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High blood pressure does not decrease, what should I do? Treatment of high blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a disease, which still, despite all attempts to study it, keeps many secrets. Deterioration of the condition with this pathology can occur at any time, and procrastination often leads to very serious consequences. Therefore, people prone to increased pressure (and to such now can be considered one in five of the inhabitants of the Earth), should know what measures should be taken if the high pressure does not decrease. For this, there are many proven methods, which this article will be devoted to.

What is behind the numbers

Arterial pressure (AD), or rather its level, is an indicator of the volume of blood flowing to the organs of our body. And the figures of blood pressure demonstrate the effectiveness of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and help to determine the presence of violations in it. And before talking about what to do, if high blood pressure does not decrease, does not get off by ordinary means, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail the components of this indicator.

The work of the heart is a cycle of alternating contraction and relaxation (in medicine - systoles and diastoles). With a reduction in the volume of cavities in the heart muscle becomes smaller, and the blood from them is thrown into the vessels, and during relaxation, it, on the contrary, increases, and the cavities are filled with blood.

In the phase of diastole (ie, relaxation), the valve that separates the heart from the vascular system (called the aortic valve) closes. This prevents the blood from returning to the heart and forcing it to move along the vessels.

How the blood moves in our body

In the human body, there are several ways of moving blood: arteries, veins and capillaries. And often the reason that high blood pressure does not decrease is the specific blood circulation of a particular person. But how should this happen in the norm?

For blood supplied with oxygen, the arteries that run from the heart serve as conductors. She moves on them with great speed, passing a few meters in a second. The walls of the arteries are equipped with muscle fibers, allowing them to change their diameter (increase or decrease the lumen of the vessels).

The veins also pass the blood with a low oxygen content, and on them it returns back to the heart. At the same time it moves slowly, overcoming in a second only a few centimeters. The volume of veins varies depending on the amount of blood accumulated in them.

The small vessels of our body are capillaries. Their diameter is sometimes measured in microns, which corresponds to the diameter of blood cells in humans. Through the walls of the capillaries, and there is an exchange of nutrients and gases between the organs of the body and blood - so you can primitively describe the circle of blood circulation in the body.

On what do blood pressure indicators depend?

The way the heart and the entire cardiovascular system works, primarily affects the heart rate and blood pressure. It's not in vain in a situation where high blood pressure does not decrease, the doctor pays attention to the patient's pulse.

Pulse is a push of blood, palpable in the place of close fitting of the artery to the skin of a person. It occurs at the time of contraction of the heart (systole). And at this moment in the initial section of the aorta (the main artery of the body) is formed the so-called shock wave, which is transmitted through the walls of all arteries and which can be detected in the form of oscillations. The pulse rate and its rhythmicity depend on the number of cardiac contractions.

And now about what influences BP figures.

  1. Arterial pressure depends on the amount of blood circulating in the arteries. The fact is that its total volume is about 5 liters, and about 2/3 of its volume flows simultaneously through the vessels. When it decreases, the pressure of blood on the walls of the blood vessels decreases, and with an increase one can observe an increase in pressure.
  2. In addition, it is in direct proportion to the diameter of the vessels through which blood flows. The smaller their diameter, the stronger they resist the movement of blood, which means that its pressure on the walls increases.
  3. Another factor influencing the magnitude of blood pressure is the intensity of the heartbeats. The more often a muscle contract, the more blood is pumped, the greater the pressure on the walls of the arteries. By the way, often in such cases, a patient with high blood pressure does not have enough air, Which can be attributed to the obvious signs of an increase in heart rate (tachycardia).

Systolic and diastolic pressure

In medicine, it is customary to talk about two types of blood pressure: systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower). Systolic - this pressure in the artery at the time of contraction of the heart muscle, and diastolic, respectively, at the time of its relaxation. That is, at a pressure considered normal for a healthy adult - 120/80 mm Hg. The upper pressure (120) is systolic, and the lower one (80) diastolic.

High pressure does not decrease? The reasons can be covered in the impact on the body of tonic drinks (tea, coffee) or alcohol, as well as physical stress and emotional stress, especially if a person is already over 40 and he has a tendency to hypertension. But, note, this increase in pressure is not yet considered pathological, since it is compensatory, that is forced, adaptive reaction of the body to specific stimuli, and, as a rule, independently normalizes.

What causes hypertension?

And hypertension, in contrast to the situation described above, is a persistent increase in blood pressure. As already mentioned, it can be provoked as an increase in the volume of blood that pumps the heart, and the narrowing of the diameter of the vessels. And the latter can cause a thickening of their walls, and clogging with cholesterol plaques. But this is only a small part of the causes of hypertension.

This disease can accompany age or hormonal changes in the human body, as well as pathology of internal organs, for example, kidney failure. By the way, in these cases, high blood pressure is not reduced by drugs or responds poorly to their administration. And so doctors with persistent indicators of blood pressure, as a rule, refer the patient to an additional examination to find out the true causes of hypertension.

Proceeding from this, it is customary to distinguish between primary hypertension, it is called essential, and secondary - symptomatic. The first type of disease, unfortunately, does not have a single cause of occurrence, eliminating which, it is possible to achieve a persistent reduction or normalization of pressure. A secondary hypertension completely depends on the specific cause (that is, from the already existing disease), eliminating it is necessary not only to reduce blood pressure, but also to avoid possible complications.

