
Rosemary officinalis: the gift of nature

If we talk about rosemary medicinal, then, first of all, it is necessary to explain that this is an evergreen shrub with narrow leaves and blue flowers. Its flowering occurs at the end of February, and this plant is spread in warm regions, in particular, in the Crimea, where it is often possible to observe how medicinal rosemary is used as a living "fence", enjoying not only the seclusion but also the magic fragrance.

Rosemary officinalis has taken a firm position in alternative medicine, where young leaves and shoots are used for productive treatment, which are collected mainly from the tops during the flowering period. The medicinal properties of rosemary make it useful in the treatment of a number of pathologies. It has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing abilities, having a beneficial effect under reduced pressure, sexual impotence and general exhaustion. Folk craftsmen prepare infusion of leaves and use it for rinses with inflammation of the oral cavity, for compresses with serious skin lesions and boils, for syringing with whites, for taking baths with radiculitis and rheumatism.

We can safely say that rosemary is very useful, the medicinal properties of which are not limited to this. It also prepares a decoction used in gynecology as an abortifacient, as well as a means of causing menstruation. Also useful is rosmarin medicinal for menopause, balancing the general condition, preventing headaches, nervous disorders, insomnia and depression. In addition, the systematic administration of this medication contributes to the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the number of monthly hemorrhages. It is important to understand that the future mothers this plant in any prepared form is categorically contraindicated.

In addition, it should not be overlooked that rosemary medicinal is also used as a sedative for neuroses in the climacteric period, as well as migraines, colds, gastrointestinal pathologies, as a choleretic, tonic and diuretic, and in a duet with lavender - with Hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, with gastric colic. Rosemary officinalis also found its application in neuritis, thrombophlebitis and parotitis.

Derivatives of this shrub often constitute a component of dietary nutrition in diabetes, pathological processes of the gallbladder and liver, and are also used to prevent myocardial infarction. From the flowers of this plant are jam, which helps with coughing and prevents irreversible processes of skin aging. This drug is an excellent stimulant of immunity, able to withstand viral and cold infections, demonstrating its antitussive and softening properties. Of the leaves, special preparations are used, used for asthmatic relapses.

Summing up, we can say that rosemary medicinal has choleretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, antidipressive, wound-healing, antioxidant abilities, which are widely used in non-traditional medicine.

It is also necessary to emphasize that cosmetology is one of the spheres of application of this natural component, since rosemary exerts a tonic effect on the skin, prevents the progression of cellulite, substantially corrects the figure, normalizes microcirculation of blood and promotes productive rejuvenation.

So you can safely use this remedy for the intended purpose, but do not forget that rosemary medicinal is contraindicated in case of skin hypersensitivity, propensity to allergic rashes, hypertension and epilepsy. Restrictions apply to young children.

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