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Viktor F. Bokov: biography of the poet

It's hard to find a person who did not hear songs about the Orenburg down cloth, about the Mamayev Kurgan, about the sailor who is on vacation ... All of them are written on the poems of the talented, truly Russian soul of the poet Viktor Fedorovich Bokov. For his 95 years he has experienced much, but has not lost interest and love for his native people and language.

Childhood: brief biography

Viktor Fedorovich Bokov was born in 1914 in a peasant family in the Moscow region. His childhood was spent in the village of Yazvitsy (now it is the Sergiev Posad district). Here the love for Russian folklore originated in the boy's soul.

Victor Fyodorovich Bokov, whose biography is firmly connected with folk art, recalled how all his childhood heard a merry play on a balalaika and accordion, emotional lyrical songs, saw a real Russian dance. The mother of the poet possessed a beautiful voice with a high soprano. And her speech amazed with its imagery and expressiveness even of such writers as Fadeyev and Sholokhov. Bokov's children's interest in popular speech grew into a passionate passion, preserved for life.

"I love the Russian song, I love the Russian land so much that there is no more word!", The poet admitted. Already becoming an adult, he emanates many villages in central Russia and will obtain excellent folklore material. That's why all the poems of Viktor Fedorovich literally permeated with a living Russian word.


The future poet studied first in the factory school of the 1st degree, then in the seven-year-old town of Zagorsk. In the same place in 1931 he was accepted into the pedagogical technical school. From this time begins the biography of Victor Bokov as a poet. During his studies at the technical school, the young man participated in the work of a literary association under the newspaper Vpered, where he met M. Prishvin and A. Kozhevnikov. They advised the boy to enter the Moscow Literary Institute. And classmates of Bokova (in 1934-1938) were K. Simonov, O. Vysotskaya, M. Matusovskiy. At the end of the school, as Viktor Bokov's biography suggests, he was a consultant in the All-Union House of Folk Art.

The beginning of literary activity

The first poem the novice poet published in October 1930 in the newspaper Vpered. And after five years of his works began to appear regularly in "Kolkhoznye guys" and "Friendly guys". In addition, Viktor Fedorovich participated in folklore expeditions, the result of which were publications in magazines, which evoked a lively response from readers. Creativity of the young man was appreciated already recognized figures of literature M. Bulgakov, A. Platonov, V. Kataev. They also supported his candidacy in the Union of Writers of the USSR, where he was received in 1941 by Viktor Fyodorovich Bokov.

The biography of the poet in the forties was not very successful.

War and repression

In 1942, the poet went to the front. However, L. Leonov's parting words ("You've been given a lot") did not come true. Only 4 months old Viktor Fokorovich Bokov served. His biography abruptly changed in August 1942. The poet was arrested on the then famous 58th article. The tribunal of the Novosibirsk garrison in March next year condemned Bokov for "talking" for five years, which he held in SibLag. And since 1947, having freed himself, ten more years have been hanging on the links.

Creative heritage

In the 1950s Viktor Viktorovich Bokov, whose biography is given in the article, begins to actively engage in literary activity. First, as a result of the collection of folklore, "Russian chastushka" appears. Then, in 1958, the first collections of poems "Zastrugi" and "Yar-Hop." In the following decades, several more books by the poet are published, including Alevtina, Three Herbs, The Bow of Russia, Day by Day, My Love Russia, and others. In the 1990's, the preface to the books of V. Zamyatin, A. Bobrov, "Chastushkas of the Motherland of Shukshin", etc.

Left Viktor Viktorovich Bokov, whose biography is rich in acquaintances with outstanding people, amazing memories of M. Tsvetaeva - in 1941 he accompanied her to Yelabuga; About M. Prishvin, who was almost the first to discern in the country boy an original poet; About Boris Pasternak, who in 1953 appealed to the Writers' Union with a request to give his turn to the publication of the book to Viktor Fyodorovich; About A. Platonov - their long years were associated with warm friendly relations. The processing of works by poets of different nations is another area of literature that Viktor Fyodorovich Bokov was engaged in.

Biography of the songwriter

However, most of the residents of our country Viktor Fedorovich is familiar with the repertoire of L. Zykina. In the creative alliance with Soloviev-Sed, Averkin, Ponomarenko and other composers, about 150 songs were written. "Mamaev Kurgan" and "Snow of gray hair", "I'll call you a baby girl" and "Oh, snow, snowball ...", "Go out to the fields ..." and "Go on vacation ..." ... But, perhaps, it was the "Orenburg downy shawl" that acquired the largest Fame.

The song was born literally in one day in 1958. The poet was invited to the Orenburg region specifically to prepare the repertoire of the Russian folk choir that was being created. As a result of trips on the edge, V. Bokov and G. Ponomarenko wrote several songs. But the poet thought everything was missing. And just before he left, he saw a local landmark - an amazingly light and warm handkerchief from goat's down. Viktor Fedorovich immediately sent a parcel with a gift to his mother and, without leaving his post, wrote down the words. On the same day, during the rehearsal, music was selected on the accordion. In general, according to the memoirs of the poet's granddaughter Viktor Bokov (the biography and the creative heritage confirm this) he wrote always and everywhere. He could not live a day without writing something new.

And Viktor Fedorovich fervently performed ditties and knew them no less than a thousand. He is also called the initiator of the creation of the television program "Play, accordion".

Awards and recognition

A brief biography of Victor Bokov makes it clear how talented and soulful he was. The poet died in 2009 at the age of 95 years. For his work for the benefit of the Motherland and the people, he was awarded the medal "For Courage and Love for the Fatherland", seven orders, including "For Services to the Fatherland". Viktor Fedorovich holds the title of a member of the Writers 'Union of the USSR, the Presidium of the Writers' Organization of Russia, the Academy of Security, Defense and Law and Order. He is an honorary citizen of Sergiev Posad. Received the prize of Lomonosov, Tvardovsky, Fatyanov, Rozhdestvensky.

However, the main award - the State Prize - he was never given. Whether because of the origin - from lapotniki, or because of the camps, but every time there was a good reason to give it to someone else. It's a shame. Although, perhaps, a great veneration for the poet is the love and recognition of numerous admirers.

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