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The best remedy for a hangover (folk and pharmacy). What helps with a hangover (folk remedies)

Do you know what is the best remedy for a hangover? If you do not know, then we will present it in the materials of this article.

general information

Before you tell us about what you can use folk remedies for a hangover at home, you should say a few words about alcohol.

Alcohol existed always. He was drunk, prepared, disinfected, used as an anesthetic, etc. By the way, in ancient times it was dangerous to use such a drink. After all, alcohol contained a large number of bacteria. In this regard, lovers of these drinks are very often exposed to infections, which often led to death.

As for the present days, today there is a huge amount of a variety of alcohol, the only drawback of which is a hangover. Many people believe that this is a kind of payoff for a well spent evening or night. However, not everyone is happy with the state that accompanies it since the morning and lasts at least a day.

Of course, in order not to experience a hangover, it's best not to drink at all. However, in our country there are a lot of holidays that can not be ignored by most people.

Since people have just started drinking alcohol, they suffer consequences every time. To minimize them, lovers have fun finding new ways.

Very few people know, but in every country there is its best remedy for a hangover. Some of them may seem strange to you, and some of them are quite effective.

Ancient Roman means

Today you can easily get a hangover from a pharmacy. However, in ancient Rome there was no modern pharmaceutical. In this regard, people then fought with a painful condition with their unusual methods.

It is no secret to anyone that the Romans, like the Greeks, loved wine very much. In order not to feel a hangover, they often diluted it with water. But, despite this, some people still bent the stick, for which they paid off in the morning.

The Roman remedy for a hangover is unlikely to be used by modern man. After all, they took snake heads for this, crushed them and rubbed them on the forehead. Also, a fairly common method was to fry a small bird and its use in writing in its entirety.

It should be noted that none of these methods of dealing with a hangover has received scientific confirmation of its effectiveness.

European way

The best remedy for a hangover in Europe is the eating of cows and offal of cows and pigs. A soup made from such ingredients is considered an effective remedy for the ailment that arose after drinking.

Such a choice of Europeans experts consider appropriate. This is due to the fact that the by-products are very nutritious, and also contain a high level of protein and fatty acids.

By the way, soups are generally highly valued for hangover syndrome. In addition to being warm and pleasant to the taste, such dishes provide the human body with the necessary salt and liquid.

Japanese remedy

The best remedy for a hangover in Japan is the refusal to drink strong drinks. However, everyone knows that the inhabitants of this country experience an unearthly love for sake. And such a drink can easily lead to a hangover. To get rid of it, the Japanese developed an excellent, in their opinion, tool called umeboshi. These are apricots of special processing. They are first marinated, and then subjected to drying.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the umeboshi against the hangover has never been proven by specialists. However, this fact does not prevent the Japanese from using this product after a merry evening.

In addition to dried apricots, in the East one more effective means of hangovers is popular. These are shellfish or seafood dishes. As is known, such ingredients contain many minerals and salts. Using such dishes during a hangover, a person restores the body's water balance and replenishes the reserve of minerals.


A quick remedy for a hangover in America is often prepared independently. After all, as a special cocktail called "Prairie Oyster" is used. Such a drink will quickly put you on your feet, immediately eliminating the consequences of the previous evening. To do this, you may need the following ingredients:

  • Eggs raw chicken (with whole yolk) - 2 pcs .;
  • Worcestershire sauce - at discretion;
  • Any liquor - a little;
  • Tabasco sauce - at discretion;
  • Table vinegar - a few drops;
  • Black coarse pepper and salt - at discretion.

How to cook?

The best remedy for a hangover, which Americans use, is prepared in a matter of minutes. To do this, take a high glass beaker, and then break it into raw eggs so that the yolk remains intact. Further sauces and a little alcohol are added to it, and also table vinegar, salt and pepper are added. The resulting cocktail is drunk for a couple of large sips.

In theory, after such a drink, one should feel cheerful and ready for a new day. And indeed it is. After all, the protein that is contained in the eggs, well eliminates the hangover. However, after such a cocktail it is recommended to drink a full glass of water. This will help you overcome dehydration.

Russian remedy

Russian national remedy for a hangover quickly to prepare is not very difficult. The main thing is that it turns out to be highly effective. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that the residents of our country have a special attitude towards alcoholic beverages.

It was love of alcohol that forced Russian people to think about which remedy is best saved from a hangover. Some offer to drink liquid from home-made pickles and marinades. It should be noted that the pickle really lifts to the feet. After all, it contains a large amount of salt and various spices.

Also very often a hangover is saved by kvass. This is a low-alcohol drink. Prepare it at home easily and simply. For this we need:

  • Dry leaven (available in the store) - 4 large spoons;
  • Granulated sugar - 8 large spoons;
  • Yeast granulated - 5-6 granules;
  • Cold drinking water - 3 liters.

Cooking method

Considered the national remedy for a hangover quickly cook you will not work. This is due to the fact that kvass needs some time to ferment. Therefore, it is recommended to cook it one day before the scheduled party. To do this, take a glass three-liter jar and pour into it a dry leaven and granulated sugar. Then fill the container with cold drinking water and stir with a large spoon until the sweet product completely melts.

