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What smears burns? We understand together

What smears burns? This question has touched every person at least once in his life. After all, none of us are immune from accidents. It is worth mentioning that the most "competent" in such a difficult issue are grandparents who are accustomed to save themselves from any ailment with the help of traditional medicine. But not always goose fat, sunflower oil, salt or alcohol can help in such situations. So what do the first and second degree burns smear when the skin turns red and becomes covered with small blisters? We will find out about this later.

Use of medicines

As you understand from the above, today we will consider the question of what burns burn, only from a medical point of view. After all, people's means, although they are very popular among modern people, but in case of accidents they do not always help.

Means "Panthenol", "Pantoderm" and "Bepanten"

All these drugs contain a substance such as dexpanthenol. It has regenerating, metabolic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is very important for burns. Due to the high efficiency of this remedy, it is recommended to always have it in your medicine cabinet, so that in case of accidents with the help of him it would be possible without problems to provide first aid to the victim.

The drug "La Cree"

If you ever have a question about how to smear a child's burn, then this herbal and safe remedy is most suitable. As you know, the cream includes extracts of turn, licorice, violet, walnut, as well as the above panthenol and avocado oil. If you use this ointment immediately after an accident, it will well moisturize, soften, and also prevent the inflammation of the skin and contribute to their recovery. In view of the fact that this drug does not contain any antibiotic agents and hormonal substances, it can be used even for children.

Aerosol "Vinisol"

This product contains vinylin, citral and linetol. It has a regenerative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. This is a fairly safe drug that has no contraindications other than hypersensitivity.

Aerosol «Levovinisol»

This drug is not entirely suitable for answering the question of what burns burn, because it should only be sprayed on the affected surface. In composition, this agent is very similar to the previous one, but it also includes a component such as levomycetin. This substance enhances the antimicrobial effect, but significantly increases the incidence of side effects.

Aerosol Oxycyclisol

The presented drug includes an antibiotic, such as oxytetracycline, and anti-inflammatory hormone - prednisone. That's why this tool should be used only after consulting a doctor.

1% gel "Liniment synthomycin"

Also, the answer to the question about what to blister blisters for burns, can fully serve the presented tool. However, the gel "Levomycetin", as well as other antimicrobial drugs are prescribed exclusively by the doctor for the treatment of serious injuries of the 2nd or 3rd degree.

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