
A polygamous man is ... What is a polygamous family?

Looking in the explanatory dictionary, you can see that a polygamous man is a person who simultaneously maintains sexual relations with several women (two or more). In addition, the notion of female polygamy is singled out.

History of polygamy

In primitive society, such a thing as monogamy did not exist at all. For our distant ancestors, polygamy was simply necessary - only thanks to it it was possible to continuously continue the genus and increase its number. In turn, this is what allowed the tribe to survive in harsh conditions. Huge importance was the hierarchy within the tribe itself. Thus, the unconditional right to fertilize any of the females was the leader - the strongest representative of the genus, and after it, in descending order of importance, other males. In parallel, there was a natural selection, because stronger males were born stronger and more enduring children. Why now the word "polygamy" is used most often in a negative context?

The transition from polygamy to monogamy

As the evolution between individual representatives of different tribes began to arise more stable and strong ties. There were even rudiments of marriage. However, they were based on polygamy. The husband could have any number of women on the side, but his wife in case of betrayal risked being stoned. By the way, it was in this version originated harems.

Over time, issues began to arise in the division of property. They were decided very simply - as the males dominated the society, the male child also had to inherit everything. In order not to leave all property acquired for a long life, someone else's offspring, the head of the family had to be sure of his paternity. Here the question arose about the definition of paternity. Today, this problem is solved in just a couple of hours - the child and father hand over special tests, and then almost instantly learn the result. Then the only way out of the situation was a monogamous marriage.

Religion played a big role in strengthening and developing monogamous marriage. Simultaneously, purely human relationships developed - in addition to the natural instinct for the extension of one's own kind, they began to play the role of attachment, feelings.

Is it true that all men are polygamous?

Many members of the stronger sex justify their love affairs by the fact that they are by nature polygamous and unable to resist the influence of instincts. The question arises: "Perhaps a polygamous man is normal?" Let's try to figure it out.

Why are men polygamous? It is believed that the reason is really hidden in the ancient instincts - primitive males tried to fertilize as many females as possible and leave as many heirs as possible. Is it possible that these instincts are still in force today?

Physiologically, men are really prone to polygamy. However, one should not forget that a person differs from an animal by the ability to think and act contrary to the call of nature. And therefore, to be faithful to a man all his life is not easy, but possible. However, it is necessary to remember this not only to the husband, but also to the wife - having surrounded his "male" with love, care, understanding, giving him everything that is necessary for happiness, she protects herself from treason. After all, a decent and able to be grateful person will appreciate what the chosen one does for him. And at least out of a sense of respect will not hurt her feelings by going "left".

However, there are people who believe that cheating on the male side is normal, they sincerely do not understand why girls are so categorical about this. Here the main thing is to be initially honest with your second half, immediately placing all the points above the "i".

And how are they?

What is polygamous, we have already found out. Now let's talk about the widespread myth that all animals are polygamous. This is far from the case. Relations between representatives of different sexes in the animal world are also built in different ways. For example, some birds converge only for the time of hatching eggs and breeding chicks, and next time they are looking for new partners. There are arctic foxes, foxes and even some species of fish that practice exclusively monogamous way of life. But, say, beavers can behave differently depending on the habitat.

It is noteworthy that in the animal world even polygamous males try to fertilize strong healthy females. A polygamous man, hiding behind his instincts, most likely does not even think about procreation and survival. At least in this case, he should have chosen exactly those women who could theoretically endure and give birth to healthy offspring (strong, with wide hips, and not just with beautiful breasts). If this is not the case, talking about polygamy is nothing more than empty words to justify your own debauchery.

The Benefits of Polygamous Relationships

So, polygamous relations are such a form of contact between men and women, in which one partner maintains communication with several people of the opposite sex simultaneously (yes, polygamy is peculiar not only to men, but also to some women).

Let's leave aside the questions of morality and look at the benefits that a polygamous family can have. Immediately note that this is not a one-time betrayal, but a real polygamous family (as in Arab countries, where a man can have several wives at once). And this is a full-fledged family, where each member has his own duties, rights, etc.

Actually, the main advantages of polygamous families:

  • From the point of view of biology, the diversity of sexual relations has a beneficial effect on the viability of offspring;
  • Polygamous family - a rather difficult step for a woman, and if she really agrees to it, then only on the basis of a deliberate arrangement;
  • As a consequence of the previous paragraph - the percentage of divorces in polygamous families is almost zero.

In addition, it should be mentioned that men can have several wives (in those countries where this is allowed) only if they have enough means to provide the entire harem. That is, the wives of this "sultan" will be 100% sure that their children will never need anything, they will not starve and will receive a decent education.

Disadvantages of Polygamous Relationships

And now let's talk about the disadvantages. First of all, a polygamous man is a person who should pay enough attention to each of his partners. This is, to put it mildly, few. And although no one in the family is lacking in terms of material benefits, some psychological discomfort can still take place.

You should not also think that polygamous marriage can be used, and that in time, there will be no hint of jealousy. Most likely, it just has to accept it as an inevitable fact, but no more.

In addition, it is noticed that a polygamous person, who is already scattering his attention to several partners, pays less time to children.

Polygamy and the domestic mentality

Someone may object and cite as an example the happy polygamous families of the East. However, several factors should be considered. First, polygamy is not forbidden by Islam (unlike Christianity, which is common here). Secondly, girls are brought up in this culture from the earliest years, they are psychologically ready to become "elder" or "younger" wife.

It should also be borne in mind that in Arab countries women do not have practically any rights at all. Our girls, who have fallen under a powerful current of expansion, are unlikely to be able to share their men with someone. Therefore, the legalization of polygamous marriages in our country, most likely, will not lead to anything good - there is simply no suitable psychological foundation that has been formed for centuries.

Is there female polygamy?

Unlike men, women do not have historical prerequisites for this phenomenon. There are simply no corresponding mechanisms in the genetic code of the fair sex. Women's polygamy is nothing but a psychological phenomenon, even a deviation from the norm. After all, genetically girls are programmed not to have children from as many males as possible, but to choose the strongest, hardiest and most intelligent representative of the species and give birth to offspring from him. In fact, polygamous women go across the genetic code and their natural destiny.

How to treat polygamy?

No matter how we treat this phenomenon, a polygamous man is a fairly common phenomenon. And the only logical way out of the situation is to do everything possible to ensure that the partner was so happy and satisfied that he could not hear the call of nature.

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