And if I do not feel high pressure?

This question is sometimes asked by patients. As a rule, the increase in pressure is accompanied by certain symptoms: headache, nausea, a sensation of heat in the neck and head, palpitations, lack of air, the appearance of black flies before the eyes. Every patient has his own set of reliable signs that the pressure has increased.

But there is also a small percentage of hypertensive patients who (especially in the first stages of the disease) do not feel a change in state. Therefore, they ask: "What if I do not feel high pressure?"

In this case, doctors insist on regular monitoring of blood pressure with a tonometer. By the way, every person who has reached the age of 40 should have it. It is necessary to measure pressure regularly even under condition of good health.

Having found out, that the BP is raised, and state of health thus has not changed, it is necessary to make a measurement every day. It is desirable at the same time, before relaxing, not immediately after eating and following the instructions for using a tonometer. If there is a regular increase in pressure, you should immediately consult a therapist for examination and prescribing of blood pressure control.

Drugs that lower blood pressure

Of course, if high blood pressure does not decrease for several days, it is a serious reason to urgently consult a doctor and begin treatment. After all, when diagnosing primary hypertension, you will now need to take medicines regularly, since this is the only sure way to maintain good health.

Drugs that control blood pressure are divided into several types. And pay attention - the doctor appoints them, based on a specific situation. Do not check yourself for the remedy that helped your neighbor! It can be dangerous for you.

  • Among medications that lower blood pressure, diuretics (diuretics) are often used: Furosemide, Veroshpiron, Hydrochlorothiazide, etc. But nowadays they are often prescribed as additional drugs.
  • ACE inhibitors: Enap, Kaptopres, Lizinopril, etc. They block the enzyme that causes vasoconstriction, and are usually applied once a day.
  • Beta-blockers: Anaprilin, Bisoprolol, Karvedilol, etc. They soothe the pulse, equalize the heart rate and lower the pressure, but are contraindicated in bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus.
  • Alpha-adrenoblockers: "Droxazoline", etc. They are used for emergency blood pressure lowering.

In a situation where high blood pressure is not reduced by tablets, intramuscular and intravenous drugs are used. Their action, as a rule, has a more pronounced effect. However, such medicines are used only in special cases and under medical supervision.

Effects on acupuncture points to reduce pressure

With the existing hypertension, as with a sudden increase in blood pressure, there may be a situation where it sticks to frightening figures and does not want to fall. High blood pressure does not decrease, what should I do?

The effect on the acupuncture points will help . In this case, we are talking about a point under the ear, or rather under the lobe. Find under it a depression and, lightly pressing on the skin, slide your finger a vertical line from top to bottom, to the middle of the collarbone. This should be done 8-10 times from each side of the neck, and the pressure will decrease.

And at the level of the earlobe, half a centimeter from it in the direction of the nose, find the point, which strongly (but not painfully) massage for 1 minute.

Procedures to help reduce high blood pressure

If the increase in blood pressure was preceded by stress or nervous tension, it is convenient to lie down (preferably on a high pillow), unfasten the tight clothes and drink 20 drops of tincture of valerian, motherwort or peony that will help calm down. With the painful feelings that have arisen in the heart, it is best to take a capsule of "Corvalment" or a tablet of "Validol".

Unfortunately, now it is quite frequent that the situation when high pressure does not decrease. What if I can not immediately seek medical help?

  • Doctors advise putting mustard plasters on your calves or putting your feet in hot water - this will help the blood to redistribute to the lower extremities, which will somewhat lower blood pressure (but keep in mind that this advice does not apply to people suffering from varicose veins on the legs).
  • Helps to cope with the jump in blood pressure and a salt compress attached to the waist and the back of the head. The heated salt is then put on a folded towel or napkin.

Effective means for lowering blood pressure

If the high pressure does not decrease for a long time, the acetic compress for the feet helps well. Take half a liter of apple cider vinegar and dilute it in equal amounts of water. After that, the towel is lowered into the mixture, squeezed out and wrapped around the legs.

Please note that both feet wrapped should be on the floor. After 10 minutes, the compress can be removed and feet rinsed with cool water. Apple cider vinegar has an irritating effect, which helps to cause blood outflow and thus reduce blood pressure. This method is considered very effective.

In addition, to reduce the pressure, prepare a composition of tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort and Valokordina. These funds are poured into one bottle (in equal proportions) and, if necessary, take a teaspoon of this mixture, but previously diluted in 50 ml of drinking water.

What if the high pressure does not decrease?

What to do with a steady increase in blood pressure, of course, everyone is free to decide for himself. The above tips are checked in such situations and will help you, but do not forget that hypertension is a very insidious disease. It causes not only malaise at the time of increased pressure, but also can have a negative effect on eyesight, hearing, heart and other organs. Not to mention the fact that elevated blood pressure is also a constant risk of a stroke, usually resulting in a disability. Therefore, in a situation where high blood pressure does not decrease, what should I do? Do not hesitate to consult a doctor! This will save you from many troubles. Be healthy!

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