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Mod Tthaumcraft 4: Research Recipes

All people who have ever played in Maynkraft can confidently say that this is one of the best computer games in history. It provides an incredible freedom of action: you simply find yourself in the middle of a vast world, you have no specific task, except to study this world and survive in it. Each time it is generated in an absolutely random way, so each pass will be absolutely unique. But even in spite of a huge number of the most diverse ingredients, items and options for combining them to get more powerful things, an abundance of different locations and the most dangerous monsters, you can explore this game far and wide. Of course, there is a possibility of playing via the Internet - on a dedicated server with friends or strangers, but also there are modifications that diversify the game process - add a game goal, create different conditions and so on. "Taumkraft" is one of the most famous, successful, as well as extensive mods for "Maynkraft". This article will describe a specific version of Thaumcraft 4, the research recipes that are available in this version, so that you can navigate faster in all of this. If you do not know this modification at all, then first you should find out about what it is. So, what is the Thaumcraft 4 mod? Recipes of research that you can hold, remain for later.

The essence of the modification

While most of the modifications simply add objects, locations, creatures, set frames, set targets, and so on, in this case the whole world completely changes with the installation and activation of Thaumcraft 4. Research recipes completely overturn your view of the game, because in it Becomes much more depth. The fact is that every object in the world receives its energy of a particular aspect. You also have to study all the aspects existing in the world, and then collect the energy of concrete, in order to use the recipes, which will be described in more detail below. Thus, we can say that in the "Meincraft" appeared its magical world, which makes the project twice as fascinating and diverse. Such a resonance in the world of fans of this masterpiece of the computer game industry was created only by modification, which allowed not to be limited to the development of the sword and shovel, but to continue it to the space age. But now it is not a technological modification, but a fashion Thaumcraft 4. The research recipes will play a key role in this article.

Basic Information

It is in this, the first and the main section, that you can find all the information on Thaumcraft 4 - research recipes, aspects that you have already discovered, and so on. You can make it more efficient with the help of several recipes that will allow you to save energy while cooking ("Lean Magician"), always have an Aura Node "Aura's Node in the Bank") and much more, without which the knowledge of the world of "Taumkraft" will be Extremely complex and not so pleasant. But when you learn the necessary recipes for this section, you can move on to the next, much more specialized. Note that each recipe you need to select yourself, and if a successful combination of aspects, it will be recorded in your book, that is, henceforth you can use it at any time in the presence of the necessary number of aspects. In Thaumcraft 4.2, research recipes are really numerous and varied, so this function will become your true friend - without it every successful recipe would have to be written out on paper and memorized yourself.


In Thaumcraft 4, research recipes for scrolls, instruments, mixtures and so on are divided into classes so that you are not confused. As you already understood, the first class was basic, that is, much more general. As for Thaumaturgy, in this section you will find all the recipes that will allow you to create and improve magic wands, staffs and wands, adding to them various tips and knobs - there are recipes for "Golden Tips", "Rods made of silver wood" and even "Magic staffs." Having studied the necessary recipe, you can create the objects you need, so that your magical power is constantly growing. And if you already have the recipes of all the studies in Thaumcraft 4.1 and higher, then you can most effectively use the power of the aspects for your own good.


In Minecraft: Thaumcraft 4, research recipes can allow you to do very much - right up to the point that you can turn one material into another without much trouble. It is for this that this section answers. Naturally, this is not all - with the help of recipes from this section, you can more effectively extract aspects from various objects in the surrounding world, and also draw from them special essences that can be further used in alchemical experiments.


As for this section, here you will find recipes for a wide variety of magical constructions and mechanisms, special machines for magical crafting and much more. Here you can study the creation of the Points of Revelation, the Magic Ear, various Runic ornaments and so on. Here you can create a special Infernal oven, in which you can turn any item from ordinary to magical.


This section contains recipes that allow you to create and improve golems that will be your faithful assistants, regardless of whether you need to extract any materials or go kill the monsters. You can create Straw, Greasy and many other golems, supply them with a heart that will determine their destination in this world, and also produce equipment that maximizes the benefit of a particular golem.


This section is the last - and it was not present in the game until its latest version, in which it was added. It does not have any specific specific direction, like all the previous ones, but we can safely say that it is here that the most frightening and forbidden spells in the world of "Taumkraft" are contained. Using such recipes, you can create, for example, a metal of emptiness. This is a completely new material that you can use to create armor, weapons and tools. Please note that opening this section does not happen automatically - you need to achieve a certain indicator of Madness, which is also often called "warp" gamers. And this should be a full-time permanent madness, not a temporary or basic one, so if you want to access this section, you will have to try hard. But this is really worth it, since you will have access to the recipes for the Improved Repository of Essences, Checking Madness, as well as a large number of different elements made from a metal of emptiness, and to objects of singularity.

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