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Master of Manor Landscape - Zhukovsky Stanislav Yulianovich

A picturesque gallery of landscapes of the beginning of the last century can not be imagined without the masterpieces of one remarkable master. Zhukovsky Stanislav Yulianovich - an outstanding Russian artist, who created portraits, still lifes, landscapes of rich estates, interiors. Years of life: 1875-1944. His canvases can be seen in the largest museums in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland.

Origin of the artist

Where was Zhukovsky Stanislav Yulianovich born ? Biography of the artist is very rich. His homeland is the small Polish town of Endrichovtsy. Zhukovsky was born in a noble family, but soon this title was taken away, since Stanislav Yulianovich's father participated in the anti-Russian uprising of 1863. For this he was exiled to Siberia for several years with his two brothers. After returning from the exile Julian Zhukovsky became closed, gloomy. The upbringing of children lay on the shoulders of his wife, Maria. They had to rent their former estate.


Since childhood, my mother instilled in children a love of music, drawing. The most capable was Stanislav. His father wanted his son to devote more time to exact sciences. Having received enough knowledge at home, the young man went to Warsaw, where he studied in Lagowski's classical progymnasium. Of particular importance in the formation of the artist was Bialystok's real school, where he soon moved. Here he was lucky to learn from the talented landscape painter S.Yuzhanin. He noticed the talent of the young Zhukovsky and advised him to enter the Moscow School of Painting, where it was best to learn landscape skills. Father was categorically against such a choice of Stanislav, so the young man conducted all preparations for the entrance exams secretly.

So without having received permission from his father, seventeen-year-old Zhukovsky arbitrarily leaves for Moscow. Father for many years and could not understand and accept the choice of his son, and saw him when Stanislav came to popularity. The formation of the artist in the school was influenced by such wonderful masters as Vasily Polenov, Sergei Korovin, Abram Arkhipov, Leonid Pasternak. In 1895 Zhukovsky issued a document that allowed without any obstacles to draw etudes from nature. He was also awarded two silver medals for drawing and sketch.

The first works and the marriage of the artist

While still a student, Stanislav Yulianovich Zhukovsky, an artist, posted his works at many exhibitions. The master's paintings were a great success. His earliest paintings: "Niemen", "Homestead", "Spring Evening". The last one was purchased for his collection by P.M. Tretyakov.

In 1897, Stanislav Yulianovich married for the first time on his classmate AA. Ignatieva. This further inspired the artist to work. At one of the traveling exhibitions, Ilya Repin noted the creation of Zhukovsky's "Spring Water". His works were admired by Vladimir Mayakovsky and Pavel Chistyakov. Many tips for writing the pictures gave Zhukovsky himself Levitan (teacher of the school).

From exhibition to exhibition

Stanislav Yulianovich Zhukovsky became the continuer of the Levitan Russian landscape. He painted nature in all seasons, always finding her lovely. Here are the works that delighted many admirers of art:

  • "Moonlight night";
  • "Clear autumn. Indian summer";
  • "At the mill";
  • "By the pond. Autumn";
  • "Autumn evening".

Gradually, the master increasingly began to attract the manor landscape, he worked in several studios. Zhukovsky had a dacha in the Tver Province, where he often traveled with his students. After all, in 1906 he was opened a private school of drawing and painting. And in 1907 the master was proclaimed an academician under the Imperial Academy of Arts. For many years he was a member of the Union of Russian Artists. The first decade of the last century - the heyday of the artist. Stanislav Yulianovich's paintings were very popular and sold well.

Manor landscape and interior

Gradually Zhukovsky Stanislav Yulianovich began to get carried away with impressionism. Shady alleys, old parks, open windows and doors were inspired by the artist. The theme of the estate began to gradually move into the writing of interiors. Zhukovsky artistically portrayed aristocratic living rooms, libraries, chic furniture, paintings on the walls. The master wrote the estate of the Sheremetyev brothers, the estate of Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich - Brasovo. In 1917, Stanislav Zhukovsky divorced his first wife and married his student Sophia Kvasnetskaya.

Zhukovsky did not take the October Revolution of 1917 properly. He entered the artistic council of the Tretyakov Gallery. They were created during this period more than 70 works, which he showed at exhibitions. But the work of artists in the post-revolutionary period was characterized as insufficiently ideological, depicting the old life. In Russia, the paintings of Stanislav Zhukovsky became less and less in demand, and he left for Poland.

The Polish period in the works of Zhukovsky

Native places inspired Stanislav Yulianovich for new creations. The first work done at home was the painting "Before the Masquerade," in which he portrayed his wife. In Krakow and Warsaw there were exhibitions of his works. The artist often visited Belovezhskaya Pushcha, on the banks of the rivers Bug and Neman. Here his work was guided by French art, and he also tries to paint landscapes from memory. In many museums of Polish cities, paintings of the late period of the artist's works are kept. His creations were able to see Paris in 1925. His last creation was a painting called "The Red Room".

The Second World War caught Zhukovsky in Warsaw. He got into a German concentration camp, where he could not stand the harsh conditions and died in 1944.

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