Education, History
The years of Stalin's rule
The real name of Stalin is Dzhugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich. He was born 9 (21 in a new style) December 1879 in the Georgian city of Gori.
For the majority of the descendants of the Soviet Union, the years of Stalin's rule and his personality are associated with the process of industrialization, victory in the Great Patriotic War, and with a horrifying scale of repression, whose number of victims elevates him to the rank of the most cruel and ruthless ruler of his country. More than three million people were shot or sentenced to imprisonment for political reasons. Numerous cases of deportation, dekulakization, and exile bring the number of victims of the Stalin regime to a figure of twenty million.
In today's times, most psychologists unanimously declare a significant influence on the formation of the character and personality of the child's upbringing and family environment in general. So what is the reason for Stalin's so tough character?
According to the stories of historians, the leader's childhood was not joyful and cloudless. Frequent clarification of the relationship of the parents, accompanied by battered mothers from the unsaved father, could not pass without a trace and not affect the growing boy. To suppress the feeling of helplessness in front of a strong male fist, the mother was looking for an emotional outlet on the future leader, therefore, Stalin learned about such beatings and ill-treatment as early as his childhood. Since then he has understood for himself the principle of life - the one who is stronger is right. It was this course that he followed throughout his life.
Stalin made the first political steps in 1902, having organized a demonstration in Batumi. Over time, he becomes the leader of the Bolsheviks, gets acquainted with Lenin and is considered an ardent supporter of his revolutionary ideas. In 1913, Joseph Dzhugashvili first signed with his new pseudonym, entrenched behind him until the very end of his life. So the reign of Stalin is already under the name known to the whole world. And it was preceded by about thirty others, not yet adopted.
The years of Stalin's rule as the sovereign ruler of the state began in 1929 and are accompanied by a period of collectivization, which resulted in starvation and numerous deaths. In 1932, a law was adopted, popularly known as the "three spikelets". In accordance with its rules, if a dying starving farmer steals from the state the wheat spike he raised, he was to be shot. The saved bread was sent for export, thus preparing the way for industrialization. The money was used to buy the latest technology produced by various countries, not only in Europe, but also in America.
The years of Stalin's rule are also characterized by numerous repressions that began in 1936, when NI was appointed to the post of People's Commissar for Internal Affairs . Yezhov. In 1938, Stalin's closest friend, Bukharin, was shot. This period is characterized by mass executions and exile to the camps of the Gulag.
However cruel the ruler is, such a policy is carried out for the benefit of the state, for its further development. What are the positive developments that have occurred with the country during the years of Stalin's rule?
During his rule, the public system of the state was formed, with its economic, political and social institutions; Carried out the modernization of the country, abandoning the policy of the NEP, at the expense of the village by carrying out industrialization; Strategic decisions ensured victory in the Second World War; Turned the Soviet Union into a superpower. The USSR became one of the world powers, a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
In 1953, Stalin was no more. The end of the reign of Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, which was replaced by the changed course of foreign economic policy of N. Khrushchev, came to an end.
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