
Hemoglobin low how to improve? Low hemoglobin: causes

Disturbing constant weakness, fatigue, dizziness? There is a reason to pass an analysis to determine the level of hemoglobin in the blood. What is this substance, what are the functions in the body, what are the dangerous indicators below the norm, and also what to do if hemoglobin is low, how to raise its level by drugs and folk methods, we will tell in this article.

What is hemoglobin?

In the translation from the ancient Greek language the word "hemoglobin" is translated as "blood" and "ball". It is a protein in the human body (and animals) that contains iron and has the ability to bind to oxygen. There is hemoglobin in red blood cells - erythrocytes.

What is needed to ensure that the blood test does not show a low hemoglobin, how to improve performance? For the normal operation of this protein, the body needs to be saturated with iron from food, namely, from animal proteins.

The role of hemoglobin in the human body

The main function of hemoglobin is the binding of its molecules to oxygen, the transfer of the latter across all tissues and organs. The normal operation of many systems depends on this function. In addition, hemoglobin binds to carbon dioxide, transferring it into the lungs. In the body, this function is as important as the delivery of oxygen to the tissues. But at the same time, precisely because of this hemoglobin property, carbon monoxide is extremely dangerous for a person, which quickly enters the bloodstream, poisoning a person.

With the slightest violation of hemoglobin functions, oxygen deficiency develops, metabolic and regenerative processes are disrupted. Is hemoglobin low diagnosed? How to increase its level in the blood, we will tell in detail below.

Blood test for determination of hemoglobin level

The most reliable and demonstrative method for determining hemoglobin levels in blood is a standard general blood test. Observing a few simple recommendations, within a day you can in this way find out the parameters of this protein in the patient's blood. How to prepare for the analysis:

  1. It is required to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages and fatty foods 3 days before the planned study.
  2. The analysis for hemoglobin is given on an empty stomach, since food, especially liquid, significantly reduces the real indicators.
  3. Physical stress should also be temporarily limited before the test is given.
  4. If the patient is a pregnant woman, it is important to inform the doctor about this condition, which gives the direction for blood donation, since the norm of hemoglobin for expectant mothers is much lower.

The laboratory assistant will conduct a series of chemical reactions, compare the results with the samples and indicate the result in quantitative terms. Is low hemoglobin diagnosed? How to improve his performance, the treating doctor-therapist will tell.

Measurement of hemoglobin at home

Thanks to technical progress in medicine, portable compact devices have appeared for reliable, fast and affordable hemoglobin measurement at home. Such devices are called blood gauges. Most often they are able to determine the level of not only hemoglobin in the blood, but also glucose, as well as cholesterol. Such devices are easy to use - just drop a little blood on the sensor, and within a few seconds you can find out that hemoglobin is low. How to improve it, what possible reasons for this state, you can first learn with the help of special programs installed on portable devices. But regardless of the information received, if a deviation is found, you should consult your doctor.

There are also non-invasive (for which no biological material is required) devices for measuring hemoglobin. Often such devices are used by athletes to monitor the effectiveness of training. Such devices are equipped with a sensor sensor, which is attached to the finger of the hand. The principle of operation of such devices is similar to the procedure of spectroscopy. Many of these devices contain "bluetooth" or "USB" functions, thanks to which you can easily transfer the results to a smartphone, tablet or laptop. After that, installing special programs or applications, find out the results that the electronic media will provide in expanded form, with recommendations and a preliminary diagnosis.

The disadvantage of such innovative medical devices is their rather high cost. And the more a range of functions the device is equipped with, the more expensive it will be to pay for it.

Norms of indicators

How to understand that hemoglobin is low, how to improve it and eliminate minor deviations? To do this, it is necessary to evaluate various factors and compare the indicators obtained after the analysis with the established norms. So, for a man, the normal indicator of hemoglobin in the blood is 130-170 g / l, while for a woman - 120-150 g / l. This is due to the hormonal differences in the sexes. In addition, the weak half loses a significant amount of iron every month during menstruation, which directly affects the results of hemoglobin in the blood.

For pregnant women, the hemoglobin rate is even lower. This fact is explained by the fact that the consumption of iron increases for the growth and development of the future baby.

