
Algorithm for emergency care in anaphylactic shock before the arrival of doctors

Everyone should know how to help with anaphylactic shock, the algorithm of which is repeated in most cases. Anaphylactic shock is one of the most severe manifestations of an allergic reaction. Emerging rapidly, it leads to acute impairment of blood circulation. Sharply drops blood pressure. The work of the heart is depressed, respiratory function is disrupted. There is a lack of oxygen supply to vital organs. First of all, the brain and heart. Such a condition of the victim is called urgent, that is, life threatening.

Therefore, help with anaphylactic shock, the algorithm of which everyone should know, must be done immediately!

The cause of anaphylactic shock

Anaphylaxis occurs almost immediately after contact with a substance to which the victim already has intolerance. In other words, there has already been contact with this or similar in structure matter. And the immune system of this person can recognize it.

Usually eyewitnesses see the moment of direct human contact with the allergen. They can clearly indicate the doctors who came to the call, which preceded the reaction. Thus, rendering assistance with anaphylactic shock is most effective. This will help save the life and health of the victim.

Medical workers of any rank study the algorithm of emergency care for anaphylactic shock without fail. They should know it, regardless of their specialization (therapist, surgeon, dentist, etc.) and the category of medical school they graduated from (college, college, etc.).

But in a situation where the victim needs help, absolutely anyone can turn out. Even a teenager or a schoolboy. In order not to become confused in a critical situation, it is necessary to know the cause that can cause anaphylaxis, signs of shock and a clear sequence of actions. Take into account that anaphylactic shock is eliminated from acute care, the algorithm of which must be strictly observed.

Substances-allergens that can cause anaphylaxis

Substances that, when ingested into the body, may develop anaphylactic shock, are conventionally divided into four large groups. These include medicines, food products, poison stinging insects, household chemicals and hygiene products.

  • Medicines, regardless of the mode of administration (tablets, injections, inhalations, etc.), can cause a pronounced allergic reaction, up to anaphylaxis. These include, in the first place, antibacterial drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and a number of others. Here you can include dietary supplements.

  • Food products that most often cause anaphylactic shock are fish and other seafood (including vegetable), nuts, mushrooms, fruits. In principle, an allergic reaction can be to any food containing an animal or vegetable protein.
  • When a bite of insects in the body also get substances of protein nature - poisons. Some of them have very high toxicity, which, along with an allergic reaction of an immediate type, can have a negative effect on other systems (nervous, respiratory, muscle). This can further aggravate the condition of the victim. Then medical care for anaphylactic shock should be accompanied by the introduction of antidotes to toxins.
  • The means of household chemicals and hygiene that surround us are of no lesser danger. Many detergents, cleaning and other auxiliary compositions contain biologically or surfactants (BAS and PAHs). They can cause a shock. Hygiene products (household or medical gloves), as well as contraception (condoms, vaginal diaphragms) contain latex, which can also cause anaphylaxis. Moreover, the latter even indirectly, from a partner.

If you report that the victim has been in contact with one of these funds before the onset of an attack, help with anaphylactic shock and its algorithm will be much more effective.

The rate of development of anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is a very insidious condition. Its signs can appear in a few seconds or minutes, and a few hours after contact with the allergen. This directly depends on the nature of the substance that causes anaphylaxis, the way it enters the body and the level of sensitization of the human immune system that is sensitive to this substance.

Of no less importance is the amount of the allergen that has got into the body and the reactivity of the immune system. With an evolving reaction, these two factors determine how severe anaphylactic shock will be.

Light form

It can manifest itself in dizziness, a sensation of heat, weakness. There may be a noise in your ears. Afflicted in consciousness, but can be disoriented. He can be troubled by a sense of fear. When measuring blood pressure, the figures are somewhat lower than the usual "working" values for a given person.

Average degree

Characterized by more severe symptoms. At the same time confusion is determined. The victim is inhibited, disoriented. But when you contact, it retains the ability for completely intelligible answers. The level of blood pressure is reduced by one-third or more from the "worker".

Heavy current

With this form of anaphylactic shock, the victim's consciousness is lost. Skin pale, covered with sweat, is determined by cyanosis (cyanosis) above the upper lip. The indication of the tonometer is either minimal or absent altogether. Palpitation is quiet, slow. Breathing is difficult to determine.

If those who are close to the victim know these signs, then pre-medical care can be provided for anaphylactic shock in full. And this will save a person's life and preserve his health.

Atypical course of anaphylaxis

Approximately about a third of all cases of anaphylaxis go through the stage of "imaginary well-being". This is manifested by a significant improvement in the general state after a mild or moderate degree of reaction. In the absence of proper therapy, a few hours and up to a day, there may be a sharp deterioration. This can lead to very sad consequences. Therefore, only having clearly implemented the entire algorithm of emergency care in anaphylactic shock, you can not be afraid to skip this option.


If the victim in consciousness and something ate or drank, you can try to induce vomiting. If the attack occurred in response to the effects of household chemicals, you should remove (deliver) the victim from the premises, ensuring the influx of fresh air. If you bite an insect, if the stinger remains in the skin, do not try to pull it out - there is a risk of crushing a capsule with poison in it.

