EducationThe science

How many flies live?

Room flies are the most common insects, and, interestingly, they hardly ever occur in the wild. Each person knows how they look, but here is the answer to the question about how many flies live, not everyone is ready.

Flies are found almost everywhere on Earth. They appeared on our planet for a very long time. In China, a fly was found, which lived, as scientists determined, about 145 million years ago.

Before answering the question about how many flies live, consider them more closely. How do they look externally? The body of the adult fly is about five to ten millimeters in length, the color is most often gray, the abdomen has a slightly yellowish color, and on the upper side of the chest several black bands along the body are visible. Upon closer examination, it can be seen that the fly body is covered with sparse, but rather long, hairs. The eyes of the fly are large, faceted, their color is brown. The distance between the eyes of female flies is slightly larger than that of male flies. The small details of the fly's eye are discerned badly, however, they can discern the slightest flashing of light. Female flies are somewhat larger than male flies, but it is not easy to determine this with the naked eye.

Feeding flies mainly liquid food, although they also use solid, but they first dissolve it with the help of saliva.

Flies are very prolific and multiply rapidly. The female can lay about 100 eggs at a time, their size is approximately one millimeter in length. And how many flies live? Not for long, but in their short life, these dipterous lays a huge number of eggs, depending on the conditions of reproduction. They usually live near the place of breeding. Due to the influence of the wind, they can spread over a fairly long distance. The main food for indoor flies are food waste.

I must say that the housefly is a very dangerous insect, since it can carry a variety of infections, diseases, eggs of parasites. It is necessary to apply preventive measures: it is impossible, for example, to store waste, sewage and food waste outdoors. Often for the destruction of flies use special chemical preparations - insecticides. But in living quarters such substances can not be used. Therefore, people use sticky tape and other baits, and also place protective screens on the windows through which no fly can fly to the living space.

So, how many flies live? It depends on the species, usually their life span ranges from a few days to two and a half months. On average, their life expectancy is approximately three weeks. The life span of a fly depends on the air temperature. The most optimal temperature for these insects is a room temperature (21-24 degrees Celsius). Under such conditions the fly can live up to more than two months. However, the vast majority of these insects do not live to the age of ten days, as they often become food for predators.

Short life they compensate for the enormous ability to reproduce. One female during her short life can postpone up to two thousand larvae, each of which develops twenty-five days, after which it becomes a pupa. Three days later, a fly emerges from it, which, thirty-six hours after its birth, is already capable of multiplying. It turns out that over a period of about twenty generations of flies can change.

The life span of a fly becomes larger if it hibernates in winter. In this case, the fly in the state of suspended animation can overwinter, and when the heat becomes warm, it can again come to life. And in hibernation can not fall not only adults, but also larvae.

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