Children do not have sexual differences in the norms of hemoglobin. But the results vary considerably depending on the age of the child. So, in the first few weeks of life, crumbs hemoglobin has high rates - from 130 g / l to 190 g / l. Gradually decreasing, it is normal for a one-year-old baby to be at 110-130 g / l. Then, annually increasing by 3 g / l, by 14-15 years the indicators reach the level of an adult.

What to do if the baby is diagnosed with low hemoglobin, how to increase the child's figure? Since most medications are contraindicated in pediatric practice, most often a special diet is prescribed or methods of traditional medicine are applied.

Low hemoglobin: causes and consequences. How to improve it?

Having obtained the result of the analysis, which indicates that the hemoglobin level in the blood is lowered, it is necessary to evaluate the probability of the influence of external factors and on the recommendation of the doctor to re-retake the analysis. If the result is confirmed, the attending physician can detect the following pathological conditions in the human body:

  1. The first thing that an expert suspects at low hemoglobin indices is iron deficiency anemia. It develops with the patient's diet, which contains insufficient amount of iron. Often observed such a pathological condition in people who observe unbalanced diets or are addicted to starvation. Sometimes iron deficiency anemia develops after a surgical operation, with significant blood loss of the body. Laboratory detected hemoglobin low - how to improve? Iron preparations in case of iron deficiency anemia are prescribed if adherence to a special diet did not give the desired results.
  2. In addition to lack of iron, hemoglobin can decrease because of a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid. These substances should also enter the human body in the required amount from food or by taking vitamin preparations.
  3. To reduce hemoglobin in the blood can lead to chronic gastritis.
  4. Various autoimmune disorders. For example, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.
  5. Infectious diseases, which have a long-term character: pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis.
  6. Blood oncopathology or other malignant formations, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Why is low hemoglobin dangerous?

The main danger of hemoglobin deficiency in the blood is a violation of the oxygen-exchange process in the tissues of internal organs. Depending on the severity of the condition, characteristic symptoms develop, irregularities in the functioning of systems and organs, the standard of living deteriorates significantly. In severe cases, severe anemia develops, which is difficult to correct and leads to a limited lifestyle of the patient.

An even greater danger is the lack of hemoglobin for children and pregnant women. What to do if low hemoglobin is diagnosed during pregnancy, how to improve? The reviews claim that the diet does not always cope with the task, so doctors can make decisions about the appointment of iron preparations, since such a condition is very dangerous for a future mother - the risk of various pathologies, impaired development of the fetus develops. The risk of premature birth increases. In early terms, low hemoglobin in a woman's blood often leads to miscarriage or a stagnant pregnancy, the formation of physiological pathologies in the child. There are cases of stillbirths or serious, incompatible with life, pathologies in a newborn.

Low hemoglobin in children contributes to the lag in physical and intellectual development, the child's inability to focus. At the same time, memory, central nervous system processes are broken, accompanying diseases of internal organs develop. If the baby has low hemoglobin, how can I improve it? Folk remedies are often used to treat children, since most recipes are based on the use of iron-containing foods, infusions and herbs that do not pose a health hazard to the baby.

Symptoms of decreased hemoglobin

If hemoglobin is lowered slightly and this condition is temporary, a person may not feel any symptoms. Otherwise, the patient may be accompanied by the following conditions:

  • General weakness;
  • Pain in the muscles;
  • Skin discoloration: yellowness and pallor appear;
  • dyspnea;
  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • low pressure;
  • Brittle hair and nails;
  • Dry skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • Pain in the stomach;
  • Violation of taste and olfactory sensations;
  • arrhythmia.

In severe cases, there may be fainting, pain in the heart.

Products for increasing hemoglobin levels

If hemoglobin is low, how to improve? Folk recipes and methods of official medicine are unanimous in the opinion that in the first place, the patient's diet should be adjusted. Regularly using the following products, you can increase hemoglobin in the blood:

  • Red meat;
  • liver;
  • By-products;
  • Nuts (walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, cedar);
  • Dried mushrooms;
  • Cereals and bran;
  • Garnet;
  • banana;
  • raspberries;
  • red grapes;
  • beet;
  • Apples;
  • Dog rose (decoction);
  • Rowan;
  • carrot.

