
Nasal Sinks: Diseases and Treatment

One of the places of accumulation of bacteria are the upper respiratory tract. There is often localized a hotbed of chronic inflammation. Among the ENT organs, in which bacterial and viral particles accumulate, nasal congestion occupies a special place. Their inflammation and edema are the main cause of difficulty breathing. Pathologies of the nasal conchae lead to a runny nose, snoring and headaches. The most common disease is sinusitis.

This is an inflammation of the inferior nasal concha, which is diagnosed in both adults and children. Other diseases are various sinusitis - frontal, etmoiditis, sphenoiditis. In some cases, there is a combined inflammation of all nasal concha. Treatment of such pathologies begins with drug therapy. Unfortunately, in some cases it is ineffective. Then the otolaryngologist recommends surgical intervention.

Nasal sink: structure

Nasal conchas are the formations necessary to limit the inflammatory process. They are normal in adults and children. These formations consist of a bone base. Outside the nasal shells are covered with a mucous membrane. The main function of these organs is to ensure the passage of air. Each of the shells divides the nasal cavity into 3 turns. Their functions are different and depend on the location and the structures adjacent to them.

There are 3 nasal shells: upper, middle and lower. The first two are formed by the plates of the lattice labyrinth. The inferior nasal concha is founded by a separate bone. It forms a move that is necessary for the outflow of tears. The upper and middle shells communicate with the nasal sinuses. With their inflammation or trauma, the passage of air is difficult.


Nasal conchae are covered with soft tissues, so when infected, their edema and an increase in size are observed. As a result, not only the difficulty of breathing occurs, but also increased mucus secretion. As a result of hypertrophy, the nasal passages formed by the shells decrease, that is, they become narrower. Inflammation of these organs is very dangerous, since these structures are in close proximity to the brain. Terrible complications of infections of the upper respiratory tract are meningitis, encephalitis and sepsis. The most common pathologies are inflammatory bowels - sinusitis. Among them, the most common disease is sinusitis.

Inflammation of nasal conchae and sinuses leads to difficulty breathing, stagnation of mucus and pus, headaches. Another cause of these symptoms is vasomotor rhinitis. It is also caused by inflammation, but the main difference is that with this pathology it is rarely possible to achieve a stable remission. This phenomenon is explained by the abundant blood supply to the nasal concha. To less common ailments should be attributed to congenital anomalies of the ENT organs, injuries, neoplasms.

Treatment of pathologies of nasal concha

As a result of the edema of soft tissues, the nasal concha is enlarged. Treatment is necessary, since hypertrophy of the mucous membrane can lead to complete obstruction of the sinuses. Therefore, with inflammatory pathologies, it is necessary to begin therapy as early as possible. It consists in the appointment of antibacterial, antiviral agents, local treatment. At an allergic rhinitis antihistamine preparations are necessary.

As is known, the common cold is the main cause of the use of vasoconstrictive medications. Among them, drugs "Naphthyzin", "Ximelin", "Nazivin", etc. Despite the fact that these funds help cope with the common cold, it is contraindicated to abuse them. This is especially true for children of childhood. Frequent use of drops can lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa. In adults, vasoconstrictive drugs are addictive. Therefore, drops are prescribed for no more than 5-7 days. If, in addition to rhinitis, there are signs of intoxication, and on x-rays - a picture of sinusitis, then antibiotic therapy is necessary. Assign preparations "Cefazolin", ointment "Rosenfeld."

Indications for surgical procedures

In some cases, drug treatment does not lead to a complete cure of the common cold. Most often this is observed with vasomotor rhinitis. In the presence of this pathology, patients often abuse vasoconstrictor drugs. As a result, medicines lose their effectiveness, the organism becomes more addictive. The cancellation of drops leads to the resumption of the common cold. In this case, surgical treatment of pathology is recommended. Most often, otolaryngologists insist on vasotomies of nasal concha. In addition to these indications, there are other reasons for surgical intervention.

Among them:

  • Congenital anomalies of nasal conchaes and courses.
  • Benign neoplasms (polyps).
  • Malformation of blood vessels.
  • Injuries leading to curvature of the nasal septum and difficulty breathing.

Despite the fact that the common cold is not considered a serious symptom, in some cases, surgical intervention is the only method of its treatment. It should be remembered that the constant hypertrophy of the nasal concha can lead to an oxygen deficiency of the brain. In addition, severe inflammation of the sinuses is often complicated by the breakthrough of the purulent focus and the development of sepsis.

Vasotomy of the inferior nasal cavity: a description of the method

One of the methods of treating chronic rhinitis is vasotomy. Given that the nasal conchae are hypertrophic, it is necessary to reduce the edema of soft tissues. With vasomotor rhinitis, the increase in organs occurs due to abundant blood supply and proliferation of the mucous membrane. This method of treatment consists in the dissection of blood vessels. As a result, the blood supply to the mucosa decreases and its thickness decreases.

This procedure is most often performed on the lower nasal shells. It can be either single-sided or double-sided. In most cases, hypertrophy of both shells is observed.

Technique for conducting vasotomies

The operation on the lower nasal shells takes about 15-30 minutes. In this case, the patient is conscious. In order not to cause psychomotor agitation and fright, the patient is given a bandage over his eyes. During the procedure the patient is in a sitting position. Special preparation for this surgical intervention is not required.

The vasotomy of the nasal concha is performed under local anesthesia. If necessary, such a procedure does not require hospitalization of the patient. Exceptions are only those cases in which postoperative complications develop (bleeding).

By vasotomia is meant the traditional surgical method. In the nasal cavity an incision is made, and a special instrument - a raspator - is inserted. With the help of him the otolaryngologist separates the mucous membrane. As a result of this procedure, scarring of the vascular tissue occurs. As a result of repeated proliferation of the mucosa does not occur.

Cauterization of nasal concha: why is it done?

An alternative method of surgical treatment is moxibustion. It differs in that instead of a cut with a scalpel, the operation is performed by a laser. Under the influence of radiation, the tissue of the nasal concha is destroyed, and the vessels are "sealed".

Now this method is more preferable and is carried out practically in each clinic.

Methods of cauterization of nasal concha

There are several types of cauterization of nasal concha. The most common is laser surgery. In addition to it, stands out:

  • Electro cautery. This method consists in probe cauterization of blood vessels.
  • Cryodestruction. This procedure is considered the most sparing, is used for small defects in the mucosa. It is carried out with the help of liquid nitrogen.
  • Radiocoagulation. The essence of the method consists in piercing soft tissues and inserting into the vents of the apparatus for moxibustion of vessels.

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