HealthDiseases and Conditions

Amenorrhea: treatment and everything you need to know about this condition

Amenorrhea is usually called the absence of menstruation for six months or more. Amenorrhea is not necessarily an independent disease, it can be a symptom of various pathologies of the reproductive system or a consequence of various neuroendocrine diseases, malignant and benign neoplasms.

According to the medical classification, the disease is divided into primary, as well as secondary amenorrhea.

Primary amenorrhea is called a delay in menarche, as well as other signs of normal sexual development before the age of 14, absence of menstruation up to 16 years with normal signs of sexual development. Secondary amenorrhea - delay of menstruation for a period of more than 3 consecutive cycles (against the background of previous normal menstruation).

The main symptoms of amenorrhea are considered to be the absence of normal physiological menstruation and normal fertility, vegetative dysfunction, androgen excess. It is very important differential diagnosis, which helps determine that there is amenorrhea. Treatment is usually done in two stages. The first stage is the identification of specific causes of amenorrhea development. The second stage is considered to be the direct selection of corrective measures.

Amenorrhea: treatment in practice

The choice of treatment options always depends on the precise identification of etiological factors. As the main option for getting rid of almost all types of amenorrhea, prolonged hormonal therapy is shown, whose task is to stimulate the normal functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary system. Amenorrhea, whose treatment is quite successful, usually passes without a trace. Especially with the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

- in the composition of which there is a synthetic hormone replacement for the follicular phase - estrogen (for example, Folliculin, Estrofem and Divigel - such drugs are indicated for women with disabilities in the endocrine system, they can be prescribed to girls with a delay in normal sexual development);

- drugs containing a synthetic analogue of the hormone of the luteal phase - progesterone (for example, Norcolut, Dufaston and Utrozestan - these drugs have been used in the treatment of both primary and secondary amenorrhea);

- analogues of the polypeptide hormone hypothalamus - gonadoliberin (these hormones are called gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH), among them effective, for example, "Cyclomat" - this drug is recommended for women with polycystic ovaries, it induces the onset of ovulation and helps a woman become pregnant); The drugs of this group are of great help when secondary amenorrhea is detected, the treatment of which consists in the elimination of disturbances in the work of the neuroendocrine system;

- combined estrogen- and gestagen-containing oral contraceptives (COCs), for example, "Zhanin", "Regulon" and "Diane-35" (these drugs are recommended for polycystic ovary syndrome).

The duration of treatment with hormonal drugs always depends on the specific situation. In parallel with hormonal therapy, homeopathic remedies can also be prescribed, for example, Remens, Klimadinon and Mastodinon. In more severe cases (as well as in case of ineffectiveness of hormonal treatment) surgical surgical intervention can be shown, it is prescribed strictly according to the indications of a specialist.

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