
What is national-communism?

In order to fully understand this topic, it is necessary to define what national-communism is. What role does it play in our domestic history and the world? After all, national-communism is something extremely important for the whole of history!


So, national-communism is a political movement, whose representatives tried to unite the unconnected: communism and nationalism. The emergence of this phenomenon is attributed primarily to Ukraine in 1917-1920, which was part of the former Russian Empire. The purpose of national-communism was to create, first, a socialist state, and secondly, a communist society based on national interests, cultural and territorial peculiarities of a separate nationality.

And the main representatives of this movement in Ukraine were: Nikolay Khvylovoy, Nikolai Skripnik, Alexander Shumskaya, Mikhail Volobuev.


As already mentioned above, this movement was responsible for the creation of a communist society, but it should have been based on the interests of a certain nationality. The idea of national-communism, the parties that supported it, was a complete refusal to replace the national culture with some other universal language and culture. It is important to note that this current supported the idea of a separate independent state that joins the union of the socialist republics on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the aforesaid, the movement of national-communism opposed ideas and globalization, and cosmopolitanism.

The territory to which this political movement has spread

Undoubtedly, this movement existed not only in Ukrainian territory, but also in some other republics of the Soviet Union, for example, in Georgia.

But as for Ukrainian national communism, it remained the strongest among the republics. Moscow actively fought against such phenomena, and it managed to liquidate them, but in the situation with Ukraine, the government failed. After all, Ukraine has always shown an active struggle for its independence, which it has achieved. The situation was the same after the Revolution, when the Ukrainian Republic achieved the right to be called an independent state in 1920. However, Moscow left the treaty only on paper and continued to represent Ukraine in international communities, to which the government reacted with protest.

However, after the creation of the USSR, the status of independent Ukraine began to rapidly lose. After all, her government wanted to conduct full Ukrainization and replace the powers that be with people who have only Ukrainian roots. However, the Moscow authorities took these measures for the national oppression of the Russian people in the territory of the Ukrainian Republic. Under such pressure, the political movement in Ukraine was overwhelmed by national Bolshevism.

National Communism. Political history of origin

As already mentioned above, the origin of this current is attributed to Ukraine. It was already formed from the very first years of Soviet power. Important at that time was a pamphlet by Mazlakh and Raschet, which was called "Wave". Its authors were convinced that to destroy the phenomenon of national oppression left after the hated tsarist regime is possible only with the detachment of Ukraine from the Russian Empire. They also believed that the Communist Party of Ukraine needed to be transformed into a separate political organization. Mazlakh and Rascal have severely criticized the attitude of the government that was in Moscow to the Ukrainian national problem. The authors of the pamphlet dreamed of a communist and independent Ukraine, but these are two completely incompatible things.

Thus, the brochure "Wave" was the first source that expressed the ideas of national communism, and the basis for the birth of a new current, doomed to inevitable collapse.

In general, this movement combined various political trends and trends, the idea of which was "the communist restructuring of all strata of Soviet society."

The reasons for the emergence of the movement of social-communism in Ukrainian territory

The appearance of this trend on the territory of Ukraine was due to the political realities of that time and, perhaps, the immaturity and split of the Ukrainian democratic trend. It should be noted that an impressive number of Ukrainian democrats understood that only cooperation with the Bolsheviks would help to avoid a terrible situation. Perhaps, for this reason, national-communism, whose history is so closely intertwined with the Soviet power, was doomed to perish.

Ukraine and its achievements

This action began in Ukraine in the 1920s. The goal of Ukrainization was, first, to replace all the cadres in the leadership of a person of Ukrainian origin, and secondly, to introduce the Ukrainian language into all levels of society.

The main achievement of Ukrainization was the full implementation of the Ukrainian language at all possible levels. The representatives of the movement also achieved the legitimacy of the national initiative of the Ukrainian Communists. Successes have also been achieved in the organization of the cultural process, which acted in the struggle against Russian chauvinism and Ukrainian nationalism. Representatives of the current created a branching of the cells of the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian culture.

National communism under Stalin was severely suppressed. And everyone who supported this idea and the movement was sent to be shot. For this, of course, the representatives of the movement terribly hated and feared the ruler of the Soviet Union.

The causes of social-communism in Russia

So, the first information about Social-Democracy in Russia, which after many years was reborn in communism, appeared when Georgy Plekhanov translated the Manifesto of the Communist Party into his native language.

The abolition of the shameful serfdom in the Russian Empire in 1861 was a direct cause of the emergence of capitalist relations in Russia, which was not the case before. However, the country still retained its old foundations: autocracy, privileges for the nobility, large landownership. For this reason, the people began to grow in a revolutionary mood. Then various political associations began to be organized, including the Russian Social Democratic Party. Thus, the case slowly went to a colossal change throughout the country.

But the beginning of the present party building was laid by the 2 nd Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party in 1903, which was held in London. At this congress, the main documents and programs for the development of social-communism in Russia were signed. It is important to note that such congresses could not be legally conducted on the territory of the Russian Empire, because such activities at that time were simply impossible in Russia.

At the same 2nd congress the same division took place between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, which subsequently led to irreversible historical events that completely and completely changed Russia.

