Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Is there a best way to lose weight, or Why do people get fat?

The dream of losing weight torments both men and women. Only now, if men usually think about dropping weight only when excess pounds seriously affect their own health, then women are tormented by this issue day and night. One only looks for the best way to lose weight, and when they find it, they do not even attempt to chart a goal and reach it. Others immediately rush into the battle and with special enthusiasm and perseverance are trying to get rid of the hated kilograms. There are also those who only give advice on how to lose weight, while at the same time never tried to test their effect on themselves.

I wonder if there is really the best way to lose weight, which not only gives tangible results, but also helps to keep the indicators on the scales for a long enough period. Or all the same struggle against excess weight - the phenomenon not temporary, and constant? But then how to become the owner of a slender and smart figure?

To answer the questions posed, it is worthwhile to begin to determine the reasons why people get fat. In fact, these reasons are not so many, but exactly five. This is their own laziness, dislike for themselves, lifestyle and habits (harmful and not very), acquired diseases and hormonal disruptions, as well as a predisposition to fullness at the genetic level.

The most interesting thing is that all these five reasons are very closely interrelated with each other. Let's consider each reason separately. So, laziness is the most serious reason, it is very difficult to defeat and eradicate it. Make yourself on a day off get up early in the morning from bed and not bury yourself in the TV, and do exercises, for example, or shake the press - for many obese people - a crime and unnecessary waste of both time and energy. The second reason is connected with the first. Dislike for yourself generates laziness. Mirror reflection does not excite and does not give rise to the idea that it is worth looking for effective ways to lose weight and urgently take any measures. And this is very scary. There are two ways out: either change views or increase doorways.

The third reason lies in the way of life and in habits. Many fat people (even those who dream to lose excess and are looking for the best way to lose weight) do not even try to get rid of those habits that prevent the desired result. For example, alcoholic beverages, smoking, eating at night, improper, sometimes harmful preparation of foods and high-calorie food are the worst enemies of harmony. No better way to lose weight will not help, if at least one of the listed habits has the right to exist.

The fourth reason most often does not depend on the person himself, but arises suddenly. Everyone is ill. But only some diseases leave no traces, while others - disrupt the metabolic processes, destroy the body at the hormonal level, contribute to weight gain. And then, of course, without the intervention of doctors and consultations of nutritionists do not help trouble.

Finally, the fifth reason is hidden by the genetic code. Scientists have proved that completeness is inherited from ancestors to descendants. If there is such a gift by inheritance, then it is very demanding to treat your own figure and control weight constantly.

Actually, the listed five reasons are basic. All the rest - in some way intertwined with those listed earlier. But the main question, the answer to which excites many, still concerns the best and effective way to lose weight. And the answer is simple and obvious. First find the cause of excess weight, and then - it is eradicated. And also remember that it is impossible to lose weight once and for all. Those who lose weight know that to watch for themselves, their rhythm of life, food and regime should be a lifetime. It is worth stumbling once and breaking the rules to entail the return of dropped kilograms. And repeatedly driving them out of your body - the task is even more difficult.

And, of course, changing habits and way of life, it is worthwhile to fill in the gaps with usefulness. For example, to go to the swimming pool weekly or to visit fitness centers, to allocate a place for a sports corner and buy simulators for yourself. And not just buy, but promise that they will not be covered with a layer of dust. Another lock on the refrigerator and lock it every day after 19:00.

And, of course, the most important thing is to want. I want to say goodbye to excess weight. And after - the best way to lose weight necessarily be found.

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