Food and drinkCooking tips

Yeast from hops. Cooking at home

Since the time when mankind has learned to process grain into flour, bread and bakery products have become one of the most popular and vital food products, occupying a special place in the daily diet of most of the inhabitants of the Earth.

In this article, we'll look at how to make yourself out of an ingredient like hops, yeast. The recipe for cooking bread on hop will also be presented to your attention.

What bread is more useful - yeast or bezdozhzhevoy?

In recent years, very often you can hear discussions about which bread is the most useful. Proponents of baking without baking yeast are convinced that yeast fungi gradually accumulate and multiply in the human body, destroying the beneficial microflora of the intestine and stomach, undermine immunity, cause tumor processes and much more. Therefore, the fans of healthy food offer to refuse from yeast bread and bake unleavened pastry, for the preparation of which they use self-prepared starter cultures. Cook them fairly simply and easily. To do this, you will need the most usual and usual for all products, which are available in almost every kitchen.

How did yeast in Russia?

In olden times bread was always baked on leaven. All components were exclusively of plant origin. Such yeast was prepared from hop, wheat, barley, rye flour, oats, straw with the addition of raisins, sugar or honey, malt. Today many deaf villages still have many recipes for the preparation of unleavened bread. It was these starter cultures that the human body was enriched with vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, minerals, biostimulants, pectin substances, saturating it with oxygen, etc.

With the passage of time, the technology of baking bread changed, but the raw materials remained almost always the same. From century to century, water, flour, salt and leaven or yeast were used. But if the yeast was used only as needed, the yeast was always. With the growth of the population and consumer needs of bread, "whimsical" yeast from hop began to be used less and less.

Bread in leaven of hops

Homemade homemade bread made with hop leaven is considered by many to be very useful. It is best for baking to use wild hops, which are harvested in summer, in the last decade of August or in early September, during technical ripeness, and dried in the shade. However, the pharmacy can also fit.

Today there are many recipes and tips on how to prepare yeast from hops at home. The main ingredients of these starter cultures are flour, a decoction of hop cones and sugar (you can honey). Sometimes boiled potatoes are added.

Yeast from hops in the home: benefit and harm

Erroneous are those who believe that yeast is just a pledge of lavish baking and a "provoker" of excessive weight. In fact, they are a real storehouse of necessary and useful substances. Homemade yeast from hops is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They include:

  • A valuable protein that is easily digested and digested;
  • Carbohydrates (up to 30% of the total starter composition);
  • Vitamins of group B1, B2, B5, B6, PP and D;
  • Minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

As for the caloric content, 100 g of house yeast contains 50-70 calories, which is not so much for a slender figure.

Bread in hop ferments has a positive effect on the entire human body, it is better absorbed and greatly facilitates the process of digestion. This is due to its density and roughness: in the food lump, dense crumb helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, thereby activating the muscles of the digestive system, the food is better absorbed, and there is benefit for the intestines - it trains and becomes healthier. Besides:

  • Bread, which uses yeast from hops, is more resistant to potato disease;
  • It contains less foreign microorganisms that do not participate in fermentation;
  • The hop aroma has a pleasant aroma and good taste;
  • Such bakery baking is better kept;
  • Yeast from hops contain medicinal components.

So hop food is an excellent product of yeast fermentation, useful, tasty and good.


Bread, for the preparation of which yeast from hop is used, is a product for an amateur, since not every person accustomed to the taste of a loaf will like baking with sour taste and additives of bran and herbs. In addition, the unleavened bread has a more dense and firm consistency, therefore in volume it is less yeast, having the same weight and softer crumb. Also, the complexity of cooking can be considered a minus. Baking bread with hop yeast requires a little more time and effort than cooking the usual, since the dough on the leaven is longer to rise, and the ferment itself needs to be prepared. With ordinary baker's yeast is much easier: added the powder, wait until the dough rises, and baked.

How to make yeast from hops?