Manifestations of this movement in Vietnam

What is remarkable about Vietnamese national communism? History says that the Communist Party in Vietnam originated in 1951 and existed until 1981. The decision to create a Communist Party in Vietnam was made at the ICP congress in the 51st year. When it began to exist, it separated from the French Communist Party and, in turn, was itself divided into 3 parties: the Khmer People's Revolutionary Party, the Lao People's Party and the Vietnamese Labor Party.

After the end of the Vietnam War, the active development of the idea of forming a communist society in the country began. And the first step towards communism was the nationalization of all banks and large companies. Already in 1976, the South and North of Vietnam merged and became known as the Vietnamese Socialist Republic.

Already in the mid-1970s, Vietnam established a strong relationship with the USSR, and in 1976 they entered into a friendship treaty. All the time, the Union actively helped rebuild Vietnam after brutal military operations on its territory. Also, the Soviet Union actively promoted the strengthening of communism in the Vietnamese republic. Russian specialists from various regions were often sent there. The Vietnamese came to the Union for exchange for study in Soviet universities.

But then in Vietnam the war with Cambodia and then with China began again. The war did not last long, only three weeks, from 17 February to 5 March 1979. It ended thanks to the Soviet Union, which intervened and helped to stop military action between Vietnam and China by peaceful means. But despite the rapid settlement of the conflict, Vietnam left a lot of residents, because of which the country's economy was shaken.

Copying the USSR regime by Vietnam led to its complete poverty. After all, in some parts of the country, the economy was limited to private entrepreneurship. In connection with this phenomenon, a number of reforms were carried out, as a result of which certain restrictions were lifted, and peasants could sell part of their products in the sales markets.

But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, respectively, the assistance to the republic also ceased. The country had to independently overcome the terrible crisis, fight inflation and absolute poverty. In connection with this depressing situation, Vietnam opened its borders to European entrepreneurs who began investing in the economy and industry.

In our time, Vietnam is also a socialist republic. Now the tourism business is actively developing there. Rest in Vietnam is now in great demand among the Russian population.

Communism in Vietnam manifests itself in a slightly relaxed form, although it resembles the Soviet Union. The Republic is open for economic relations with other countries.

Definitions of concepts

So, it is necessary to give definitions to such concepts as "national socialism", "communism" and "fascism". Because quite often people, thinking that they know history well, are mistaken in these definitions.

National Socialism is a form of social order that includes socialism and nationalism (racism). It is important to note that this movement, in turn, is divided into right and left. Moreover, the right refers more to the word "socialism" and is adjacent to the USSR, while the left focuses on "nationalism", which is attributed to Hitler's policy based on racism in its most violent form. Many people refer this definition to fascism and do not see much difference.

Fascism is a political trend that includes dictatorship and the use of extreme forms of violence (especially in the Jewish people). It is combined with nationalism and racism. This movement leads to a complete denial of human rights and freedoms, carries a threat to the whole world. Therefore, today, throughout the world, there is an active struggle against any manifestations of fascism. In the constitutions, a number of articles are written that provide for criminal liability for any act of a fascist nature.

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that in the courtyard of the 21st century, manifestations of fascism, unfortunately, take place in Europe. But, fortunately, there is an active struggle with such phenomena.

However, there is a difference, and very significant. So what is it manifested in?

The Difference Between National Socialism, Communism, Fascism

And the difference between these concepts is as follows. If fascism treated the state as the primary element and said: "the state creates a nation", then National Socialism expounded the idea that the state acts as a means for preserving the people. His goal was to rebuild the state into society. National Socialism supported the idea of cleansing the race, discarding all other elements. In the case of Germany, this idea was embodied in the Aryan nation. The fascists sought absolute power over all aspects of the life of each individual person. This current provided for the renunciation of many basic human rights.

In the early 1930s, social-nationalists headed by Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. Therefore, almost immediately began the persecution of the Jewish people, and then they began mass destruction. This operation in history is called the Holocaust. The National Socialists planned to use other nations after slaughtering the Jews and seizing the whole world, enslaving them.

Fortunately, this idea did not come true, although it managed to bring a lot of grief to the entire human population. A huge number of Jews were killed in the camps, many people were shot.

As for communism, there are also some peculiarities here. But first we need to define what is communism.

Communism is a political ideology that denies any private property. It is believed that this ideology is utopian. The meaning of this idea reflects the following phrase: "from each according to the possibilities, to each - according to the need". A vivid example of communism is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They tried to build communism there for 70 years, but, unfortunately, these attempts did not succeed, because the USSR fell, proving only the utopianism of communist ideology.

National communism in Russia was associated with fear, lack of humanity and any hope that a person will be pardoned for the deed committed by him.

Common features of National Socialism, Communism, Fascism

National socialism and fascism also have common features. The main of them is the complete subordination of the interests of each individual to the state and the absolute control of the state over all layers of society and man.

Both of these ideas are the embodiment of cruelty and injustice, because we can evaluate these movements, judging by the final results to which they came in the end. There is no doubt that representatives of these political trends did not want the country to be evil. They tried to build a new ideal society (in their understanding). However, they did not consider one thing - the interests of the common people who suffered, suffered so much grief. Surely mankind has suffered grief for that terrible time for thousands of years ahead.

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