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Far abroad: the list of countries for Russia

The world arena is represented by 251 countries. Each of them has its own territory, authorities and population. In order to structure them, several classifications were introduced. For example, in relation to a particular state, such a classification may be the division of the world into countries of the near and far abroad. A list of countries relevant to each of them is presented in this article.

What is near and far abroad?

The terms far and near abroad arose in Russia after the complete collapse of the Soviet Union. The first include those states that do not have close ties with Russia. Also, usually none of them is part of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In order to understand what is the far abroad, it is necessary to clearly understand which countries and by what principle are included in the near abroad. In fact, the "neighbors" are those countries that once belonged to the USSR and after 1992 left it.

These names are informal and often in foreign press are written in inverted commas. For Russia, it is a deep memory of continuous communication with the former USSR countries. The nature of this term has nothing to do with the geographical remoteness of countries. First of all, it has a political and historical meaning.

Far abroad of Russia (list of countries)

The list of states belonging to this classification includes quite a few countries. To make the list of the countries of the far abroad of Russia remember, let us single out the brightest of them. Also, it should be noted the level of cooperation between these countries. The list of the countries of the far abroad of Russia is presented further:

  1. China is one of the largest trade and economic partners in Russia.
  2. India is an emerging trade center of peace.
  3. The countries of the European Union are an important source of investment.
  4. Japan and Korea are a source of important technologies.
  5. The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are the source of various natural and agricultural resources.
  6. The Middle East and North Africa is a large market for the importation of Russian equipment.

The list of foreign countries includes sometimes even the Baltic countries. But this is allowed as an exception. Despite the common border with Finland, Poland, Norway, China and the DPRK, Russia includes these states in the list of countries far abroad.

The countries of the near abroad

To the near abroad carry much fewer countries. They are subdivided into 4 categories. The first are the Baltic countries. They include Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The second block is the Eastern European states. The third group includes the countries of Transcaucasia. And complete the list of regions of Central Asia.

Relations between Russia and China

The list of foreign countries should start from China. For Russia, foreign economic relations with this country are a priority. The main tasks of cooperation between the countries are:

  • The conclusion on the Chinese market of machine-building products of domestic production.
  • Development of export policy with respect to agriculture.
  • Elimination of barriers in the introduction of products of the telecommunications sector and the chemical industry to the Chinese market.
  • Investing in the development of border areas between countries.
  • Research and development cooperation.

The work in these areas makes it possible to strengthen friendly relations between foreign countries. The list of possible spheres is constantly expanding, which demonstrates the dynamics of the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and China.

India and Russia

It is no accident that India ranks second in the list of countries of the far abroad. The main sector of cooperation between Russia and India is the biotechnological and information industries. To strengthen relations between countries, the Russian Federation plans to expand its coverage area in the Indian market. The main export goods are special machinery, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and machinery products. The development of investment projects between the states will affect the pharmaceutical, gas and oil companies. Closer cooperation should provide comfortable transport corridors for export-import goods movement. Much attention in foreign economic cooperation between Russia and India is paid to energy, biotechnology, aircraft construction.

EU countries

The main share of Russian exports and imports falls to the states of the European Union. Therefore, the presence of these Western countries in the list on an honorable third place becomes evident. The main task of Russia in relation to the EU is to obtain the proper amount of investments, introduction of their technologies and business processes into their production. The list of priority areas for the development of relations between Russia and EU countries includes the following activities:

  1. Formation of a stable mode of supply of hydrocarbons from Russia to the European market.
  2. Creating conditions for mutual investment in the development of gas and oil production, as well as their distribution and transportation.
  3. Increasing the size of production cooperation through the conclusion of mutually beneficial alliances between domestic and European companies. The main branches of this direction are: telecommunications, automotive industry, food industry.
  4. Increased interest in scientific and technological cooperation between countries.
  5. Establishment of bilateral investment in financial and development projects.
  6. Carrying out works to increase mobility and simplify cross-border movement of citizens. This also applies to the transport of goods and intellectual property.
  7. Elimination of barriers arising in the process of export of Russian goods to the European market.

The implementation of the above events will allow Russia and the European Union countries to become mutually profitable partners in the world market. To date, these countries are actively engaged in achieving their goals, while not forgetting to pay attention to the development of border areas.

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