Arts & Entertainment, TV
Cartoon postman Pechkin. Quotes and aphorisms of the character
A cartoon about three friends from Prostokvashino, created in 1978, continues to be a favorite for both kids and adults (many of whom are also significantly younger than this work). All the vicissitudes of the plot, the characters of the characters and even the name of the postman Pechkin, will surely be remembered by the numerous admirers of this remarkable trilogy.
I think the secret of her longevity is in a beautiful plot, colorful characters, in their remarkable realism. The authors did not try to create an ideal picture: for all its fantasy, this is a cartoon about people and about life - the way it is.
Ambiguous character
In the work of all the characters are interesting, without exception, even (and maybe, especially) such an ambiguous, as the postman Pechkin. The cartoon would not be so great if the creators abandoned this hero, whose image is as complex and far from perfect as the character of any living person.
Pechkin's trace in science
I must say that the root inhabitant of the painted Prostokvashino, the postman Pechkin, for all his insignificance was awarded the mention in the scientific work of Professor Khrenov A.N. ("Art and National Identity"). The author gives the character a very unflattering description - say, the character is designed to reflect the shortcomings of the psychology of a Soviet citizen who invades private life and strictly observes silly formalities, neglecting common sense - for example, does not give the parcel, although he knows the addressee perfectly.
Even in the Soviet man, A. Khrenov believes, there is a strong tendency for an endless search for violation of various rules, aspiration for control where it is inappropriate. The initial "interrogation" of the main characters in the performance of this character does sound ridiculous, nevertheless Pechkin is a postman. Photo of Uncle Fyodor, posted in the newspaper, the meticulous resident of Prostokvashino also does not consider sufficient for identification. For the final verdict, he is with a folding meter - "to measure your boy".
Monument to Pechkin
Such a sharp resume is seen not only as an extremely harsh (not such a postman villain), but also grotesque: after all, "Three from Prostokvashino", as well as its continuation, is just a cartoon, and not a scientific treatise on the figure of a village postman and that degree , In which he reflects the harsh reality of the Empire of Evil.
Citizens who are far from high scientific works, especially those who are ready to accept people as they are, this character (with all its obvious shortcomings) fell to the heart. In a small city of the Moscow region (Lukhovitsy) in 2008, even opened a monument, the central figure of which was just Peckin - the postman. Photo of a funny local landmark, installed in front of city post, see below. The monument depicts the notorious communication worker sitting on a bicycle. A ball sat on the rear wheel, Matroskin leaned against the front wheel, and Galchonok was sitting on Petchkin's shoulder, though more like a bird for the birds of the The Birds.
The complex personality of Pechkin
You can argue whether the postman Pechkin deserves to be a monument or not. Each of his actions can be treated in two ways.
On the one hand, the letter of the postman Pechkin, who helps to find the "prodigal son", speaks in his favor. The children may disagree, but adults understand that the romantic trip of a little boy to the village, committed in the company of a cat and a dog, can not please his "ancestors" who are going crazy with anxiety.
But the screenwriter here did not fill the hero of nobility with full measure: it seems that the postman Pechkin did not show consciousness, but simply took the time to get a coveted bicycle.
This means of transportation should, in the opinion of the character himself, improve his character (the only case in which he shows some kind of self-criticism): "Why was I harmful? Because I did not have a bicycle! And now I'll start at once, and I'll get some beast to live happier. " It's amazing how well the famous animal lover is prepared for a feat thanks to a brand new bicycle. But he says the pure truth: "You come home - she rejoices you ...".
Winged phrases of the squire of the Old Posters
I must say that the employee of the Prostokvashinsky post office has neither a phrase, but an aphorism. His "love" for his uncle Fedor's friends knows no bounds, and he often repeats: "They must be handed over immediately to the clinic, for experiments!"
In general, Pechkin's speech is generally very vital, practical and even wise somewhere. Particularly touching is his statement about children: "It does not happen that the children themselves were. Children must be someone else's. " All normal people on this planet would like it to be so - and in this we all are in solidarity with the worker of the squash mail.
Inhabitants of the civilized world, where pensioners can afford to live comfortably and even travel, would certainly agree with another of his aphorisms: "I, maybe, just start living - I turn to retirement."
