Spiritual developmentReligion

Baptist Church in Moscow: a Brief History of Becoming

Russia is a multiethnic country, which also contains many beliefs. Along with the usual Orthodox church there is also a church of Christian Baptists, which will be discussed further.

Baptist Church in Moscow

The Church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists is one of the largest in Moscow at the moment. Its anniversary - 100 years - she noted in 1982 among the parish of the Evangelists.
The history of the formation of this church is interesting because at the end of the nineteenth century, two people, carrying books, Ivan Bocharov and Stepan Vasiliev, began to spread the gospel doctrine. During their sermons they found that the vast majority of people do not know the Word of God, although they honor it and consider themselves believers. That is why their meetings with the people were very popular, through them people tried to understand God.

Development of the Church

Over time, the church building was built, which served as a meeting place for a wide range of people, from ordinary workers to high officials of the state. Gradual improvement of the spiritual condition of citizens left its imprint on the Baptist church in Moscow. Since spiritual enlightenment could not take place in one church, the local temples in the capital and oblasts also developed their activities. For the role of managers in them appointed members of the Central Baptist Church of Moscow. People who adhere to this faith are much more willing to contact to participate in a wide variety of projects.

The addresses of the Baptist churches in Moscow are listed below:

  • Moscow, Warsaw highway, 12A, building 1.
  • Small Trehsvyatitelsky lane, 3.
  • Leskova, 11.
  • Taiga, 2A.

From the earliest times a situation has developed that for participants of various Christian events participants are recruited for them in the Baptist church in Moscow.

Historical reference

Baptists believe that the only source of faith is the Bible, and personal faith in God is a means of saving man. It is important that, unlike Orthodoxy, Baptists baptize a person at a conscious age, when the believer is fully aware of his actions and is imbued with this ritual. Also, Baptists differ in that each believer is considered a saint and allowed to preach to him. One of the main features of their creed is that they do not recognize idolatry, the worship of the cross and icons.

The first Baptists appeared in Russia in the 1860s in the south of the country - these were colonies of German farmers. And only by 1879 the right of Baptists to conduct their activities was legalized. Russian Baptists organized their union in 1884.

The most difficult period in the history of the Moscow Baptist Church was post-revolutionary years. It was at that time that the heyday of atheism took place. These events began to develop rapidly since 1929. At that time, the church was violated in its rights both at the local and legislative levels. For example, in 1937, the government separated the church's internal offices into a hostel, and the seminary buildings were replaced by a school. The period of Stalin's rule greatly hampered the development of the Baptist Church in Moscow, the members of the organization were subjected to severe persecution, they were shot and exiled to Siberia. As a result of such actions of the Baptist communities there were only two left - in Leningrad and in Moscow.

Another Education

Despite the existence of a Baptist community with more than a century of history, there is another church. It was formed during the years of great social upheavals, during the collapse of the USSR and the formation of a new country - Russia. This is the 2nd Baptist church in Moscow. The founder of this organization was Oleg Zhidulov, who organized meetings in his apartment. And since 1992 in the premises of the former kindergarten the church has settled. In 1995, an additional premise for religious services was built.

This building was consecrated only in 1998. It is interesting that, in addition to the standard chants, the choir sings and more modern songs. This feature often leads to the fact that the younger generation seeks to actively join this religious trend, since it sees in it a development that does not cling to the old order. In addition, they actively use theater, music and other cultural events to tell people about Christ. They serve the disabled, veterans and all needy, thus helping them to come closer to God. One of their main missions is to teach teenagers to correctly interpret the scriptures. At the moment, more than a hundred teenagers are trained in their schools, mostly up to fifteen years. In fact, this church unites people of absolutely different generations, different social status, educational level, in order to glorify God's Name together.

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