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Causes and symptoms of stones in the ureter

Stones formed in the organs of the excretory system can hardly be considered a rarity - quite often such solid formations block the normal outflow of urine, leading to a mass of complications. It is important to know what the main symptoms of stones in the ureter look like , because with such a violation, medical help is simply necessary. In the absence of timely treatment, inflammatory processes can occur, including cystitis and pyelonephritis, as well as changes in the normal structure of the ureter and even the proliferation of its walls.

Causes of ureteral stones formation

In fact, the calculi are extremely rarely formed directly in the ureter cavity - most often small kidney stones get here. The main reasons for their formation include some of the anatomical features of the kidneys. The quality of food and drinking water is also of great importance. It is also proved that the symptoms of stones in the ureter are much more frequent in people with stricture of the urethra (pathological narrowing of the urinary canal), as this disrupts the normal outflow of urine and prevents complete emptying of the bladder.

In addition, the formation of concrements can occur against a background of metabolic disorders - for example, people with gout and osteoporosis suffer from this problem often. In some cases, solid neoplasms are the result of a disturbance of nervous innervation in spinal cord injuries.

Symptoms of stones in the ureter

In fact, the main signs appear only if the stone has a relatively large size and partially or completely overlaps the lumen of the ureter.

Violation of the outflow of urine leads to stretching and increasing pressure inside the kidneys - thus developing renal colic, accompanied by severe pain. Soreness, as a rule, occurs in the lumbar region, but it can also spread to the upper back, as well as the scrotum and labia. The pain in this case is sharp, stitching and almost intolerable.

If the stone is in the lower part of the urinary tract, then there are constant, painful urge to urinate, as well as a feeling of strong pressure in the pubic area.

Inflammation, nausea, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain are also symptoms of stones in the ureter, the appearance of which can be explained by the reflex irritation of the nerve endings. Along with this, there is often headache, weakness, dizziness, fever. It should be noted that the presence of concrements in the urinary tract is often complicated by a bacterial infection and leads to inflammation of the urogenital system.

Stones in the ureter and methods of treatment

Undoubtedly, only the doctor can determine the treatment regimen - in no case should one engage in self-medication. A specialist will tell you how to kick a stone out of the ureter and whether it is possible at all. The fact is that conservative methods are advisable to apply only if the diameter of the stones does not exceed 2-3 mm.

In particular, patients are prescribed antispasmodics, analgesic and antipyretic drugs, and if necessary, antibiotics (in the presence of bacterial infection). Sometimes, special solutions, in particular glycerol, are introduced into the urethra, which stimulate the reduction of the ureteral walls and facilitate the removal of stones. In some cases, concrements must first be shredded with ultrasound devices.

Unfortunately, often the only way for patients with a diagnosis of "stone in the ureter" is surgery. Surgical removal of stones is prescribed in cases where their size reaches 1 cm.

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