HomelinessPest Control

Means from ants in the country - a solution to the problem

Buying a country plot, a person never thinks that he can face a number of difficulties that the inhabitants of his land tenure bring. They, undoubtedly, bring an invaluable benefit to nature, but the near neighborhood with a man brings to the latter a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, it is necessary to understand by applying the means of ants in the country.

There are more than five thousand species of Murav'ev, they live in educated colonies, which can accommodate thousands of insects. The family is headed by a female, the rest are working ants, seeking to ensure its comfortable existence along with the larvae.

Activation of ants occurs in May, when the first plants begin to grow, causing great interest in ants. In search of a haven for the construction of a house, many ants settle in suburban areas, causing huge damage to surrounding plants: they feed on fruitful bushes and trees, berries and fruit juices, seeds. The dern ant gnaws the roots and shoots of cabbage, radish, potatoes, etc., and only the remedy for ants in the garden can help prevent its ruinous activity.

Part of the feeding of ants is the fall of garden and garden aphids, the most harmful. And the ants carefully guard the army of aphids from their enemies, watching the flies, predatory beetles and other threats, and drag the aphids to the young shoots for breeding and settling.

Fighting ants is not easy, but you can. Means from ants in the country use both chemical and folk. Chemicals certainly have efficacy, but application on their own land is unacceptable for some summer residents and their favorite animals. Drugs "Anteater", "Miracle Bogatyr" and other intefixes effectively cope with insects, but they will often not be used quite intelligently.

The folk remedy for garden ants at the dacha differs humanity in relation to living nature. You can make an attempt to dig an ant nest, and then shift it into a container and carefully transfer it outside the site, of course, the further, the better, ideally, of course, carried to the forest. Trees should be cleared of aphids, this is enough to get rid of insects. With the continuation of the ants' life, you can tie a tree trunk with gauze or cotton wool soaked in a carbolic solution. You can also lubricate the ring along the circumference of the trunk 10 cm wide with a mixture of linseed oil and soot, tar down closer to the ground or sprinkle with peat to create a darkening. Try to treat the ground around the anthill and the path of movement with such a composition: a glass of vegetable oil - one head of garlic. You can put the arrow of winter garlic in the nest of an anthill. Ants do not tolerate sharp smells and will leave this place.

As a means of ants in the country, you can use sweet lures. Buro or boric acid mixed with honey (sugar), poured into shallow containers and placed in places of congestion of ants, making sure that pets do not creak to the poison. You can cover with a hood, leaving a gap for the passage of insects. The mixture should be changed periodically to fresh, and when the ants disappear leave for 2-3 days for monitoring.

Means from the ants in the country are presented in a great variety, and which of them to choose is for the owners of the garden plot to decide.

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