Yeast, cooked at home, not inferior to their factory counterparts in almost nothing. Since they are prepared by their own hands, the risk of "non-availability" of the test due to poor quality of components is completely excluded. Products store are often stale or frozen, which always affects negatively on baking.

So, in order to get homemade yeast, you need:

  • First of all, learn how to make yeast from hops, study in detail the cooking process.
  • Then purchase the necessary products.
  • Know exactly where they will be used.

How to collect yeast for yeast?

To collect only those cones of hops that are in a state of technical ripeness. You can determine this on several grounds:

  • Hops become closed and seemingly smooth.
  • Their color becomes lighter, for example, golden green or yellowish green.
  • To the touch, the cones become more dense, sticky, and the scales adhere tightly to each other.
  • If they are slightly squeezed, they should be elastic, rustle, spring and easily restore their original shape.

With the cleaning of hops can not be late. Cones very quickly become brown, and their properties deteriorate. However, it is also not necessary to hurry with the collection. Cleaning is begun selectively, with the most ripe cones, tearing each of them apart. Branches or clusters of hops are not collected. To preserve the integrity of the cones they are cut off along with petioles, in which the length should be at least 2 cm. It is impossible to crush, ram, or compact the harvested crop, as this worsens their quality. After the collection, you should immediately start drying, because the collected raw materials begin to deteriorate quickly.

Recipes for yeast from hops

There are a lot of recipes for baking homemade bread, and they differ not only in the sort of flour (rye, wheat, etc.) or their combination, fillers (bran, malt, seasonings, etc.), but also directly by the kind of leaven itself. As a rule, it is liquid or dry, and also in the form of a piece of the remaining ready-made dough.

Before you prepare yeast from hops at home, carefully read the recipes, the recommendations of people who share their personal experiences, and choose for themselves the most acceptable option.

Recipe # 1

The standard recipe is a liquid hopper leaven, which is made from cones of hops. In the evening, ripe and well dried cones are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2 (for example, cones 1 glass and hot water 2 cups), boiled for 20 minutes, wrapped with a towel and left overnight. In the morning, filter through gauze. To the broth add sugar (or honey) and flour in the ratio: for each glass of hop broth - half a glass of flour and 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar. The resulting mixture is well wrapped and placed for two or three days in a warm place for fermentation. Every day it is heated in a water bath, while stirring constantly. If this is not done, the fermentation process may stop. Ready yeast have a lot of bubbles and a characteristic bitter taste. The leaven is stored in the refrigerator, in bottles or jars with hermetically sealed lids.

In the dough, the consumption is the following: 1 cup of ready-made liquid yeast for 2 or 3 kg of flour, plus wheat flour for mixing. If baking is added to the dough (for example, when baking pasks), it is advisable to add 0.3-0.5 cups of sourdough to improve the convergence of the dough.

Recipe # 2

Consider how to make yeast from hops and bran. In a strained broth, prepared from cones of hops, instead of flour add bran. The mixture is well mixed, then placed for 3 days in a warm place and periodically stirred. Dry yeast from hops and bran is ready, if there is a characteristic, sour and not very pleasant smell. Fermented bran scatter a thin layer on the table or baking tray. The dried hop ferment is placed in a hermetically sealed container. In this form it is suitable for long-term storage, without a refrigerator. Before using it for the night, pour warm water at the rate of - for half a glass of water 1 teaspoon, add a little flour, stir until the density of sour cream. In the morning, water, salt and flour are added to the foaming mass, and the dough is kneaded.

Recipe # 3

Finished hop ferment is a small piece of dough, which was prepared earlier with the use of hop ferment. It is usually left after cooking bread, put in a closed container or bag and sent to the refrigerator. And the lump can be even very small, about 1 cm 3 . Before using, the starter is placed in a dough tank, poured with a little warm water, mixed well, added a little flour and put in a warm place. Every 1.5-2 hours, add water and flour, bring to the desired volume. The bread prepared on such a leaven turns out to taste slightly acidier than on a fresh liquid hop by leaven, and rises a little longer.