Finally, several yeast granules are put in the jar, the neck is covered with multilayer gauze and put in the sun or just in a warm place. After a day kvass is filtered and cooled.

Now you know what helps with a hangover. The folk remedies used in Russia are not exhausted by this. If you could not prepare a delicious kvass in advance, we recommend using the following method. A slice of fresh lemon is sprinkled with sugar and natural ground coffee. The resulting "sandwich" is swallowed whole.

Asian countries

Folk remedies for a hangover after a drinking bout should contain a large number of salts and minerals. This is why it is customary to drink koumiss as a cure for this condition in Asian countries. This drink is fermented milk of the mare. After drinking a couple of glasses of koumiss in the morning, you will feel vivacity, and the day will not pass for you in vain.

It should also be noted that in Asian countries, hangovers are also saved from the hangover with the usual tomato juice. It is better if it is made from natural tomatoes. But if you do not have one, then you can use a purchased drink.

German remedy

In German, the word "hangover" sounds like a katzenjammer. In the literal translation it means "squealing of cats". To get rid of this condition, in the morning the Germans often eat meat and bananas. Such funds really help to come to your senses after a stormy party with a sea of beer. After all, bananas provide the body with potassium and sugar, and the meat helps to eliminate the unpleasant rumbling in the stomach.

A more traditional German remedy for a hangover is a rolemops with beer. Rollmops is a salted herring fillet, which is stuffed with various products and is rolled into a roll.


In Scotland, as a remedy for a hangover, it is customary to use a drink called "Highland Fling." To make it, you may need:

  • Buttermilk (the liquid that remains after the foaming of the oil) - 500 ml;
  • Corn flour - apply at discretion;
  • Iodized salt - to taste.

Cooking process

In the preparation of such a drink there is nothing difficult. Buttermilk is mixed with corn flour, and then salted to taste. This drug fights well with dehydration and quickly puts a person on their feet. Fat, which is contained in buttermilk, calms the stomach, and lactose will raise the level of sugar.


Despite the fact that the British are very reserved and formal, they are not averse to sitting in a pub sometimes and drinking a lot of English beer. So what do they do to feel good in the morning? In 2009, experts from the University of Newcastle, it was suggested that the sandwich with bacon is the best anti-smoker. This is due to the fact that bacon contains a huge amount of amino acids, and ketchup and bread provide the human body with carbohydrates. In addition, the salt, which is necessarily present in a similar sandwich, restores the electrolyte balance, and the fat calms the stomach.

By the way, the same glamor has the same properties. However, it will be better if you use it together with fried bacon and a slice of bread.

Hangover: how to heal?

The folk remedies against the hangover were presented above. It should be noted that some of them are particularly effective. But if you do not have time to cook kvass, scrambled eggs, make rolls from herring and stuff, then it's better to turn to traditional medicine. Fortunately, today in pharmacies, you can buy any medications that will quickly put you on your feet, and completely eliminate the headaches, nausea and other symptoms that are characteristic of this state.

So what to get a hangover from a pharmacy? Consider the list of drugs right now.

  • The drug "No-shpa". This known anti-spasm agent quickly relieves the patient's condition, and also normalizes liver function.
  • Sorbents. Activated carbon is an excellent sorbent. It binds toxins, and then quickly removes them from the body. Such a drug is usually taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.
  • Medicines Asparcum and Panangin. As practice shows, these drugs effectively relieve the unpleasant sensations that arose after drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages. They can be purchased at any nearest pharmacy. Such drugs restore the level of magnesium and potassium in the body, as well as normalize the osmotic pressure.
  • Tablets of succinic acid. This drug can be taken only if you do not have stomach problems. Amber acid accelerates metabolic processes, thereby increasing the synthesis of pyruvate. After taking several pills, the patient's condition improves noticeably. By the way, we should not forget that succinic acid, together with fumaric acid, is included in a very popular hangover remedy, called "Antipohmelin."
  • The drug "Zorex". If you have a very bad hangover, then we recommend you buy a Russian drug Zorex. As is known, in its composition there is such a substance as unitiol. It acts as a kind of antidote. This drug is able to bind acetaldehydes and heavy metal ions, and then remove them from the body. However, it should be noted that with such substances it is necessary to be careful, especially if you often suffer from allergic reactions.

It should also be said that from a strong hangover, the usual mineral water (alkaline) is sometimes quite effective. Having drunk several glasses of Borjomi, Arzana or Essentuki early in the morning, you will feel cheerful all day and forget about unpleasant sensations.

Let's sum up the results

As you can see, there is an incredible amount of different drugs that quickly get rid of hangover syndrome. Using the above methods, you will not only improve your health, but also restore your lost health.

Drawing conclusions from all of the above, I want to note that the main thing after a stormy party with a lot of spirits is to restore your water and electrolyte balance. To do this, it is often necessary to drink liquid (including using soups, broths, juices, mineral water, etc.), and also provide the body with a sufficient number of salts and minerals. To do this, the patient is recommended to eat meat, marinades, seafood and so on.

It should also be noted that to eliminate rumbling in the stomach, you must eat fatty foods. It can be a salad dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream, and fried steak, and red fish, and fried eggs.

Using these tips, you will forever forget about what a hangover and bad state of health after a stormy night party.

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