
Who is a radiologist: responsibilities, scope and feedback

A radiologist is a specialist who conducts radiation therapy, as well as radioisotope methods of research. To date, his work helps not only clarify the alleged diagnosis, but also fight against tumor diseases.

About the radiologist

This specialty appeared relatively recently. Many still do not know what the radiologist is doing. This specialty assumes serious training after receiving a medical diploma.

To date , radiology doctors are rare, but popular doctors. Particularly of great importance was their work after the appearance of modern equipment for radioisotope studies, as well as radiotherapy.

What is the complexity of the profession?

By the nature of its activities, the radiologist always has contact with harmful x-ray radiation and various kinds of isotopes. Of course, in the last more than 100 years since the first X-ray device appeared, the work of such a specialist has become much safer. The fact is that in the past the procedure for X-ray investigation lasted long enough. At the moment, modern devices produce a survey in less than a second.

More dangerous is fluoroscopy. The matter is that during carrying out of the given diagnostic method the doctor should be in one premise together with the patient.

What diseases does the doctor face?

At the present time, the opportunities available to the radiologist are quite widely used. What he treats this specialist, while not everyone knows. First of all, such a doctor is engaged in determining the necessary intensity of radiation therapy for patients suffering from cancer. Consultation of a radiologist in this case is carried out only after an MRI or CT examination. The difficulty of such work is that it is necessary to determine exactly to what depth the X-rays should be directed and where they should be focused. If the doctor misses, the healthy tissues and cells of the patient's body, rather than the malignant tumor, will suffer more.

Also, radiation therapy can be carried out by introducing radioisotope substances directly into the tumor tissue. This method has recently become more popular, and its further improvement will soon help to make complex treatment of oncological diseases safer for healthy tissues.

In addition to direct treatment, the radiologist also carries out a variety of radioisotope studies that can identify dangerous diseases.

About radiological methods of research

At present, this branch of medical diagnostics includes 2 main sections:

  • Radiography (radiography);
  • Radioisotope methods of research.

Each radiologist must fully master the skills of conducting such a survey.

Radiography is a method of research based on the projection of images of various organs and tissues during their irradiation with X-rays. Currently, it is used very widely in almost every branch of medicine.

Radioisotope methods of research appeared later than radiographic methods. To date, such a branch of medical diagnostics is developing particularly actively. All these techniques are based on the introduction into the human body of X-ray agents. They are distributed to tissues and organs in a certain way. It depends on a huge number of indicators. Later, with the help of special devices, the radiologist will record the extent of the spread of the substances introduced and analyze the data obtained as a result of the research.

Where does the specialist work?

It's not every patient who knows how to be a radiologist and where to consult him. This is not surprising, because in ordinary clinics and even hospitals, simple x-ray doctors work. Only after they undergo special months of training at the rate of "Radiology" in institutions of higher postgraduate education, they get the opportunity to work on special equipment.

At present, radiology doctors work only in specialized medical centers. Even in large cities, there are rarely many institutions, in the staff of which there is a presence of such specialists. Usually, these centers are engaged in diagnostics and treatment of predominantly cancerous diseases, since it is with this pathology that radiology methods are most often used.

Medical cooperation

In order to promote professional skills and effective exchange of experience between specialists, an association of oncologists and radiologists was established. The union of doctors of two specialties in one organization in this case is justified by the fact that their professional activities are very much interconnected now. Doctors-radiologists often confirm the diagnosis, which oncologists assume, and later participate in the complex therapy of malignant neoplasms.

In order to become a member of such an organization, it is necessary to have a diploma of higher education, to pass an oncology internship or a postgraduate course in radiology, and also make a small contribution every year to develop the association and conduct various events for doctors under its auspices.

The Association of Oncology Physicians and Radiologists conducts large congresses of their members at least once a year. Specialists are invited to make reports that describe new achievements in the field, which can benefit medicine and patients. Also, foreign oncologists and radiologists are often invited to share their experiences. Such events are usually quite useful, as they contribute to improving the quality of work of domestic specialists.

In addition, the association is engaged in legal advice to its members. In particular, we are talking about cases when the employee's rights are violated by the employer.

Work with the patient

Unlike the radiologist, the radiologist has to communicate with patients more often. He discusses with them the forthcoming treatment or the peculiarities of specific methods of research. The advice of a radiologist is mandatory for execution, since speech is always about a serious pathology or such an examination that, if the patient behaves incorrectly, can cause some harm to the body.


Despite the many shortcomings associated with the negative impact of X-rays, many diagnostic doctors are trying to undergo training in the specialty "Radiologist." This is largely due to the higher level of payment for this doctor compared to conventional radiologists. In addition, this specialty makes it possible to grow rapidly professionally, since here the doctor conducts both diagnostic and treatment procedures. And he himself determines how intense radiation therapy should be.

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