It is better to apply a tourniquet above the injury site to a limb, and apply cold to the place. Cold can also be used when biting into other parts of the body.

Anaphylactic shock. Clinic. Urgent care

So, what do you need to know? If anaphylactic shock is suspected in the person listed above, the first aid, the algorithm of which is represented by a clear sequence of actions, begins with the immediate elimination of the allergen action.

Next, dial the number "ambulance". For stationary devices, the number of the first aid service is still actual - 03. When calling from a mobile phone, the number may differ depending on the telecom operator. It is advisable to specify the emergency services numbers in the help desk of the network and insert them into the phone's memory into "hot keys".

Already quite a long time and successfully in the territory of Russia operates a single rescue center. The call number 112 is available to any operator's subscriber and with a negative account balance.

The next action, carried out simultaneously with the call, is an assessment of the severity of the condition of the victim and a determination whether this condition can be an anaphylactic shock or not. If the answer is affirmative, then the actions continue, as prescribed by the algorithm for providing emergency care for anaphylactic shock.

Assess the consciousness of the victim - can you answer the questions: what is complaining about and what happened (what is the reason for this condition). For mild and moderate severity, the victim usually can clearly name the cause.

Further, it is estimated how free breathing is. To ensure better patency of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary for the victim to unfasten the collar (loosen the tie), remove the scarf, etc. If there is a loss of consciousness, sometimes there is a tongue twisting. This mechanical obstacle to the air current can be eliminated by pulling the lower jaw, grabbing its corners with one hand, forward.

What can help the operators of emergency and emergency services or MES

Having made the call and calling the brigade "ambulance", the person rendering the help will not feel lonely before the arisen problem. This will already know and the doctors, hurrying to the rescue, and the dispatcher of the ambulance service or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. While waiting for the brigade, the dispatcher will help the helping person to calm down, concentrate and describe the state of the victim.

Each dispatcher in working papers must have a reminder "How to recognize an anaphylactic shock? Emergency assistance, the algorithm for its provision. " On it, the dispatcher will monitor the correctness of actions, prompting for changes in the state. In extreme cases, with severe form of anaphylactic shock, will tell the technique of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It controls the correctness of its execution.

Baby features of anaphylaxis

In children, anaphylactic shock, emergency care, the algorithm of its delivery have a number of differences. In the child's body, the relative content of the liquid is greater, the fiber is more friable, the mechanisms of self-regulation are not yet fully matured. All this leads to a more rapid development of edema.

In addition, children are very frightened of this state. This, in turn, increases the concentration of stress hormones in the blood, which narrow the already contracted airways and blood vessels. Accordingly, helping children with anaphylactic shock differ from helping adults. The child must be reassured before the arrival of doctors for partial recovery, normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Clinical manifestations in children in shock and first aid

Usually it is not difficult to recognize anaphylactic shock in children. First aid to children is also not difficult. The child pales skin, a cold sweat appears , a frequent pulse of weak filling and tension is felt .

This is explained simply. In a state of shock, blood circulation is centralized, in which blood is redistributed to more important organs - the brain, heart, lung, kidneys. This is a kind of "quartet of life support", which is designed to keep a person in consciousness and prevent the body from perishing.

The principles of first aid for children are reduced to three simple rules: correctly put, warm and calm. Children do not inherently have a severe course of anaphylaxis, because they are conscious, although they are slightly inhibited.

It is necessary to give the baby a position with raised legs, so that the blood flows more to the chest and brain. This will ensure sufficient blood supply to the vessels of the brain, heart and lungs. This will contribute to an almost optimal blood flow and prevent such serious complications as damage to the cells of the tissues of organs with oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), the formation of thrombi in the lumens of blood vessels.

It should also be noted that there is often a sharp drop in blood pressure that accompanies anaphylactic shock. The algorithm of rendering assistance in this case prescribes the preservation of peripheral access. This means that with developing anaphylaxis from an average degree and higher, peripheral veins fall off, and then it is problematic for physicians to perform infusion in them. Overlapping the shoulder with a slight tension, the tourniquet will prevent the descending of the veins, and putting the dropper will be much easier.

The child is covered in shock with a cold sweat. This results in a large loss of heat. The crumb should be sheltered, creating a comfortable temperature for him. Maintaining the optimal temperature of the skin will ensure normal movement of fluid from the bloodstream into the interstitial medium and back. This, in turn, reduces puffiness both general and local.

You can not leave a child alone! The frightened kid is already stressed, and with difficulty breathing and in an incomprehensible situation for him, he will further aggravate his condition.

With any manifestation of at least one of the signs, you should immediately call an ambulance. Absolute indication for hospitalization is diagnosed by a doctor "fast" anaphylactic shock. Emergency care for children, started on a call, continues in the intensive care unit. This is necessary for dynamic observation and adequate therapy. Especially the possibility of an atypical course of anaphylaxis is taken into account.

An acute emerging condition, in which there is a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the victim, often causes panic in people near the victim. This prescribes to add one more item to the algorithm of emergency care for anaphylactic shock. It is necessary to calm down, restore breathing and calculate, and calculate accurately, the salvation of a person who is in trouble.

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