Homeliness, Building
How to install a power outlet by yourself
Rarely does anyone think about what could happen if all the electrical outlets suddenly stopped working. This indispensable and habitual attribute of each room is paid attention only when the socket suddenly starts to spark or ceases to work at all. This happens, as a rule, in those cases when an incorrect installation was made or the wrong type of this device was selected. Therefore, every home master needs to know how to install the outlet correctly, in order to avoid the occurrence of unpleasant situations.
Today on sale you can find different types and types of outlets that differ from each other in their functional purpose, shape, color, degree of protection. As for the appearance parameters, in this case it is best to rely on your own taste. If you talk about the functions, then here at the purchase it's worthwhile to be more careful, because there are both usual devices and special "euro socket", which must be installed to connect devices that require grounding. In addition, the sockets are internal and external. The latter are designed for installation in those places where the electric wire is located directly on the wall.
There are several basic rules regarding how to install the outlet correctly. According to the available standards, the socket should be located at a distance of 110 centimeters from the floor. However, in recent years, the so-called European standard has been used more and more often, and the rosettes are installed slightly above the floorboards, which allows placing the wires directly at the floor and making their location more invisible and aesthetic. The only drawback of this option - if the family has small children, it is better to put sockets with a protected entrance. From all possible pipelines, the outlet should be separated by at least half a meter distance, and the electric wires coming to it should be placed centimeters 15 inches above the floor. This is necessary in order not to damage the wiring during the installation of skirting boards.
For installation use a hidden and open method. How to install a socket in the open way, usually no one has any special questions, because in this case all the wires and clamps of the outlet are visible. The only thing you need not forget to do is to install a special protective gasket under it and leave a small supply of electric wire (just in case).
As for the question of how to install a socket in a hidden way, everything here depends on what actions are planned at all: the usual replacement of a faulty device or the installation of a new one. To replace an old socket is simple enough, for this purpose only it is necessary to surround old and on its place to attach the new. But in order to conduct a new electrical wiring, you will have to continue in the wall a cable trough and a niche for a new outlet. For this purpose, it is best to use a puncher, in the absence of the latter, a chisel will do. An electric wire is inserted into the channel, its ends are threaded into the fastening box, which is fixed in the hole with plaster or alabaster. After drying the solution, you can safely connect the outlet. All grooves remaining in the wall with electrical wiring should be carefully covered with plaster or cement. Use the device only when the solution completely withers.
When carrying out all work on the installation of electrical wiring, you must carefully observe the safety rules, which are not so complicated. It is enough to disconnect the electricity from the main network, after which you can safely proceed with the above steps.
These simple and useful tips on how to install the outlet on your own, will help the home master to carry out all the installation work without help, quickly and qualitatively.
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