
Topographical anatomy.

Modern medicine is very informative and requires a huge amount of knowledge from medical professionals, not only fundamental disciplines, but also narrow areas, since they are all very closely related. However, the basic (basic) disciplines still have the greatest importance. Among the most significant subjects of medicine is to allocate anatomy, physiology and topographic anatomy. Following are such sciences as pathological anatomy, physiology and others. The listed disciplines are the main ones, since the knowledge obtained in their study is common to all other disciplines and is necessary for understanding the essence of the processes occurring in the body.

Topographic anatomy - a scientific discipline, dealing with the study of the location of tissues, organs and systems of man. Unlike ordinary anatomy, this discipline also studies the topography (arrangement) of organs.

Basic directions for studying:

- topography (location) of organs and tissues of the human body;

- study of the course of nerves and vessels;

- study of the interposition of organs (neighborhood, diligence).

This scientific discipline studies various areas of the human body. For example, the topographic anatomy of the neck examines the location of the muscles and fascia of the neck, the course of the vessels and their location relative to other formations. All tissues and organs of the given area are investigated with respect to mutual arrangement.

Why do we need topographic anatomy?

First of all, this scientific discipline and information on it are necessary in surgical practice. Knowledge of this section of anatomy allows a specialist to properly represent the location of internal organs and body systems without direct visual observation. Such knowledge helps to analyze and compare the normal and pathological conditions. When carrying out any operation, it is necessary to know the topography of organs, tissues and other body formations. What can we say about operations with minimal access (such as laparoscopy), when visual contact is minimized. It is not so easy to distinguish a particular organ on the monitor screen, and it is the notions of its location that help you navigate in similar situations.

Thus, topographic anatomy not only allows the representation of the relative position and balance of organs and tissues, but also helps in carrying out all sorts of diagnostic manipulations, therapeutic and preventive manipulations. Knowledge of anatomy and its topographical division allows the doctor to successfully navigate in virtually any direction of medicine.

That is why topographic anatomy is so closely studied by students of medical universities. Based on the results of the study of this discipline, the state examination of topographic anatomy is conducted.

Is knowledge of this discipline necessary for doctors of other specialties?

Take for example the therapeutic specialty. When a person seeks help from a therapist with complaints of pain in the abdomen, chest or any other parts of the human body. First of all, in order to properly diagnose, it is necessary to represent the location of internal organs and neighboring formations. Understanding and presenting possible pathologies located in the place of localization of organ pain, a competent doctor can always diagnose a clinical picture.

Thus, topographic anatomy and surgical surgery, as you have already noticed, are links of one chain at the stage of helping the patient. It is knowledge on these disciplines that promote competent and qualified medical care to the patient.

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