Home and family, Children
Kinds of children's activity in a kindergarten. The game as a leading activity
Visiting a preschool child by the child is an obligatory component of the all-round development of the personality of the future adult person. If parents can teach reading and writing at home, the socialization of the child is impossible without communicating with peers and performing tasks in the team. Kindergarten promotes the normal growth of the child, prepares him for adulthood.
Types of activity in accordance with Federal requirements
There are generally accepted requirements that all preschool institutions of the country should adhere to. Thus, the main types of children's activities in accordance with the FGT include the gaming component, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, music-artistic, productive, and reading.
Federal-state requirements are developed taking into account the regime moments in children in accordance with age. Based on this, the main types of children's activities need to be planned, taking into account the periods of sleep and wakefulness.
Playing activity in kindergarten
The game can rightly be called the main activity in preschool. Role games help the development of personality, active contribute to the rapid physical development of the child. Any training is much more productive if it is interesting for the baby. It is no coincidence that many educational programs are built in the form of a game.
Cognitive-research activity
No less important activity can be considered cognitive-research. This view is closely related to the game. After all, it is thanks to the latter that the child gets to know the surrounding world. Cognitive activity is of great importance in any childhood. Depending on the goals that the educator poses to the children, this activity may include experimentation, observation, excursion.
Communicative type of activity
The main task of the preschool institution is to prepare the child for the future adult life. A small person must acquire a lot of skills before he gets into the community. It is not only the ability to talk or use household items, but also to communicate with others.
Most children simply and easily find a common language with peers and adults alike. But in each child's preschool institution there is necessarily a group of closed kids, who are difficult to socialize. This behavior may be due to the nature of the character or parenting. Often confusion in the family leads to the fact that the child closes in himself and does not want to communicate with his comrades. The main types of children's activities are aimed at helping this baby. In the game form, the teacher helps him open up and establish contact with peers.
Labor activity in preschool
In order to exist in a full-fledged society, the child needs not only to learn how to communicate correctly, but also to serve himself. All kinds of child activities in the kindergarten help the children learn independence. They should be able to properly dress and keep kitchen appliances without the help of adults.
Economic and domestic work is also not in the last place. The child should be familiar with the activities of adults. Especially it concerns household tasks. Not only the educator teaches the kids a culture of everyday life, but also parents at home. Even in childhood preschool age, parents together with educators should teach the child the accuracy. All toddlers should clean toys and kitchen appliances. A preschooler is obliged to know that all things have their places.
The joint activity of an adult and a child also contributes to social development. The kid learns to solve some or other everyday tasks more quickly, and begins to understand the degree of his importance in society.
Productive activities
Classes in kindergarten can not be imagined without drawing, modeling and appliqués. All this is a productive activity that promotes mental development. In the classroom, children learn to express their thoughts, to show imagination. It is in the kindergarten that love for art can be laid, and parents usually at this time reveal the child's talent.
Praise is a very important moment of productive activity. In no event should the pre-school child be given errors. The educator can only direct the child, suggest how it would be optimal to solve a specific problem. It is not accidental that there is no rating system in preschool institutions. A child does not need to know that he is drawing or making an application worse than others.
The productive activities in the kindergarten help to acquaint the child with the surrounding nature, with the basic colors and forms. In addition, drawing and modeling contribute to the development of coordination of movements.
Musical and artistic activity
Musical types of children's activities in the kindergarten include singing, singing along, playing the instruments, as well as outdoor games with musical accompaniment. In these classes, the children develop creative abilities. Many children like classes with vocal improvisation. It is musical and artistic activity that is created for the preparation of children for performances. Children learn to feel great before a large audience.
Reading in kindergarten
Despite the fact that children begin to read only at school age, educators should teach this skill well before that. The child first of all must learn to listen and understand the work. A very important skill is the ability to handle a book. The kid should know that you can not tear the pages while viewing the illustrations.
In the middle group, the educator begins to introduce the children to the letters. First of all, children learn easily pronounced letters. These are simple vowels and consonants. Next, kids learn to put letters in syllables, and they - in words.
The activity of the child in the kindergarten must necessarily be associated with the learning of small poems. Classes of this kind contribute to mental development, trains the memory of the child. To study small stories and jokes parents can with children also at home.
Proper organization of leisure is also important
Teaching the basic skills of a child in a preschool institution comes first. But properly organized cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are also important. That children could usefully spend their free time in a group, there must be a competently organized space. Special attention should be paid to adults toys. Huge benefits have corresponding zones in the form of a living corner, kitchen or pharmacy. Special toys make children's role-playing games more saturated.
Conditions for the realization of activities of children in kindergarten also include theatrical events. Representations and tales help children to better consolidate the material they have covered. In addition, favorable conditions are created for the comprehensive development of the child within the walls of a preschool institution.
Nanny or kindergarten?
Today, more and more parents prefer to raise children at home. Meanwhile, it is in a preschool institution that a child can acquire skills in social and role behavior. Between children is established the experience of communication in a variety of forms. Even a negative experience that can not be obtained in the walls of your home, will go to the kid for good. And the game as a leading type of children's activities will promote the all-round development of the baby in the team.
Together with this has the advantages and upbringing of the child at home. A nanny with a pedagogical education will exert every effort to educate a particular child, taking into account the nature of his character. This will give an opportunity to bring up the best qualities in it.
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