EducationThe science

Natural radioactivity

Natural radioactivity is present in our life everywhere, it is part of the human habitat. This phenomenon was discovered in 1896 by a French scientist named A. Becquerel, who discovered the source of natural radioactivity quite by accident during an experiment to study the effect on a photographic plate that was wrapped in black paper that fluoresces zinc sulphide.

What is natural radioactivity? This transformation of the atomic nuclei of one chemical element into the nuclei of the atoms of another element. This process is always accompanied by radioactive radiation. A great contribution to the study of this issue was made by the eminent physicist Maria Sklodowska-Curie. It was in 1898 that she discovered elements of radium and polonium.

Scientists-physicists have proved that natural radioactivity is not subject to changes under the influence of external conditions. It can be of two types: proton, and also two-proton.

Natural radioactivity includes several components. These include: cosmic radiation, radioactive substances that are constantly in the ground, as well as a source of radiation that is in building materials, in food and water.

If we calculate as a percentage, then natural radioactivity can be represented as follows: 73% is due to the impact of natural radiation sources that are everywhere around us, 13% is created due to medical procedures (most significant in fluoroscopy), and 14% of radiation Falls on the rays from outer space.

Solar radiation has tremendous power, but the Earth is reliably protected by the atmosphere, however, the higher the distance from the surface of the Earth, the stronger the effect of cosmic radiation. Scientists observe a doubling of its action every 1000 meters. For example, when flying an aircraft, when it is gaining altitude of about 10,000 meters, the radiation level in the cabin exceeds the natural level by almost 10 times.

The outbreaks that periodically appear on the Sun are also the most powerful component of the "natural" radiation background. The following sources are particles that are part of building materials, waste from coal combustion, as well as phosphorus fertilizers.

How is the level of natural radioactivity on the planet distributed? Scientists have calculated that it fluctuates in the amount of 5 -20 micro-roentgen per hour. At the same time, humanity faces the question of how harmful such an indicator is for the vital activity of people inhabiting our planet.

On this issue, the scientists' statements are ambiguous. Some believe that the damage from radiation is insignificant, while others claim that it causes severe diseases and mutations, but it is clear that this issue requires more in-depth research.

People can not significantly influence the radioactive background, therefore it is necessary to protect themselves from the influence of those negative factors that exceed the permissible values.

Units of measurement of radioactivity:

  • 1 rem = 0.01 Sievert;
  • 1 mrem = 0.01 milli Sievert.

Cosmic radiation is equivalent to an annual dose of 30 mb (300 μSv), but, for example, at an altitude of about 10 km, the dose of irradiation will be 100 times greater. The level of radiation differs on different continents and in individual countries. In France, the United States and Japan, it is 30 to 60 millirem per year. The population of these prosperous countries receives 100-150 mb of radiation annually due to the available background. In Russia, this indicator averages 65 mrem / year.

The ways in which radioactive substances enter the body can be very diverse. The most common of them: through the lungs, with food, through the skin by absorption. Elevated radioactive background negatively affects the human body. Hazardous substances are evenly distributed throughout the body of the victim. If you take into account all sources of radionuclides, the annual dose for a person on average is 135 mrem.

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