Computers, Software
Weather weather widget: "Unable to connect to the service". How to fix?
Any person wants to be aware of the weather forecast, because planning cases can depend on it directly. But sometimes a desktop gadget may not work on a desktop computer, laptop or mobile device ("Failed to connect to the service" is the most common mistake). What to do in this case? There is a solution.
The weather gadget stopped working on the computer. What is the reason?
First of all, when determining the reasons for the failure of this service, you need to pay attention to the system in which the failure occurred and the application type used.
For example, weather gadgets for Windows or mobile systems can often fail only because the current owner's location is turned off. In some ways, failure can be attributed to the software components, if the computer uses third-party software. But the "native" Windows service (especially in the seventh version of the system) can cause failures for another reason, which will be discussed a little later.
Why does the Weather gadget not work on my mobile device?
Mobile devices, as a rule, do not have a built-in weather module. At least on Android or iOS systems, they are not exactly. Therefore, the user installs third-party software. This is the weather gadget. "Unable to connect to the service" is a warning that some software component has failed.
Quite often such failures are observed in applications like Gismeteo. Sometimes the program with a disabled geolocation detection module from the satellite or a deactivated GPS connection may incorrectly indicate the current location. In Android-devices such modules are really two, so you should make a difference between them. In addition, the installation of unofficial firmware can play a cruel joke on the user, causing conflicts between the services involved.
How to troubleshoot a problem by setting the date
But let's see how to fix the problem when the weather gadget does not work. "Unable to connect to the service" - an error issued by Windows-systems. To fix at the initial level, oddly enough, you can by primitive editing of the date and time settings. Nobody can say for sure why after this all works, but, most likely, it is connected with the program code of the OS.
We go into the standard "Control Panel" and select a section of regional standards. On the location tab, set the country, and change the current settings in the format menu. In general, when there is an active Internet connection, you can use the full reset. But this does not always help.
It is better to change the system timer settings in the BIOS settings. If for this reason the weather gadget does not work, the situation is that even the operating system's own service time and date, even with the correct values set, determines with reference to the primary input / output system. In the BIOS, we use the initial tab of the general settings, where the parameters are changed. In stationary computers, you can perform a full reset if you remove the battery on the motherboard for about 30 seconds.
Clearing the cache
Sometimes the problem that the built-in weather gadget Windows does not work or the application in the mobile system does not work can be solved by cleaning the program cache and the browser.
With browsers in Windows-systems everything is simple: you just need to call the corresponding section of settings and delete the data. In mobile devices it is better not to fix the problem manually, but to use programs like CCleaner, which are automated optimizers (although this approach is also suitable for Windows-based systems).
Editing an XML configuration file
Finally, we will touch on the situation when in Windows for some reason the weather gadget does not work. "Could not connect to the service" - a message with the first sign that sometimes without a cardinal intervention in the settings of the functioning of the system is indispensable.
First you need to set the display of hidden files and folders in the menu of the standard Explorer view or any other file manager, then go to the user's directory in the AppData folder and through the directory tree get to the Cache folder where the Config.xml file is available. Editing content is done using Notepad, where you do not need to change anything. It's enough just to save the document, having set the system date of the years one hundred years ahead. Next, go to the weather gadget and in the location graph, change the current configuration to the value "All".
Then open the properties of the Config.xml file with the right mouse button and set the attribute "Read only". To be sure, you can reboot the system. After that, the weather gadget will work without problems - you just need to set the settings in your city.
Instead of the total
It remains to add that you can install the weather gadgets of a third-party developer quite simply. The question is only who should give preference. The process of installation from the standard does not differ.
As for the elimination of the problem of efficiency, everything depends on the system. If the failure is related to the primitive settings for the date, time, or current location, everything is simple, even for mobile systems. In the case of Windows, you have to work hard. However, the proposed option should not cause difficulties. The main aspect here is to find the user folder AppData, which by default is not displayed in Windows (it is considered that this is a system directory whose content is not recommended to be modified). In fact, there is nothing wrong with just opening the settings file and saving it without making any changes. At work of the system this will not affect in any way.
Finally, if the problem with the above causes is not connected, you will most likely have to check the communication settings. This applies to the default TCP / IP protocol. It may be necessary to disable the use of a proxy for local addresses, set the receiving of an IP or DNS address in automatic mode. On the part of the receiving server, if the answer is back, there may also be problems, and not always the weather service declared in Microsoft's support works stably. So there's nothing from the end user anymore.
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