
Brown monthly. Causes.

Every woman is familiar with these or other menstrual failures. About such failures may indicate a scanty monthly brown color, which, however, is not always a pathology. In some cases, this condition is considered a physiological norm.

Everyone knows that menstruation or menstrual periods occur in women of reproductive age every month in the form of a bleeding, in case the pregnancy has occurred. A woman's uterus prepares monthly for the adoption of a fertilized egg. At the beginning of the cycle, the mucous layer of the inner surface of the uterus, called the endometrium, begins to expand and thicken, that is, all conditions for the development of the embryo are created. If conception does not occur, the thickened mucosa exfoliates and is excreted from the body in the form of menstrual bleeding. It also happens that the endometrium is not sufficiently formed for one reason or another, then the result will be - Instead of a monthly brown daub.

There are conditions in which brownish discharge, instead of monthly ones, can be considered a natural process that does not require physician intervention. This happens in girls during puberty with the appearance of menstruation, which are established for two years. And up to that point they can show up with scant brown secretions and have different intensity.

Another case where brown monthly Are the norm - this is the onset of menopause, when the reproductive system ceases to function. Termination of menstruation often occurs gradually. Monthly begins to come irregularly, and their appearance changes.

Brown menstruation can be considered the norm at the beginning of taking some hormonal contraceptives. Such discharge should stop after three to four months, otherwise you will have to go to a doctor to prescribe another remedy.

Brownish shades may appear at the beginning and at the end of the month during acclimatization when traveling to areas with a different climate.

Many reasons for the appearance of brown menstruation are very serious and require urgent medical attention.

Brown monthly appear with inflammation of female organs, for example, with endometrium. In this case, the discharge is characterized by an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by pain of the pulling character in the lower abdomen. With this disease, brownish discharge appears at the beginning and end of menstruation, and also in the middle of the cycle.

Brownish discharge that occurs when menstruation occurs can talk about endometriosis. At the end of the cycle, the selection turns pale and becomes less intense.

Another reason for brownish menstruation is a sharp decrease in weight, as a result of which menstruation may change or stop at all. This can happen with anorexia, stress, compliance with strict diets, too much physical exertion.

Brown menstruation may appear after surgical operations on female organs, with trauma or congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system.

A brown smear at a time when the men should come on time, arise during pregnancy. This indicates a detachment of the fetal egg and can result in miscarriage, so you need to see a doctor quickly.

Discharge of brownish color instead of monthly can signal about such serious pathology, as an ectopic pregnancy.

The cause of brown menstruation can be endocrine diseases of various origins, acute poisoning by chemicals, exposure to radiation.

Lean little-colored menstruation often happens in women, when she feeds the baby's breast.

In any case, even if the meager monthly symptoms are a harmless symptom, do not cause pain and do not cause a deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to help the doctor to exclude serious pathologies.

To identify the cause of the discharge and conduct appropriate treatment or correction, the patient is taken from a vagina smear, blood on hormones, conducts ultrasound, in some cases a biopsy of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

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