Homeliness, Pest Control
Louse lice and not only. How to deal with them
Lice are small parasitic insects that move with incredible speed, although they can neither fly nor jump. These insects are able to live in human hair, biting the scalp and feeding on blood. In the world there are almost one hundred and fifty species of these parasites, but only three kinds of lice live on a person: ward lice, head or flat and pubic.
The cycle of lice development lasts no less than fifteen days, depending on the temperature in which it is located. Louse lice live up to two months, while head lice live about four weeks, eating only blood. Louse lice eat about two or three times a day. They need three to ten minutes to fully saturate. This type of lice is somewhat larger in size, in contrast to pubic lice and head lice. Males reach a size of 2-3 mm, and females - 3-4 mm.
Not only louse-lice, but also two other species are the distributors of pathogens of trench fever, typhus and typhus recurrent typhus. The cause of the spread of lice (pediculosis) at all times was unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic living conditions and a low standard of living.
The louse has a twisted proboscis with a sharp needle on the tip, which it pierces the human skin and sucks blood. In the place of bite immediately begins intolerable itching, and if you do not get rid of lice on time, an abundance of insects can lead to scabs on the skin, combs and toxins in the saliva of insects.
All kinds of lice parasitizing on a person can be transmitted through bed linens (for example, in kindergartens), through water, while swimming in ponds with standing water. They are the constant companions of all major disasters, such as an earthquake, war or epidemic.
With pediculosis of the scalp, as a rule, it is the back of the head and whiskey, a strong itching starts, which leads to scratching of the skin. And this, in turn, is fraught with pustules.
Louse lice are located in the linen folds, clothing seams and there lay eggs. They move to the human skin only for nutrition and in those places where the tissue closest to the body. This is the groin, back, armpits, etc.
Ploschitsa, she also pubic louse, affects the skin of the perineum and pubis, a little less often - underarms, eyelashes and eyebrows. It is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse.
In order to prevent the occurrence of pediculosis, you should regularly wash your head and take a shower, change your underwear and bedding more often. In children it is desirable to spend more often combing out hair and restrict their communication with people who are supposed to have lice.
Fight against lice
To combat head lice use a frequent comb (women), and men are recommended to cut their hair. To eliminate pediculosis, use insecticides, the composition of which (mainly) contains a 10% water emulsion, this includes kerosene and laundry soap in equal parts, one hundred milliliters of concentrate. All this is diluted with warm water to a volume of one liter and a five percent boric ointment (adults only) and a 20 percent suspension of benzyl benzonate are added.
Take any of these funds, moisten their hair and tie a kerchief from dense tissue for thirty minutes. After that, you can wash your head with soap or shampoo, rinse with a solution of water and table vinegar (in half). Then comb the scalp with a frequent crest.
Louse lice are taken out with the help of disinsection and thorough washing of the body. Disinfected underwear and clothes, premises. The linen is boiled in a 2% solution of soda ash, the seams of clothes are carefully processed by a hot iron.
Ploschits are destroyed by rubbing into the shaved pubic part (underarm cavities) of a white mercury ointment (5-10%).
Remember that it is the lack of basic compliance with hygiene rules that can lead to pediculosis. In this case, not only you will be affected, but also the people who surround you.
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