
The drug "Groprinosin": reviews and applications

The drug "Groprinosin" is included in the group of antiviral, immunostimulating drugs, which are used to enhance the protective functions of the human body. The active substance is Inosine pranobex.

Pharmacological action of the drug "Groprinosin"

The reviews of many patients indicate that the medicine is very effective. Healing properties of the drug are determined by inosine, which stimulates biochemical processes, promotes the formation of interleukins, increases the production of antibodies and the formation of cytokines. Admission means decreases the manifestation of viral pathologies, accelerates convalescence, raises the resistance of the body. Medication as an auxiliary component contributes to the fastest healing of mucous membranes and skin in cases of infectious lesions. The action of the drug reduces the occurrence of new erosions, edema, vesicles, and also reduces the likelihood of recurrence of diseases. The drug is well tolerated by the elderly, as well as patients with angina and chronic circulatory insufficiency, since it has low toxicity. Timely treatment with the drug can reduce the frequency of viral infections, reduces the severity and duration of illnesses.

Form of release of the drug "Groprinosin"

The patients' comments say that white biconvex tablets were used for treatment. In one pill contains inosine pranobeks, magnesium stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone K25, potato starch. There are also drugs with a similar effect, which include "Isoprinosine", "Arbidol", "Lavomax", "Ingavirin", "Ergoferon" and others.

Indication for use of the drug "Groprinosin": reviews. HPV

Many patients say that the human papillomavirus (HPV) can be effectively treated with the drug. The patients' reviews also indicate that the drug will help with immunodeficiency caused by viruses with weakened and normal immunity. The drug is prescribed for various localizations of ailments that cause the herpes virus, cytomegalovirus. With the help of the drug, sclerosing subacute panencephalitis is treated.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Groprinosin"

The doctors' testimonies indicate some prohibitions on the use of the drug. Do not take pills for gout, arrhythmia, urolithiasis, chronic kidney failure. Contraindications include hypersensitivity, lactation and pregnancy. Its purpose is not produced for children under 3 years, as well as for babies whose weight is less than 20 kilograms. With caution, you should drink the medicine for acute kidney failure, with the joint intake of inhibitors of xanthine oxidase, zidovudine, diuretics.

Side effects of the drug "Groprinosin"

Feedback indicates possible negative manifestations during therapy. At the beginning of treatment, there is a decrease in appetite, there is diarrhea, vomiting, nausea. In addition, minor allergic reactions are possible, in the blood can increase the content of uric acid.

Mode of application

Take the medicine 3-4 times a day - after eating, squeezed with water. Standard treatment lasts 5 days. Adults appoint 6-8 capsules per day, children - at a rate of 50 mg per kilogram of the weight of the child.

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