
How to remove scars from acne?

Acne is a problem that, in one way or another, every person encounters, albeit under different circumstances, at different ages and, naturally, in different volumes. However, it is quite easy to find information on how to deal with acne . But only a few people use it, they are often squeezed out more often, and after that, stains, scars, scars always remain. But to fight with them is much more difficult, and information is less. Of course, unpleasant neoplasms can be hidden, if they are located on the body, and what to do with those that are on the face?

It's easy to understand that it's better to avoid such problems as scars from acne, than to treat it later. However, you can still get rid of them. And there are both cosmetology and folk remedies, the choice entirely depends on the specific situation. With not too neglected scars can be handled at home, in more complex cases without a dermatologist can not do.

First of all, it is important to remember that in the process of treatment the skin often loses a large number of necessary substances and is thinned, therefore it is better to perform medical procedures in winter, because in the spring the skin suffers from a deficiency of vitamins. In this period, she does not need additional workloads.

How to remove scars from acne on the face? By means of various masks. Including on the basis of white or green clay. Better, of course, from green, it is more effective. Half a tablespoon of green clay is mixed with water until a uniform mass is formed, then several drops of rosemary essential oil are added to this mixture. Apply this mask is necessary only for scars from acne. Keep it on the face for not more than 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water, and apply a moisturizing cream to the skin.

White clay is also mixed with water, then about 20 g of lemon juice is added to the mixture. Apply mass also only to problem areas of the skin and hold for 15 minutes. Moisturizing cream is also mandatory, as in the previous version.

Essential oils can be used on their own, and not as part of masks. Most suit, again, rosemary, lavender, tea tree oil and avocado. They are bred with water, in this mixture they moisten a cotton swab and wipe their face. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

They help to remove scars on the face and various infusions and decoctions. For example, a frozen broth of parsley. Ready-made broth is cooled, poured into molds and frozen. Cubes need to wipe the skin twice a day.

Given that many components of folk remedies may be allergens, they must be used with caution, perhaps after consulting a dermatologist. Do not avoid such a consultation and in particularly neglected cases. Then, perhaps, on their own can not cope, and will have to resort to cosmetic procedures.

Acne scars help remove chemical peeling. The method is quite economical and relatively simple. The essence of the method is that the upper layer of the epidermis, consisting mainly of dead and damaged cells, peels off. Use for this variety of fruit acids. Most often - glycolic. For a sustainable result, you need a course treatment.

Ultrasonic peeling is another way to remove scars from acne. This procedure simultaneously cleanses the pores, removes dead cells and provides micromassage of the skin. Such an integrated approach helps not only to get rid of scars, but also to smooth wrinkles.

Another option is laser facial cleansing. This is already heavy artillery. The skin is cleared completely of the scars, and new, as a rule, no longer form. However, the cost of this procedure is very significant, so they rarely resort to it.

Some of these methods have contraindications. In particular, not all of them can be used for problems with blood vessels, and various skin diseases must be cured before cleaning the scars. And it's best to start taking care of your skin before, when scarring is not present.

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