Health, Medicine
What is the lethal dose of salt for a person?
Not all of us know that the use of some products familiar to us can carry a deadly harm to a person. These include: alcohol, caffeine, salt and even water. It is important to observe the measure in everything. It would seem that the human body in a lifetime must have time to adapt to everything, but this is far from the case. One of the most harmful substances that most people in huge quantities eat every day, without knowing it, is salt.
What is salt?
We all used to hear about salt every day, but rarely did any of us think about what it is, what benefit or harm this substance brings.
Properties and functions of salt
Usual salt for us is the most important additive to food for a person. Usually it is sold in a refurbished form. It happens that in table salt there are some additives that are only able to change its color and taste, but not the basic properties.
Benefits of salt for the human body
It is important to know that salt does not form in the human body. It must come in the right amount from external sources. Absorbed salt completely in the small intestine, and is excreted by sweat glands, intestines and kidneys. It will be relevant to say about the dehydration of the human body , which can easily occur with excessive loss of water (diarrhea or vomiting). In this case, even a lethal outcome is possible . Therefore, with such a diagnosis, it is necessary to urgently compensate for the lost balance of water and salt contained in it. A lethal dose of salt for a person, of course, exists, but its moderate amount consumed as food is the main source of chlorine and sodium in the body. If these substances in the organs and systems of the human body become insufficient, he has the following symptoms: general weakness, tachycardia, reduced pressure, involuntary muscle contraction, etc.
Is salt used in medicine?
While mankind "puzzles" over the decision of the question of what a lethal dose of salt, it is perfectly used for the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases.
Types of table salt
The modern industry, engaged in the production of products, began to supply the markets with salt of unknown brands and species. Its cost is sometimes significantly overestimated. Is it justified, is this salt useful? And you can eat it how much? A lethal dose of salt, whatever the form it is, still exists, so that it is not necessary to get involved.
- Evaporation: extracted from the bowels, then water is evaporated from it;
- Stone: mined in special quarries with appropriate equipment;
- Self-replanting: this salt itself precipitates, it can only be collected;
- Sadovaya: evaporates naturally on the bottom of salt lakes.
If we talk about the types of salt based on artificial additives to it or special treatments, we distinguish:
- Iodized salt ;
- Dietary - has a rather specific taste;
- "" Thursday "," Papuan ", Himalayan, kosher salt and many others.
Do I need to salt food?
There is an opinion that three tablespoons of salt is a lethal dose for a person, capable of causing irreversible processes in his body. It can not be said that by using such a quantity of this product, you can die, but to harm the body, and seriously enough, it's easy. And to avoid such disastrous consequences, you need to know the normal dose of salt for him.
Children's body and salt. Pregnancy and salt
We have already found out that salt is necessary for the human body. It participates in its metabolic processes and vital functions.
- When breastfeeding is adjusted, the baby with the mother's milk receives the right amount of salt along with other nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, the first complementary food is not necessarily additives. Of course, with the growth of the child, with the increase in the need for mineral substances, salt is added to his food, but in moderation.
- Pregnancy is a special condition in which the body for nine months is responsible for the growth and development of the baby. Therefore, the need for salt in women in an interesting position is significantly increased. Undoubtedly, the measure needs to be known, that is, when swelling occurs, reduce the amount of sodium chloride used. But completely exclude salt from their daily diet of pregnant women is strictly prohibited.
- The lethal dose of table salt for toddlers and expectant mothers is somewhat different, but it is there, so do not give the child a lot of sodium chloride, since an unformed organism may not cope with its excretion.
How much salt is harmful to an adult?
This question is asked by scientists and physicians around the world for many years, trying to find the most accurate answer to it. So, let's discuss how many spoons of salt - a lethal dose for one person? After all, in a day we consume it in large quantities. It's still customary to talk about grams of salt that can harm a person's body, and they make up 3 g / kg of weight. That is, if the average person to eat a fourth of a pack of table salt (250 g), he will die. Yes it is. Especially if he did not use the proper amount of liquid. And ate it in one sitting. Immediately, the pressure will increase, there will be swelling, there will be swelling of the lungs and the brain, in short, you will be provided with a lethal outcome.
Poisoning with salt
Of course, in this case we are talking about a daily violation of the amount of sodium chloride consumed. People say that 3 tablespoons of salt is a lethal dose. But is it? It is difficult to apply this norm to each specific person, because we all have different weight and height, and the distribution of all used substances in the body of a single person is different.
Salt as a habit, life-threatening for life
It turns out that the statement "3 tablespoons of salt - a lethal dose" is not entirely true. Therefore, you must calculate this amount specifically for yourself, based on your weight: 3 g per 1 kg of a person's weight. Get used to eating salt in moderation, and then overweight, swelling, high blood pressure will never bother you.
Remember that in any matter it's important to know the measure. This applies to the use of salt. It is very important for your body, it can be said, is vitally important. But excessive use of it in the end can ruin a person.
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