Health, Diseases and Conditions
Than to lower pressure in house conditions
Many people have such a problem as high blood pressure. This condition not only affects the health of a person, worsening it, but also threatens with more serious consequences. In many cases it is necessary to know how to reduce pressure by folk remedies in order to prevent the development of adverse complications.
At home, patients often resort to self-massage. Reduce pressure can be affected by points beyond the ears. You need to press your fingers on them, and then hold up to the collarbone. Massage is carried out first with one, and then on the other. This exercise is recommended to be performed ten times.
Without using medicines, you can lower the pressure with the help of a massage of another point. It is located on the face, above the cheekbone along the line from the tip of the nose to the ear lobe. Influence on this point should be accurate pressing.
On the face in the area between the eyebrows is another active point. Massage of this area can also reduce pressure. Exposure is recommended not to take more than a minute, and the pressure should not cause pain or discomfort.
The natural remedy is green tea. It is recommended to drink it unsweetened. It should be noted that this method does not apply to "fast", because to reduce the high pressure of green tea can only be with prolonged use. This is due to the "indirect" impact of the facility. In other words, the pressure is reduced due to the constant continuous healing effect on the blood vessels.
Together with the use of green, it is advisable to drink ordinary black tea. It is also recommended to eat regularly. Black tea prevents the development of atherosclerotic phenomena in the vascular walls, which allows, thus, to reduce the pressure.
As you know, the blood vessels provide a sufficient and proper supply of blood and nutrients to the tissues and muscles. Therefore, their healthy state is considered an indispensable condition for ensuring normal pressure indicators.
Natural remedies that contribute to the normalization of the state are very diverse and numerous. However, in hypertension, they should not be alternative methods of treatment. The greatest effect, as practice shows, is achieved when carrying out complex therapy combining the medicamental effects prescribed by the doctor and folk recipes. Medicinal herbs, when properly used, have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the blood vessels, but also on the whole organism. In addition, they are generally more accessible than individual medications.
Among medicinal herbs that have the properties to reduce blood pressure, include motherwort, flax seeds, valerian. Tinctures of these plants or can be purchased easily in pharmacies. Reducing the pressure is very conducive to berries. Very effective are the fruits of hawthorn and dogrose. They can be purchased separately or as part of medical charges against increased blood pressure. Broths of these berries are taken regularly to maintain vascular health.
Sufficiently effective at increased pressure is milk with carrot seeds. For cooking, you need to grind the seeds (four glasses). After this, the resulting mixture should be divided into 28 parts. In the morning, each such part must be cooked in milk with the addition of half a spoon (tea) of cornstarch. Acceptance of an agent on an empty stomach. Seeds of carrots are used daily until all parts are exhausted.
It is quite common to reduce the pressure at which pine nuts, honey and hawthorn tincture are applied . To prepare each component is required by the glass. In the mixture should be added and a glass of cold water (boiled). You must insist in the fridge, shaking periodically. A month later the mixture is filtered, poured into a dark container. Take recommended for a teaspoon throughout the year, at least three times a day before meals.
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