
"Polyglukin": instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

"Polyglucin" - antishock plasma-replacing drug, which contributes to replenishment of BCC. As a result of the use of the drug, the adhesion of platelets and erythrocytes is prevented.

The form of the release, which makes up "Polyglukin"

The basis of the medicine is dextran. In glass bottles contains 200 and 400 ml of the drug in the form of an aqueous solution. The drug contains sodium chloride and water for injection.


"Polyglukin" instruction for use displays as a medicine that has a hemodynamic and anti-aggregative effect. The drug is a hydrophilic polysaccharide that binds water. After using the medicine, the bcc is restored in a short period of time due to the fact that it absorbs a sufficient amount of water.

The active component has a relatively large molecular weight, so in the bloodstream it is present for a long time, and when the drug is administered it slowly passes through the walls of the vessels. Features of the drug allow you to quickly increase and for a long time to keep blood pressure in the norm. "Polyglucin" reduces swelling of tissues, restores bcc, eliminates spasm, which occurs in peripheral vessels.

Suspension resistance of blood improves after the use of "Polyglucin", the instruction shows that the drug makes the blood less viscous. The person normalizes the parameters, disturbed due to the development of the shock state: microcirculation, blood flow in the tissues.


Removal of medication from the body is mainly made by the kidneys. Partial excretion is carried out within 24 hours. "Polyglucin" is removed unchanged, a small part of it enters the cells of the reticuloendothelial system and there it is postponed, the cleavage of the drug gradually takes place. As a result of this process, glucose is formed, which is not regarded as a source of energy. A little "Polyglucin" falls into the digestive tract.


"Polyglukin" instruction for use allows you to appoint in cases where the capillary blood flow is disturbed. The drug is suitable for the treatment of shock conditions and their prevention (shock septic, toxic, burn, operating, traumatic). The medicine is used for acute blood loss, which occurred during ectopic pregnancy, childbirth or as a result of trauma in order to quickly restore BCC. The solution is used for hypovolemia, which is a consequence of loss of plasma (syndrome of compression, burn). The effectiveness of the drug is noted in the implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing embolism (preoperative, postoperative).


Before starting treatment, you should pay attention to the contraindications, which contains the instructions for use attached to the "Polyglukin" agent. Contraindications for the therapy and prevention of this drug are as follows:

  • Cerebral stroke;
  • High ICP;
  • States in which the introduction of liquids in large quantities is undesirable;
  • Diseases accompanied by kidney damage (anuria, oliguria);
  • Severe hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • Disturbance of homeostasis, coagulation;
  • Uninterrupted internal bleeding (exception - BP below 60 mm Hg).

Dosage of the drug, treatment

The solution is for intravenous administration. In cases where blood loss is considered acute, intra-arterial administration of the drug is permitted. The rate of drug administration is determined individually and depends on the general condition of the patient, his pulse, blood pressure and hematocrit.

In the case of shock conditions, "Polyglukin" instruction for use recommends injecting by intravenous route. The necessary single dose of the drug in such cases is not less than 400, but not more than 1200 ml. In some cases, it is required to increase the dose of the drug to 2000 ml. If the parameters of blood pressure as a result of the administration of the drug could be brought closer to normal, a transition to the administration of the drug by a drop route is performed.

With significant blood loss corresponding to 500 and more ml, as well as the presence of pronounced anemization, in addition to the use of the Polyglukin solution, blood transfusion is performed. In prophylactic purposes, to prevent shock during surgical interventions, the drug is injected into the body if the pressure drops - jet. A sharp decrease in blood pressure to 60 mm Hg. Art. And below requires the introduction of "Polyglucin" in a volume of not more than 400 ml intraarterially. After performing the operation with this medication, prophylaxis is made to prevent the development of shock.

Usually a solution with a concentration of active substance of 6% is used, but in some cases "Polyglucin 33" is used. The instruction for use shows that a preparation with such a concentration of dextran is an auxiliary reagent when checking the compatibility of the recipient and the donor.

When it is necessary to eliminate the burn shock, the first day an adult is injected from 2 thousand to 3 thousand ml of solution, on the second day, no more than 1.5 thousand ml of the drug is used. In those cases when the shock should be removed from the child, first he is administered 40-50 ml / kg of medication, on the second day the dose of the drug for each kilogram of weight is reduced to 30 ml. For preventive purposes, to exclude the likelihood of development of shock, children are injected intravenously in a drip. The necessary dose for the child is from 10 to 15 ml / kg of the preparation "Polyglucin". Instructions for use for animals also allow the use of treatment based on the introduction of "Polyglucin". For these purposes, the dosage of the drug is from 15 to 20 ml / kg. The most appropriate dose of medicine is determined by the doctor.

Adverse events

Before applying the preparation "Polyglukin" instructions for use, the reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with possible side effects. Usually complications do not arise, and the patient's body responds well to the drug. Sometimes there may be allergic manifestations in the form of anaphylactic shock, swelling, itching and rashes. In some patients, a feeling of constriction appears behind the breastbone, and pain in the lower back is felt. There may be fever, a decrease in blood pressure, acceleration of heartbeats. Possible problems with breathing, the presence of dizziness and the development of acrocyanosis. Since the overload causes an additional burden on the heart, prohibits exceeding the recommended dose of the "Polyglukin" preparation instruction for use. Tablets and other medications that the patient takes can disrupt the action of the solution.

Analogues, reviews

You can replace the drug "Hyperhaes", "Reogluman" or "Hayem sterile". To solutions that are used for the same purpose as Polyglyukin, include Sterofundin, Reopoliglyukin, and Stabizol.

Replace the "Polyglucin" instructions for use in cases where the patient does not fit this tool. For replacement, "Gelofusin", "Refortan N", "Sorbilact" can be used. A similar action can be rendered by Albanorm and Neorondex.

The reviews show that basically the drug helps in eliminating the existing problem. But since each case is individual, the results of its introduction may be different. Much depends on the patient's condition. People do not risk using "Polyglucin" on their own, which is connected with the risk of improper administration of the drug and the development of side effects.

Polyglucin solution fulfills its function, but, so that treatment, as well as prevention, is effective and does not lead to other problems, the dose of the drug should be selected by the doctor individually. Only an expert can administer a medicine, since an ordinary person can not accurately determine the necessary dose and the appropriate method of drug administration. Exceeding the permissible dose of the medicine is dangerous for the heart, so do not take risks and engage in self-medication.

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