Food and drinkSoups

A variety of delicious solyanka, a recipe for its preparation.

Solyanka initially belonged to village, rural dishes and had a specific name "peasant". Only after a certain period of time, she firmly entered the diet of a city dweller and became widespread. Then it changed its name to "hodgepodge", as this dish was served in many houses, i.e. It has lost its narrow specificity as food of villagers.

As a result - a variety of hodgepodge, the recipe for its preparation can be classified into three versions: hamburger with chicken, ham sausage or meat and mushroom or lean hodgepodge. In this case, it can not be unequivocally asserted that the hodgepodge is a soup. There are a number of sources that have come down to us through the decades, and which have been brought to us by ambiguous descriptions. Judging by one description, one can say that there should be a liquid hodgepodge, a recipe for soup making, and another variety is a salted-sour second course, called a hodgepodge, a recipe for a garnish.

In the modern sense, under the halophyte is meant a sharp soup in which several components are simultaneously connected: sour cream and cabbage are borrowed from a cabbage soup, cucumber pickle and pickles themselves - from a pickle, and in the end, achieved with the help of various seasonings, sour-acutely salty basis. To the spices of this dish include lemon and its juice, olives, pickled or salted mushrooms, kvass, etc. At present, the hodgepodge has become a restaurant dish, and its preparation requires certain skills and time. At the same time, the national version of the preparation of the saltwort firmly entered the house of each family, becoming a traditional dish.

We will analyze what includes homemade hodgepodge, a recipe for its preparation.

Traditional soup soup is prepared on the basis of a saturated broth with cucumber brine. You need to cook a thick fish, meat or mushroom broth, depending on what kind of hodgepodge you plan to cook. As a rule, no seasonings or spices are added to the meat broth for the saltwort, but for mushroom or fish broth it is desirable to add parsley, carrots and celery. Then the strained cucumber brine should be brought to a boil and, removing the foam, boil for about 5 minutes. Next, it is necessary to combine broth (1.5 liters) and hot brine (no more than 2 cups), and bring the mixture to a boil.

A sausage sausage is prepared on a meat broth, but it is possible to take water or vegetable broth as a basis . Potatoes are cut into cubes in this soup. For 2 liters of broth, 4 potatoes are enough. Cooked potatoes are immersed in boiling broth. Next, you need to peel and cut one onion and two tomatoes. Sliced vegetables fry in a pan. Then we cut the sausage into a sausage and a couple of salted cucumbers. It is better to use different kinds of sausages for sausage salted meats. Ideally, if you get a pound of sausage, but so that each species was about 150 grams, for example, smoked, smoked-boiled and boiled. Ready to cook the soup in the soup at the same time with sliced sausage and cucumbers and cook it until ready. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to add greens, olives and spices to taste. Serving the soup on the table, you can put a small slice of lemon in each plate.

Salsola with chicken is cooked in the same way as with sausage. Only for a basis we take a chicken broth in which boiled a chicken for our soup. We will disassemble in order. We boil the chicken, take it out of the broth and disassemble it into pieces for soup, i.e. Separate from the bones and cut. In the broth we start the prepared one, i.e. Polished, washed and sliced potatoes and, if desired, shredded cabbage. Onions are fried with tomatoes or tomato paste until cooked. Salted cucumbers, preferably peeled, cut and pass in a small amount of chicken broth no more than 15 minutes. Next, we send to the soup all the prepared ingredients: fry, chicken and cucumber. Cook it until ready, and at the end of cooking, add spices and seasonings to your liking. After the end of cooking, the soup is given time to stand, as a rule, this is enough for 15-20 minutes. Serve the hodgepodge with a small slice of lemon and sour cream.

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