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The stomach does not digest food, what should I do? The stomach after a reception of a food hurts

Refusal of a full breakfast, snacks on the go, fatty food for the night - unfortunately, so many of us eat. From this diet can not only appear overweight, but also unpleasant sensations in the stomach - heaviness, a feeling of overflow, nausea. This indicates that the stomach does not digest food. And if you do not take any action, food stagnates, there are problems with the stool. As a result, the body is clogged with slag. In this article, Why the food is not digested in the stomach, And how to solve the problem.

Stomach: what is he like?

This is the place for digesting food, which is in the left side of the stomach. The capacity of the stomach is 2-3 liters. Food in it comes from the esophagus. The main task of the stomach is to disassemble the food received into it for fats, carbohydrates, proteins. All that remains after this, from the stomach will get into the duodenum. When we have a feeling of hunger, or we start eating, it produces hydrochloric acid, through which food is digested and digested. The walls of the stomach are covered by a special shell, which reliably protects it from the action of acid. The food is digested for several hours. Approximately five hours are digested fat, for a complete processing of carbohydrates it takes two hours.

Why does pain arise?

If the stomach hurts after eating, then the food was heavy, fatty or spicy. To the painful sensations can lead to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Under the influence of alcohol, a large amount of gastric juice is released, the pressure on the mucous membrane increases, and as a result, pain appears. Also, digestion of food in the stomach can be difficult due to hormonal imbalance (a frequent occurrence in pregnant women). In addition, insufficient isolation of gastric juice can be triggered by disorders from the secretory gland.

How much food is digested in the stomach?

Water, drunk on an empty stomach, instantly enters the intestine.

15-20 minutes is required for the assimilation of broths, fruit and vegetable juices.

The mixed salads are digested for 20-30 minutes.

20 minutes is necessary for the assimilation of melon, oranges, grape, grapefruit.

40 minutes is required for digestion of cherries, apples, pears, peaches and other semisweet fruits.

30-40 minutes is needed for processing vegetables that are salted in a salad such as cucumbers, salad (leaf, red, Boston, garden), tomatoes, green and red peppers, celery and other juicy vegetables.

40 minutes require for their assimilation boiled in water or a couple of vegetables, as well as greens (kale, spinach).

45 minutes digested broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, boiled corn.

50 minutes is necessary for the body to process such roots, such as parsnip, turnips, beets, carrots.

About an hour is required for the assimilation of starch-containing vegetables - it's a pumpkin, acorns, chestnuts, Jerusalem artichoke, ordinary and sweet potatoes.

60-90 minutes digested starchy food, such as peeled rice, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn flour, quinoa, pearl barley.

90 minutes is necessary for the assimilation of legumes - lentils, chickpeas, lima and common beans, etc.

120 minutes of digested soy.

Approximately 2 hours will be required for processing seeds of sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, melon pear.

2,5-3 hours are digested nuts, such as hazel, almonds, raw peanuts, pecan, cashew, Brazilian and walnut.

90 minutes is required for digesting cottage cheese, homemade cheese, and brynza.

2 hours processed cottage cheese from whole milk.

5 hours is necessary for the assimilation of hard cheese (Minster, Swiss).

30 minutes is required to digest the egg yolk, 45 minutes - to process the whole egg.

Half an hour flounder is processed, the usual small cod, fillet of halibut.

45-60 minutes is necessary for mastering more fatty fish (herring, tuna, trout, salmon).

1,5-2 hours digested chicken without skin.

2 hours - turkey without skin.

3-4 hours is required for the assimilation of beef and mutton.

4-5 hours is necessary for the processing of pork.

What happens to food after we ate it?

In order for food to bring the necessary energy and benefits, it must turn into chemical elements that are absorbed by the body. This complex process begins in the mouth, when the teeth are ground, and the saliva dissolves the food. Then in the stomach it is affected by gastric juices and acid. Then through the capillaries it is absorbed into the blood that passes through the liver. It contains thousands of enzymes that neutralize any poison (for example, alcohol), while preserving useful vitamins, glucose, iron. How much food is in the stomach? After a full meal, the food is in the stomach for 2-4 hours. Then it enters the small intestine. Here, digestion lasts another 4-6 hours. After that, the digested products enter the large intestine. There they can stay for another 15 hours, then there is an exit from the body of water and a semi-solid sediment. If the stomach does not digest food, then this process stops, and there are unpleasant sensations.

How to normalize the condition?

If the stomach regularly hurts after eating, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  • Eat small portions;

  • Limit the use of fatty, heavy, spicy food;

  • Supper for three hours before bedtime;

  • Use liquid in between meals.

Foods with pain in the stomach should not be too cold or hot. Products should be eaten in boiled or baked form.

If The stomach does not eat at all, and after eating immediately begins vomiting, it is most likely indicative of an ulcer. In this case, you need to immediately go to the hospital.

Separate nutrition for the normalization of digestion

If the stomach does not digest food, normalize the condition will help separate food. With such nutrition, the body's expenditure on digestion is reduced and it becomes possible to determine which foods cause the disorder. According to the theory of separate nutrition, in one meal it is impossible to combine carbohydrates and proteins, but fats can be combined with carbohydrates and proteins. This is the basic rule, but not the only one. With separate power supply, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. Do not forget about the time that is necessary for the assimilation of certain products, and do not use at the same time different in the duration of digestion food. So, if you eat almonds with oranges, except for the difficulty of selecting the necessary enzymes, not fully digested fruits 2-3 hours will be in the stomach together with nuts. Also, if you add oil in a vegetable salad, this will increase the time of food in the stomach 2-3 times.

How to improve the assimilation of food?

  1. You should start eating only in a good mood. Also it is not recommended to be distracted by reading newspapers and watching TV.

  2. It is necessary to comply with the diet. Full-fledged should be breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So the load on the stomach will not be too strong, it will be able to work in normal mode.

  3. Eat several times a day in small portions. From the table to get up is recommended with a slight feeling of hunger.

  4. Two days a week you should eat only lean dishes. This will give an opportunity to "relax" not only the stomach, but also the liver, the pancreas.


If the stomach does not digest food, you can use the proven folk recipes to normalize the condition. For example, for two weeks, drink infusions of medicinal herbs, which normalize the work of the stomach (centipedes, wormwood, etc.). You can also pour a dessert spoonful of cinnamon into a glass of boiling water, boil for five minutes and consume the resulting broth for half an hour before meals (no more than four tablespoons). To ease the condition a light five-minute massage of the abdomen will help, it is recommended to alternate soft strokes and stronger pressure.

Remember that any problem is easier to prevent than to solve, so eat properly and regularly, without waiting for problems with the stomach.

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