Relationships with other heroes
In general, the postman Pechkin is a colorful character, he does not miss the opportunity to mock the heroes. His relationship with the cat and the dog at first do not add up: he constantly enters with them into skirmishes and peppered them with Uncle Feodor's parents. When Matroskin and the postman Pechkin enter into a squabble over the parcel, and the cat pronounces his famous: "The mustache, paws and tail are my documents!" The sharp-nosed bureaucrat very unceremoniously takes the striped one by the scruff and answers him no less wittily: "On the documents Always printing happens. Do you have a seal on the tail? No? A mustache and fake it! "
Humor for the rage of the day
This, in addition to the usual sarcasm, reads the eternal mockery of the native peasant over the city dwellers, who are stupid, which they do not learn: they will go to the forest with incomprehensible capacities, then they will buy shoes incorrect for the winter. And after all, "we do not even go to students in gym shoes in the winter!" - he joins in accusing Matroskin of Sharik, who was flattered by the beauty of sports shoes. Of course, the phrase about students who really were the least well-off members of society was even funnier at the time of the creation of the cartoon. Now, when it is impossible to live on a scholarship, its sharpness is a little smoothed out - students of universities even can not always get their sneakers, and care for children of great age completely fell on the shoulders of their parents.
Make friends with Pechkin
In the last, final part of the trilogy about the village everyday life of friends, the postman Pechkin (the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino"), accustomed to his unusual "charges", is already a friend of the family, entering the house and experiencing the fate of the heroes. When Sharik and Matroskin began to share property, none other than our hero sends a "talking letter" to the city, considering it necessary to have someone's authoritative intervention to correct the situation - or "soon they will start sawing the stove and then the hut".
The reconciliation of the two "sworn friends" occurs after the famous squabble, in which it becomes clear that "if you roll it on a barrel, it is a container transportation", and also a statement that "Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern is a man and a ship!"
Not always a self-serving postman
In this cartoon series about Prostokvashino postman Pechkin gratuitously helps his friends and even remains to celebrate the New Year with his uncle Fedor, Sharik and Matroskin, simultaneously pronouncing another catch phrase: "The main decoration of the New Year's table is the TV. And he shows you the web. "
TV, as we remember, eventually earned (albeit without sound), and restless Pechkin immediately gave a winged description to the accompanist of Uncle Fyodor's mother: "Here it is, this type of civil appearance." Soon after this episode, the cartoon ends. The restless communications worker says one more, his last aphorism: "What the technology has reached! Your mother is here and there and there. " The belief of a villager in the progress of science is truly inexhaustible.
Create a work
According to the decision of director Popov, the creative team was divided. Over the images of a part of the characters (father, mother, postman Pechkin and Uncle Fyodor), the artist-director L. Khachatryan worked. The animals (dog, cat, cow with calf and gulchonka) were taken over by N. Yerikalov. It is interesting that the only character in respect of whom the authors could not come to a common opinion is one of the main characters, Uncle Fyodor. Because of his appearance from series to series changes (however, corrosive viewers found some differences in the mother of the hero).
The reason for the stunning success of the cartoon, of course, is a wonderful script by Eduard Uspensky. Bright images, laconic witty cues - all this provided the product a long life and love of the audience.
Of great importance is the beautiful voice-over of roles. Oleg Tabakov, whose voice is spoken by Matroskin, is really associated with the imposing, wise experience of a cat, and Lev Durov did an excellent job of scoring Sharik.
The fate of the actor and his hero
The voice that the postman Pechkin says belongs to Boris Novikov. The fate of this actor was not very successful: there were no epochal works in his career, but the small roles worked surprisingly well, so that he even got the nickname "the king of the episode." The character of Pechkin permanently immortalized his name. This cartoon will be a pleasure to watch for many more years.
It is interesting that the character of Novikov is the only hero of the cartoon film, which has full personal data. As the postman Pechkin was called, everyone who carefully watched the cartoon will remember. In the second part he is approached by his mother, returning from the resort: "Hello, dear Igor Ivanovich!" To which the character, true to his habits, answers: "Wait, citizen, kiss!" So the full name of the postman Pechkin - Unlike the names of his uncle Fedor's parents, who remained a mystery to the audience.
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