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Heraldic symbols of the Trans-Urals: the coat of arms of the Kurgan region, the flag and their meaning

The symbols on the flag and coat of arms of the Kurgan region reflect the administrative and state status, the history of the territory and the regional development path. The right heraldic part is on the left side of the viewer, and the left - with the right.

Defensive symbols

The coat of arms of the Kurgan region looks like a complex artistic composition of several elements. To find out what the coat of arms of the Kurgan region means, it is necessary to consider the essence of each individual component. The basis of the construction is a shield with a sharp tip. This defensive symbol is used in the symbolic image not accidentally. It reflects the historical events of the Trans-Ural region: in the 17th century, most of the settlements were fortresses.

G. Kurgan to its present name had another - Tsarevo Gorodische. Until the 18th century it was surrounded by a defensive fortress for security. The silver end of the shield is made in accordance with the stylistics of the Dalmatovo Monastery. This southern area is the oldest stone fortress in the Trans-Urals. It saved the population from invasions of enemy tribes. In the lower part of the shield there is a wall with prongs and four apertures. Merlonovaya wall is made in the Kremlin design of the serfs, painted in silver. This symbol indicates the location of the Kurgan region on the border.

Symbols from Empress Catherine II

In the central part of the field of bright emerald color there are two hill-mounds of silvery color. The left is slightly smaller, most of it stands out from behind the right. This historical coat of arms of the Kurgan region was approved on March 17, 1785.

Shadrinsk coat of arms

The city of Shadrinsk is the second largest and most important region. Until the beginning of the 20th century Shadrinsky county was one of the largest in terms of population, economic and political influence throughout the region. G. Kurgan received its own coat of arms and city status after Shadrinsk, so the running marten at the end of the shield is located in the lower part of the coat of arms of the regional center. The breed of the animal is azure (blue, blue). It is depicted with a golden muzzle and chest. The monastic fortress and the marten's emblem are located side by side as a historical sign: the Dalmatovo Monastery and the Shadrinskaya Sloboda were considered the most important outposts of Russia in the Southern Trans-Urals. In the 18th century, the Russians mastered the territory of the province, so the line of the defensive line passed here.

Author of composition

The coat of arms of the Kurgan region, as well as Shadrinsky, was created by Dmitry Valeryevich Ivanov. During the creation of the sketch, the artist faced the problem of a reliable image of a marten. On old coats of arms, all artists sought to reflect their own vision, sometimes not very close to reality. All animals were obtained in different ways, depending on the limitations of natural knowledge. For example, the old coat of arms of Shadrinsk was decorated with an image of an unknown creature with long legs and a disproportionate neck, but the picture was a priori identified with a marten. The coat of arms of the Kurgan region is provided with the most realistic resemblance to a natural animal. On the symbol the marten is depicted in motion.

The flag of the flag

The flag of the Kurgan region looks like a canvas, the proportional length-to-width ratio is 1: 2. The statement was made on November 25, 1997. It is divided horizontally into three bands, the color range of which is defined by white and emerald green. The central part is made in the form of two silver hills of different size on an emerald background. The reverse side of the flag is mirrored. It is allowed to use the region symbol in the traditional form of a flag or pennant. It is possible to place a green strip with hills across the longitudinal part of the panel.

Where are the original images of the coat of arms and the flag of the Kurgan region stored?

The coat of arms and the flag of the Kurgan region in the original version are stored in the Kurgan museum of local lore. Anyone can familiarize himself with the exposition when visiting the exhibition. Employees of the museum produce regular restoration of regional symbols.

Exterior decoration of the coat of arms

The decorative side of the coat of arms of the Kurgan region on the outside are:

  • Oak wreath with gold plating;
  • Andreevskaya ribbon of blue (blue, azure) color, beautifully wrapped around the wreath in the form of smooth lines.

Variants of the emblem of the Kurgan region

There are two options for using the state symbol of the Kurgan region:

  • In the full-sized form of a large coat of arms with the image of external decorations in the form of a golden oak wreath and ribbon;
  • Use only a small emblem in the form of an emerald shield with no external ornaments. This procedure is regulated by the law "On the coat of arms and the flag of the Kurgan region," article 2.

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