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Does anyone know what a ghost looks like?

It turns out Casper is an evil ghost?

Contrary to our notion of ghosts, not all of them resemble one another. A semi-transparent figure of a man or woman floating in the dark is not their only image. By the way, a good cartoon cast Casper - this is a fiction writer! Remember, good ghosts do not happen! They all harm the person. Then they are evil spirit! There are very, very many ghosts. However, the most common type is a ghost. Now we will tell you what a ghost looks like.


These are the ghosts of real people who once lived on Earth. These people could be both famous persons, and not so. The habitats of such ghosts are old houses and castles. Once upon a time to have a family ghost in his castle or an old house was fashionable. Honor was not ghosts to all. They were killed and not avenged people. Their destiny - to wander all eternity in search of justice, complaining to all of their offenders, demonstrating their bloody mutilations and lacerations ... Also the ghosts themselves become murderers. In this case, they, tormented by their fear of paying off for their deed, are also trying to show everyone their bloody hands and the weapon of murder. The ghost of a person who has died in captivity or in confinement has an excellent opportunity, rattling his fetters and rusty chains, waking at night all the inhabitants of the castle. All ordinary ghosts do not represent a real threat to man. Scare you, of course, scare, but not to death!

What does the ghost of the mourning woman look like?

Pale, thin ghost of a female. Her hair was loose and gray. This ghost constantly cries, wails and groans. It occurs in Scotland, Great Britain, on the coasts of France, as well as in the Scandinavian countries. Meeting with him is extremely undesirable! There is a crying woman only in front of those people who from day to day will have to die ... Scary!


How does a ghost called Anka look like, you better learn only from our article, nothing more! It's French. It occurs in the north and west of France. It is a skeleton wrapped in a raincoat with long white hair. On his head a hood is thrown, and on his shoulder lies an sharply sharpened braid. His constant companion is a clattering cart driven by a horse's skeleton. This corpse is slow. He is blind. And indeed, where does the skeleton of the eye! He walks in search of living people. The French are very afraid of him.

The ghost of Anka is Death. The person who met this ghost, some power throws a few meters back, while it falls necessarily head down. The mouth of the victim is instantly filled with earth ... It is this land that will soon be thrown to the coffin of the poor fellows, because now he will live no more than two years ... They say that this is the ghost of Cain - the first person who committed the murder. Since then, he is doomed to eternal wandering ...

You will see yourself - die!

The premonition of death is to see your own double. It looks as if you are looking in the mirror, only your reflection is semi - transparent and dumb. Ghost twins are widely distributed throughout Europe and in Russia, India, China and Japan. This topic was disclosed in his books, not one writer. The ghost-twin spawned superstition - that's why many people still mirror the mirrors in the house of the deceased person. This is a measure of protection of the living mirror doubles from the already dead, because the reflection of the deceased, while still in the mirror, can lead to the reflection of a living person.

So now you have at least some idea of what a ghost looks like. Let us repeat that they are very diverse: some are meant to frighten us, and others are to portend death ... Bug! By the way, so far no one can capture a ghost! Photos on which he is present, this is either a special fake or the result of any glare and other technical overlays.

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