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White mushroom false: how to distinguish from the present?

King of mushrooms in our region can rightfully be considered a boletus (white fungus). The dream of every real collector is a clearing with a whole scattering of this natural treasure.

Beginners should also know that in the forest you can find a white mushroom false, the use of which can be very unpleasant consequences.

This boletus is distinguished by a stumpy and thick stalk, an elastic brown (or slightly yellowish) bonnet and a delicate mushroom aroma, which the experienced collector will not confuse with anything. The poisonous double does a good job of imitating all these signs, but there are still some "tricks" that can be easily discerned. Note that you need to be extremely careful, since the white fungus is false (it's also bitter), with its occasional eating, leads to serious food poisoning.

If you are different extreme mindset, you can try a small piece of pulp, which is a "forgery" is very bitter. But it is better to cut off the stem of the fungus and look at the color of the cut. The leg of this boletus on the cut will be perfectly white, while the bitter gives off a slight pink tint.

And one more sign: in a real white mushroom, the leg does not have any net pattern, which is characterized by its poisonous counterpart. If in doubt, look at the inside of the bonnet. White fungus false stands out again with the pink color of the tubular layer, while the fungus is yellow.

But much worse than bitter is his subspecies, which is known as the "satanic mushroom". Only one gram of this unpleasant "delicacy" is guaranteed to cause severe food poisoning.

Unfortunately, he is also very similar to his noble relative, and therefore inexperienced mushroom pickers are often a victim of his satanic cunning. In order not to be among them, you need to look closely at the foot. Note that the satanic white mushroom false is beautifully masked by the color and appearance of the bonnet. But his leg, which has a red, yellow and even purple hue, can quickly alert even a beginner mushroom picker. In no case should you put such a find in the basket!

It is even more reliable to look at the color of the cut, which quickly becomes not just pink, but rich red. You also need to pay attention to it, buying mushrooms on the ruins (which in general is not recommended). Remember that a normal boletus has a pleasant mushroom flavor. His poisonous relative (especially the old one) has a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Another false white fungus, the signs of which we would like to describe, is often called "Polish." Unlike the above described varieties, it is completely edible. Unlike the real "king of mushrooms", his cut quickly turns blue.

In addition, the shape of his legs is much more correct and even. The hat is dark red or brownish-red, which also strongly distinguishes it from other members of the genus. By the way, when you press the inner side of the cap, the place of pressure also turns blue.

So you also learned about what a false fungus looks like! We hope that after reading our article you will not put it in the basket.

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