HealthDiseases and Conditions

Sunstroke: effects in children and adults

In the summer, when the warm sun warms, every person wants to spend more time outdoors. And of course, soak in the warm rays caressing the skin to get a beautiful tan. To this there are also picturesque places near small rivers, reservoirs. However, remember that the sun can be not only affectionate. Sometimes it becomes quite dangerous. Long exposure to direct rays can trigger a sunstroke. The consequences of this state are sometimes very deplorable. Especially if a person is untimely or improperly given first aid.

What is a sunstroke?

This is a fairly common diagnosis in the summer. A painful condition is provoked by prolonged exposure to the open sun. It is associated with a lack of intake of fluids in the body and, at the same time, excessive sweating.

A sunstroke is a concept very close to a heat stroke. But the last state causes a very stifling place for a long time.

If the body is exposed to heat for a long time, then the mechanisms of thermoregulation work. The skin begins to cool with a lot of sweat. Salt is washed out with it. A violation of the water-salt balance occurs in a person. In addition, there is an imbalance in heat transfer, which leads to overheating of the body.

Especially hard for the babies to 3 years of sunstroke. The consequences can be of a very different nature. After all, such crumbs have a fast metabolism, but thermoregulation is imperfect. As a result, babies sweat very much and can lose a lot of moisture.

Causes of the condition

Ever since childhood, every person understands that an extremely dangerous condition is a sunstroke. The consequences, if the patient is not given timely assistance, can be very difficult and even threaten his life.

What are the reasons for this unpleasant state? Doctors give the following list of factors that often provoke a sunstroke:

  1. Long stay in the open sun with an unprotected head (without a hat, hat).
  2. Absence of wind and high humidity.
  3. Ignoring the water procedures for a long stay on the street in the heat.
  4. Lack of use of liquid.

Risk factors

In addition, it is important to understand that some people, due to the individual characteristics of the body, are most prone to sunstroke. The most common pathology is observed in toddlers, elderly people. Pregnant women are at risk.

Often there is an unpleasant condition, as well as negative consequences after a sunstroke with the following factors:

  1. Presence of chronic pathologies (ischemia, hypertension, thyroid disease, bronchial asthma, hepatitis, diabetes, mental ailments).
  2. An infarction, a stroke in the anamnesis.
  3. Propensity to allergic reactions.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Obesity.
  6. Hyperhidrosis and anhidrosis.
  7. Narcotic or alcoholic intoxication.
  8. Meteozavisimost.
  9. The use of diuretics, a lack of drinking regimen.
  10. Excessive physical labor.
  11. Taking medications: tricyclic antidepressants, amphetamines, MAO inhibitors.

Types of pathology

Doctors excrete several degrees of damage in such a state as a sunstroke. Symptoms and consequences of pathology directly depend on them:

  1. Easy degree. It occurs, as a rule, after 6-8 hours of exposure to the sun. Symptoms are not pronounced. Characteristic symptoms are dilated pupils, rapid breathing.
  2. The middle stage. It is easy to distinguish by the disturbed coordination of movement. Often, other unpleasant symptoms may occur. A person needs immediate help. Otherwise, the state threatens to change into the next form.
  3. Heavy degree. This stage is very strong. The probability of a lethal outcome is high. Treatment of a severe degree occurs only in hospital conditions under medical supervision.

Let us consider in more detail which features characterize each of the degrees of damage.

Symptoms of mild form

The signs characteristic of this condition in children are very similar to the development of inflammatory pathologies. The effects of sunstroke in children develop rapidly. Lethargy or excessive excitement is combined with a sudden rise in temperature. If you do not take the appropriate measures, the crumb can easily lose consciousness.

For an easy degree the following symptomatology is characteristic:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • General weakness;
  • Rapid pulse and breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • Dilated pupils.

Signs of a moderate stage

If the first aid measures were not taken in a timely manner, then the patient's condition begins to deteriorate rapidly. In this case, there is a symptomatology characterizing the average severity:

  • Intense headache;
  • Sharp adynamy;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Stunnedness;
  • Uncertain movements, a shaky gait;
  • Short-term fainting;
  • Hyperthermia (up to 40 degrees);
  • Rapid breathing, pulse;
  • Nosebleeds.

Development of severe form

This stage appears suddenly. Her appearance is preceded by hyperemia of the face. Then the covers acquire a pale-cyanotic appearance.

