Sports and FitnessWeight loss

American diet promotes comfortable weight loss

Due to the fact that the problem of obesity for Americans is very acute, it is the American specialists who have developed a special diet.

The American diet is considered one of the most popular, because thanks to it, a person will lose weight without feeling hungry. Also during her body is strengthened as a whole.

The American diet is designed for a week, but you can sit on it for at least a lifetime. The main menu provides for breakfast for breakfast of an orange or apple, eggs boiled soft-boiled, and a piece of bread or croutons. Lunch is full, it consists of: boiled or roast lean meat, which can be replaced with fish; Portions of salad seasoned with vegetable meat; Tea or a glass of juice. Supper for a person who adheres to the American diet should consist of a glass of low-fat yogurt, boiled eggs, you can add a small slice of bread.

One of the important conditions for a positive result is a categorical refusal to eat the following foods: salt, pepper, vinegar, butter and alcohol. Supper should be no later than five in the evening. The American diet has no definite period and, if desired, a person can adhere to it for many years. However, be sure, before you sit on an American diet, you need to consult a doctor.

The "Roller Coaster" diet was created back in the 80s of the 20th century. Thanks to the introduction of a new formula by Martin Katan, a weight loss system was created, with which the author himself was able to lose 31 kg. The main advantage of the "Roller Coaster" is the preservation of the result obtained over many years. At the same time the author advises the diet to combine with reinforced workouts. So, if you regularly exercise power, then there is the possibility to lose up to 9 kg of extra weight per week. If you lead a passive lifestyle, the result will be getting rid of only 7 kg for three weeks of the course.

The shortcomings of this diet include the presence of a constant sense of hunger.

The entire course program is designed for three weeks.

In the first three days you can eat everything, only limiting calorie intake (the norm is 600 calories per day). At this time, you can eat green vegetables and corn flakes.

In the next four days, adhere to a daily calorie intake of about 900 calories.

The next seven days the amount of calories consumed with food can be increased to 1200 kcal. This week for the body will seem like a real feast.

The next week is carried out according to the program of the first seven days, namely the restriction of 600 kcal and 900 kcal. And then you can return to your normal diet.

The "Roller Coaster" diet has no contraindications due to the absence of restrictions in products. Only you need to control the number of calories consumed daily. If desired, after a certain time it can be repeated an unlimited number.

The diet of American astronauts is known under the name "Kremlin diet", as it was prescribed for many of our higher ranks. It allows you to achieve a good weight in a fairly short period of time, eating without limits. The diet for this diet consists of salads, soups, meat and fish dishes, baked goods and even alcohol.

The main nuance is the rejection of carbohydrates in favor of protein foods. Specialists have proved that carbohydrates are the source of energy of the body. And with a sharp decrease in the amount of this source, the body begins to receive energy, burning stored fats.

The American diet, with its variety called the "American astronauts diet," provides for the consumption of meat, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs, vegetable oil and beer, with complete abandonment of sweet fruits, vegetables, berries and juices.

At first, there may be such unpleasant symptoms as indigestion or constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of water during the day.

It is necessary to remember the contraindications of this diet: liver, pancreas, kidney and pregnancy.

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