Regular rational use of the above products will help to increase the low hemoglobin and further maintain the indicators within the norm, without resorting to more radical methods of treatment.

Medical products to increase hemoglobin

Unfortunately, the ration, which is often enriched with iron-containing products, can not quickly eliminate hemoglobin low. How to improve? Medications, which contain iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, will help effectively cope with the problem in a short time.

If the hemoglobin is less than 60 g / l, then resort to an emergency measure - blood transfusion. This procedure has a number of contraindications and side effects, so it is used only in extreme cases.

If hemoglobin is below 90 g / l, the doctor may recommend intravenous or intramuscular injection of iron. Such a method will have a quick effect, but it is often also not recommended to use it because of the possible development of adverse reactions. Usually injections are prescribed to increase the indices to 90 g / l, after which the tablets or syrup are prescribed.

Iron preparations are not always tolerated by patients: they often complain of complaining of abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, and sometimes vomiting may be disturbing. In addition, the course of treatment with such a means is often quite long - up to an increase in hemoglobin, corresponding to the norm.

To date, pharmacological products offer a wide range of drugs that fight low hemoglobin, for example:

  • Solution for injections "Venofer";
  • Gluconate iron in the form of tablets;
  • Capsules "Sideral";
  • Solution for intake of "Totem";
  • Syrup, tablets and drops "Felnius";
  • Dragées "Ferroplex" and others.

It is worth to clarify that the body is much better at digesting ferrous iron, so it is important to take this moment into account when choosing a medical drug to increase hemoglobin. In addition, often doctors prescribe additionally taking folic acid and vitamin B12.

Folk ways

How to increase the low hemoglobin in the blood, if it is lowered slightly or there are contraindications for taking medications? Coping with the problem will help recipes of traditional medicine. Most of them are based on the use of iron-containing foods and medicinal herbs. We offer several effective and affordable recipes:

  1. Rapidly increase hemoglobin with vegetable juice. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions pomegranate, carrot, beet and apple juice. To use such a delicious medicine is recommended for 2 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals three times a day. The minimum rate is 10 days.
  2. A mixture of ground carrots, dried apricots and raisins will increase hemoglobin in a short time.
  3. Improve the composition of blood grated with sugar, currant and chokeberry.
  4. Infusion of linden with honey - not only a tasty and simple to manufacture means for increasing hemoglobin, but also very effective.
  5. Jam from dandelions with lemon will cope with low hemoglobin and saturate the body with vitamins.

It is important to note that any medicines for increasing hemoglobin in the blood can not be consumed simultaneously with dairy products, since the latter hinder the absorption of iron.

Low hemoglobin in expectant mothers

During pregnancy, the consumption of iron by the body is significantly increased. If the body's reserves are insufficiently replenished by this element from food, then the hemoglobin rates fall swiftly. This condition accompanies every third pregnant woman in the first two trimesters and is almost inevitable at the end of the third. What to do if low hemoglobin is found in pregnant women, how to increase the rates? Here you can not do without consulting a doctor - only he can prescribe the necessary methods and medications.

Complication of the treatment of the future mother is complicated by the fact that many medications and even recipes of traditional medicine are contraindicated for women in this position, since they can have a negative impact on the intrauterine development of the baby. In addition, they often lead to constipation, which is already susceptible to women in this situation.

But at the same time, leaving little attention and appropriate treatment, low hemoglobin in pregnant women is an extremely dangerous and unjustified action, since such a condition entails hypoxia of the fetus with possible various complications.

What can a doctor recommend if low hemoglobin during pregnancy, how to increase its level? More often than not, experts propose a future diet for the mother, enriched with iron-containing products. But unfortunately, this therapy does not always bring results, as for a significant increase in the level of indicators requires the use of a large number of recommended products, which is also undesirable for a pregnant woman and her baby. For example, an overabundance of certain substances can cause digestive disorders, allergic reactions and other.

Therefore, doctors, weighing all the risks, prescribe iron preparations. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of a specialist in order to avoid the development of unwanted reactions.

Hemoglobin plays an important role in the body. Decrease in its level is reflected in the work of many internal organs and the general condition of the patient. Therefore, it is important not only to submit preventive tests in time to detect abnormalities, but also to ensure that iron supplies in the body are regularly replenished with the help of adequate nutrition.

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