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Hyperplasia of the endometrium: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

The proliferation and alteration of the uterine mucosa is a fairly common problem that many women face. That is why questions about why hyperplasia of the endometrium arises , what it is, and what its symptoms are, become extremely urgent. It is known that some forms of this pathology can be regarded as a precancerous condition.

Hyperplasia of the endometrium: what is it and why does it occur?

To begin with, it should be noted that this disease can have different forms. Sometimes there is only a proliferation of glandular tissue, while some women, in addition to this, there is a formation of fibrous structures, including polyps and cysts. There is atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium. What it is? This form of the disease is most dangerous, as it is accompanied by the formation of atypical cells and, consequently, increases the likelihood of the appearance of malignant tumors.

The causes of hyperplasia may be different. But, according to statistics, most often the disease is diagnosed in women, in whose bodies there is a change in the hormonal background - the group of risk includes adolescents and mature women during menopause. In addition, this result is often caused by any illnesses of the endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus, thyroid lesions, etc.

There is also a genetic predisposition of a woman. On the other hand, hyperplasia can be the result of gynecological procedures, including curettage of the uterus. To the same result lead inflammations and some other diseases of the reproductive system, including myoma and polycystosis.

What are the symptoms of hyperplasia?

Occasionally, such a disease is asymptomatic. But more often than not, women complain of mild blood spotting, which usually appears in the period between menstruation. In addition, complex endometrial hyperplasia can be accompanied by massive uterine bleeding, and large clots can be seen in the discharge.

As is known, the endometrium of the uterus provides implantation and further development of a fertilized egg. Any changes in this layer of the uterus lead to a violation of the reproductive function of the female body. Indeed, hyperplasia is most often the cause of infertility. Therefore, the disease needs treatment.

Endometrial hyperplasia and methods of its treatment

Certainly, in the presence of such a disease a woman needs appropriate treatment. Nevertheless, some tests and tests are first performed that help assess the patient's health, determine the degree of the disease and, of course, find out its causes. In any case, only a doctor knows why hyperplasia of the endometrium arises, what it is, and what a disease is dangerous, so it is not worthwhile to engage in self-medication.

Depending on the results of diagnostic procedures, treatment is prescribed, which can be both conservative and surgical.

As a rule, hormonal therapy is used first. Over the next few months, a woman takes certain hormonal contraceptives that help normalize the level of estrogen and progesterone.

Unfortunately, not always with the help of hormones can get rid of a disease called hyperplasia of the endometrium. The operation is indicated for severe conditions, and also if conservative treatment does not bring the desired result. During the procedure, the doctor removes the enlarged endometrial tissue. In the most severe cases, the uterus is excised. After the operation, hormonal treatment is needed, which reduces the risk of relapse and complications.

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