The consequences of sunstroke in adults at this stage are very difficult. Even sudden death may occur. Mortality of the outcome in severe form of lesion is up to 30%.

Characteristic symptoms are the following symptoms:

  • Red face turns pale;
  • There is a violation of consciousness (at a very severe degree, coma may occur);
  • There are convulsions;
  • The patient complains of double vision;
  • Hallucinations appear;
  • There is a delusional state;
  • There may be involuntary urination;
  • Hyperthermia (the temperature rises to 41-42 degrees).

In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. An adult or a child who has these symptoms needs immediate medical attention. Any delay is fraught with serious complications. After all, it threatens not only health, but also the life of the patient such a sunstroke! The consequences are too serious, therefore it is necessary to act quickly.

Unpleasant consequences

To understand what is fraught with this condition, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of complications development. The sun's rays, acting on the head, heat it up. As a result, hyperthermia begins to develop in the brain.

What consequences after a sunstroke can be observed? Hyperthermia leads to puffiness in the membranes of the brain. Liqvor is overflowing with the ventricles. The patient undergoes a pressure increase. The arteries of the brain expand. Sometimes there is a rupture of small vessels.

Violated the functioning of nerve centers, responsible for the life of the body: respiratory, vascular. Such an environment provokes the development of quite unpleasant consequences. They can manifest themselves immediately. But sometimes pathologies occur after a long period of time.

In case of severe sunstroke, the patient may experience:

  • asphyxia;
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency in acute stage;
  • Hemorrhage (extensive) in the brain;
  • heart failure.

No doctor can answer monosyllabic questions about how long the effects of sunstroke last. At a mild degree the unpleasant symptomatology passes quickly. The average degree needs longer treatment.

In severe cases, unpleasant consequences that often occur in a remote period can persist for a lifetime:

  • Regular headaches;
  • Difficulty in coordinating traffic;
  • Neurological symptoms;
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • Impaired vision.

In addition, if we talk about the effects of excessive sunburn, it should be recalled that prolonged exposure to the sun increases the risk of cancer oncological disease.

First aid

If you observe unpleasant symptoms characterizing a sunstroke, the consequences and treatment of such a pathology can be greatly facilitated if the necessary measures are taken in a timely manner.

To do this, you should:

  1. Call an ambulance. This action should be the very first. It should be understood that the arrival of doctors can be delayed. Especially if the victim is on a beach remote from the hospital.
  2. Move the person into the shade. If the weight of the patient does not allow it, then above it you need to build protection from the sun's rays. It can be a normal umbrella or any other device.
  3. The person who is conscious should be given a drink. A sunstroke is always accompanied by an overheating of the body. And he, in turn, provokes dehydration. Abundant drink will ease the condition of the sufferer. You can use any drinks: juice, water, compote. Mineral water without gas is useful. Any alcohol can get under the ban.
  4. The head of the patient must turn to one side. In this case, it will not be overwhelmed by vomit.
  5. Wet compresses. They should not be icy, otherwise a person can have a vasospasm. His condition will deteriorate considerably. Cool compresses are applied to the forehead, neck and neck. You can sprinkle the whole body with water.
  6. If a person is unconscious, bringing him to life will allow inhaling ammonia.

Methods of treatment

The arrived brigade of physicians will carry out all measures, allowing to stop the symptoms, which was provoked by the sunstroke. How to treat the consequences of this condition, doctors will tell after the examination. If the patient reveals a severe form, then the person is subject to mandatory hospitalization.

The methods of treatment depend on the symptoms provoked by the sunstroke:

  1. Restore the water-salt balance allows intravenous injection of sodium chloride.
  2. If a patient has asphyxia, heart failure, then doctors make a subcutaneous injection of drugs "Cordiamin" or "Caffeine".
  3. At high pressure, the patient is given antihypertensive drugs and diuretics.

In a hospital environment, a full range of resuscitation measures can be used:

  • Intravenous infusion;
  • Cardiostimulation;
  • intubation;
  • Oxygen therapy;
  • Stimulation of diuresis.


Sunstroke can cause serious damage to health. After all, the consequences of this pathology are quite diverse, ranging from impaired vision and ending with heart disease. Therefore, in order not to face such sad complications, try to protect yourself and loved ones from direct sun rays.

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