At the starter № 3, it is better to cook rye and bran bread, and muffin and white - on a fresh liquid starter according to the recipe No. 1 and No. 2, since the taste and convergence of the dough are the best.

There are many other recipes, for example, how to make homemade yeast from hops and raisins, and others.

And one more important moment - for bread to rise better, the dough is put in greased forms no more than a half of their volume, covered with a towel and left for 1.5-2 hours. Bake bread at t 200 degrees C for 50-60 minutes. The finished product is taken out of the mold, sprinkled with water and wrapped with a towel to make it soft and fragrant.

Leaven for kvass from hops

Homemade kvass, thanks to a special composition, perfectly quenches thirst, gives the body energy, increases efficiency. In addition, this wonderful drink increases the efficiency, restores the balance of liquid and salts in the body, improves the digestion process.

Prepare yeast from hops for kvass is very simple and easy. Hops cones can be collected independently or purchased at any pharmacy.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Half a liter of water;
  • 3 tablespoons hop hops;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey;
  • flour.

Preparation of yeast from hops for kvass:

Pour 3 tbsp. Spoonfuls of hops a liter of boiling water. Put the saucepan on a slow fire and simmer for about 15 minutes. Then boil the hop to drain and cool to 38-40 degrees. Add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of sugar (you can) honey, mix well. Pour in the flour so that a lot of sour cream is obtained. Cover the container with a napkin and clean for 1-1.5 days. Ready-made leaven can be stored in the refrigerator.

How to make moonshine with yeast?

Preparation of moonshine with their own hands - the process is quite difficult, requiring close attention and constant monitoring of the temperature and time regime. There are so many different recipes for its preparation, but we will consider how to make moonshine using hops.

Preparation of raw materials for bregs

First of all you need to make yeast from hops for moonshine.

To do this, take a pan (preferably enameled), fill it up to the top with pine cones freshly picked hops, pour warm water, then cover the top with a lid and cook for 1 hour. Then filter the resulting broth through cheesecloth (about 2 liters), add 250 g of sugar (a full glass) and 2 cups of flour. The resulting mass is well mixed and then put in a warm place for 1.5 days. Take 2 potatoes, grind them and add to the leaven. Once again carefully mix and return for a day in a warm place. Cooked yeast bottled, tightly closed and kept already in the cold.

If you do not have fresh hops at hand, then you can take the dried one, pour it with water (1 part of hop and 2 - water). Bring the mixture to a boil. After reducing the amount of water by half, remove from the fire, filter and add sugar (1 cup of broth is put 1 tablespoon). After the sugar has dissolved, carefully pour in the wheat flour (1 glass of syrup you need 0.5 cup). Cover with a cotton cloth container with the composition and put it into heat.

Now we need to prepare the brag directly. For the production of quality moonshine, the desired component is sprouted grain (malt). It is endowed with high enzyme activity. Take the grinded dried malt and pour in water at a rate of 1 to 3. Also for 1 kg of grain add 200 g of sugar and 50 g of yeast yeast (how to make homemade yeast from hop described above). Cover the container with braga with a clean cloth and insist about two weeks in a warm place until the end of fermentation. The contents should be stirred periodically and the formed foam should be removed.

The process of fermentation

This is the main stage of the preparation of moonshine. At the beginning of the process, there is an intensive release of carbon dioxide, the concentration of sugar decreases, the temperature of the brew itself increases by 2-3 degrees. The duration of this process is about 30 hours.

Then a large number of bubbles appear on the surface of the brew, turning into foam. The temperature rises to 30 ° C, the content of alcohols also increases, and the sugar concentration drops to 2-3%. This lasts from 15 to 24 hours. Now it is necessary to overtake the barge and clean it from impurities.

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