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Genres of fine art: guide to the world of painting.

The world of art is a wonderful country, in the map of which any educated person should orient. In order to be one of the inhabitants of this world, it is necessary to know the types and genres of fine art. So let's put things off for a while and get acquainted with their peculiarities. "Kinds" is a broader concept than "genres of fine art". They are divided into:

1. The graph. This image is created with the help of lines, strokes, spots, which are applied to the surface of the sheet. At the heart of all fine art lies the schedule, because initially man has learned to capture forms and outlines.

2. Painting. This is the embodiment of the fantasy world of the artist on a flat surface with the help of paints.

3. Sculpture. It is a kind of art, expressed in plastic images. The main materials for creativity here are bronze, stone, wood, marble, but many modern artists are increasingly beginning to use for their work plastic, steel, concrete and other non-standard materials.

In addition, there are also various genres of fine arts. The most popular of them, with whom absolutely everything is familiar - a self-portrait. The essence of it is that the author depicts his image. After this, we all have a well-known genre of portrait, which in turn is divided into a ceremonial, chamber, group portrait, miniature and parsun. On the canvas in this case, one model or their group is depicted.

There are other genres in the visual arts, for example, the landscape, which implies the artist's image in the picture of rivers, lakes, cities, buildings and much more.

But it is especially worthwhile to dwell on such a genre as the historical one. Thanks to him, before our eyes are pictures and events of past and present years. At all times this genre was fundamental. Similar genres of fine art - mythological and biblical, which, in fact, also reflect history, only the first is dedicated to the heroes of myths, and the second to the life of Jesus.

Especially popular today are caricatures and cartoons, and few people think that these genres of fine art artists have used in their work for a long time. They imply the presence of a humorous note in the image, the hyperbolization and isolation of some of the characteristic features of the model details.

It is also worth mentioning an allegorical genre that reflects the reality surrounding us with the help of various associations. Animalistic genre - representing to us images of animals and having a close connection with the natural-scientific field of science. Thanks to the battle genre, we see battles and wars of great men. The everyday genre depicts the everyday life of people, still life - inanimate objects, such as fruits, flowers. Genre nude demonstrates the beauty of a naked body, pastoral - idealizes the life of people in the bosom of nature.

Genres of fine art open the gate to the beautiful world of painting, which involves our imagination in a whirlpool of colors and images, makes our minds constantly in the activity and reflect. It is impossible to describe in a nutshell the whole significance of art in our life: you need to feel it with all your heart.

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