy. The first of these two terms implies the use of hydromassage and the thermal effect of water on the human body. Cryotherapy is a cold treatment. The use of these two techniques can improve tissue thermoregulation and eliminate pain in affected areas.
Wellness gymnastics
In order to save the body from the pathology of motion systems, there are special exercises, authored by Sergei Bubnovsky. Gymnastics for beginners includes the simplest of them. Beginners should understand that not all will be immediately obtained. But do not despair. Perseverance and the desire to achieve this goal will lead you to success.
The first of the exercises for beginners is push-up from the floor. It allows you to work the belt of the upper limbs. The purpose of this exercise is to restore blood circulation in the vertebral arteries, eliminate headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, fatigue and depression. This increases muscle mass of the shoulder girdle.
To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and number of performed movements. To begin gymnastics it is necessary lying on the floor, putting hands with palms down at the level of the chest. The legs must be brought together and stretched. On the rise it is important not to bend your back and look only forward. This makes an exhalation with the sound "ha". Then the arms bend, and the trunk descends. This is done on inhalation. Few people can start this exercise with a lightweight version, with the support of the knees. The number of presses should be from five to ten.
The next step in this exercise is performing a cleansing breath. For this, patients kneel down on their heels and thrust their hands three times on inspiration and lower them down on exhalation with the sound "ha". Simultaneously with the hands should be raised on his knees, and then sink to the heels.
Gymnastics Sergei Bubnovsky includes an exercise that develops the muscles of the abdominal press. This allows to improve the work of the gallbladder and eliminate the likelihood of its pathologies, as well as to activate intestinal peristalsis. This exercise also normalizes blood circulation in the thoracic and cervical spine due to the maximum contraction and stretching of the intervertebral muscles.
Motions start from the supine position on the back with legs slightly bent at the knees. The hands should be stretched along the head and pressed against it. The chin in its original position is on the chest. It should be borne in mind that in this way the head should be fixed in relation to the spine throughout the entire exercise.
Exhaling, the patient should tear the scapula off the floor. You need to raise your hands as a continuation of the trunk. All movements should be performed with the maximum amplitude. The sound "ha" is pronounced at the upper point of tension. Thus it is necessary to press the belly.
These exercises by Sergei Bubnovsky are performed either 20-30 seconds, or in an amount of 5-10 repetitions. An indispensable condition for them is an empty stomach. And if before the beginning of classes to drink a glass of tea or water, you can wash the intestines. The rumbling of the abdomen will testify to this process.
Another exercise Bubnovsky for beginners developed by the author to strengthen the muscles of the back of the thigh and back. It should be started from the position lying on the stomach and with arms slightly bent and bent along the body. Hands at the same time at the level of the waist should rest on the floor, and the head - look forward. On exhalation, the sound of "ha" is pronounced and twenty marks are first made by one straight leg, and then the other. Then they are picked up both at the same time. The number of times in this case will be limited by the capabilities of the patient.
The author recommends the following scheme for testing the three exercises described above:
- Monday - squeezed;
- Tuesday - working out the muscles of the abdominal press;
- Wednesday - an exercise for the back surface of the trunk.
The duration of such gymnastics should not be less than 20 minutes. After classes Bubnovsky recommends the conduct of water procedures. It can be a contrast or a cold shower, a sauna, a pool or rubbing with a wet towel.
At what pathologies is used an alternative technique?
What are the main causes of diseases of the spine? These include:
- congenital ailments;
- systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteomyelitis, Bechterew's disease, tuberculosis and tumors;
- dystrophic degenerative diseases (spinal hernia and osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis and osteoarthritis, as well as stenosis of the spinal canal).
The effectiveness of the use of simulators
Bubnovsky's method is very effective. And the proof is the author himself. The doctor, moving with the implanted hip joint, tests each of the simulators on himself, and then offers them to people. These rehabilitation sports equipment are capable of:
- eliminate pain in the back, the cause of which - muscle spasms;
- restore the flexibility of the spine and the mobility of its joints;
- stop the spread of scoliosis and hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and many other pathologies;
- restore the body after surgery for the removal of the intervertebral hernia.
At the initial stage of treatment, adaptive gymnastics is performed. It is designed to rehabilitate patients and allows you to eliminate pain. At the next stage, Sergei Bubnovsky offers joints. At the same time mobility returns to them, and the spine acquires the ability to withstand significant loads.
It is not worthwhile to cover the entire course at once for beginners. A person during the day must perform exercises in an accessible volume for him. Only gradually the load can be increased.
It is worth bearing in mind that all of Bubnovsky's exercises are safe. In doing so, they restore the properties of muscle tissue, such as elasticity, contractility and trophic function. In addition, as a result of this exercise, self-regulation of articular cartilage and intervertebral disc occurs. And it happens without the surgeon's intervention.
Bubnovsky's method helps many. However, the exercises developed by Sergei Mikhailovich include various power elements. In this regard, Bubnovsky's method should not be used:
- in the early postoperative period;
- with ruptures of tendons and ligaments;
- in case of detection of oncology;
- people in the pre-sulphonic or pre-infarcted state.
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