
Emphysema of the lungs. Treatment depends on the causes of

If there is acute emphysema of the lungs, the treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused it. As a rule, a provoking factor is a violation of bronchial conductivity in combination with significant difficulties in exhalation. A similar condition often occurs with anaphylactic shock or asthma attack. Acute emphysema can develop as a result of exposure to poisonous substances. In rare cases, this phenomenon occurs against the background of severe forms of influenza and with multiple focal pneumonia.

What is emphysema?

In medicine, this term is called bloating in the respiratory organs due to excessive air in them. Emphysema can be general (cover completely light) and limited (occur in separate areas). With regard to localization, there is a distinction between vesicular and interstitial swelling. In the second case, the accumulation of excess air occurs in the interstitial lung tissue, and in the first case, the condition mainly affects the alveoli. Depending on the nature of the flow distinguish between acute and chronic swelling.

Chronic emphysema is considered one of the most common diseases. This condition is one of the provoking factors of the development of cardiopulmonary and pulmonary insufficiency. Emphysema is revealed in chronic form, usually in patients aged forty-fifty years and older. As a rule, men suffer from an ailment two to three times more often than women. This is due to the greater prevalence of bronchitis among the male population, the exposure to occupational factors, and the abuse of nicotine.

Experts identify bronchitis among the most popular causes of bloating. For the development of emphysema all the factors affecting the occurrence and progression of chronic bronchitis are important. Undoubtedly, special importance is its forms, which are accompanied by a disorder in bronchial conduction, the likelihood of bronchospasm. The whooping cough and measles are the reasons why at a young age there is emphysema of the lungs. Treatment performed in part or not in time with repeated focal pneumonia, also contributes to the development of the disease. With many other pulmonary diseases (pneumosclerosis, tuberculosis, dry or purulent pleurisy and others), bloating is a concomitant condition. When diagnosing emphysema, the value of the deformation of the chest and spine is also given. There is no evidence of a theory of the influence of hereditary factors on the development of bloating in the respiratory organs.

Emphysema. Treatment

Therapeutic measures with swelling in the respiratory organs are directed primarily to the underlying disease that provoked this condition.

With poor patency in the bronchi and a tendency to bronchospasm accompanied by emphysema, treatment is prescribed by various bronchodilators ("Ephedrine", "Euphilin" and others).

Effective are expectorating and thinning liquors. These include a solution of potassium iodide, the drug "Thermopsis", inhalation (steam and alkaline).

If infiltrate is detected in the tissue, infections that may be accompanied by emphysema, treatment is prescribed with antibiotics, sulfonamides.

It should be noted that the most effective antibiotics and bronchodilators in the form of aerosols, as well as with intrabronchial injection.

A great therapeutic value has also therapeutic exercise. Patients with pulmonary emphysema often have a type of upper thoracic breathing (when the inhalation rises the humerus completely). To eliminate this pathology a special set of exercises is used.

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