LawState and Law

Federal executive bodies. Functions of federal executive bodies

Each state, without exception, organizes the management of the life activity of society through power. This is a key element in the coordination of any social relations. However, the power in the form in which we all are accustomed to see it, has appeared recently. More precisely, the state form of government today is based on the law. This was not always the case. In ancient times, power in tribes, communities and small countries was built almost exclusively on violence in almost all cases. However, this form of coordination of the society operates only in the hands of a strong and independent leader. With his death, any violent structure simply collapses.

Later, people began to use religion. This form of organization of power in the country has become more widespread. But in the Age of Enlightenment, when science and fundamental knowledge came to the forefront, religious beliefs began to be forgotten. Thus, people began to use a more appropriate form of public administration, namely, law. It should be noted that due to this category, power in any country is legitimate and is divided into three main parts. In the article, we will consider only one of them, and also present the main federal executive bodies. Let's talk about their powers and functions.

The notion of power

It should be noted that practically all federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation exist for the coordination of society and relations in it. In other words, with their help the top of the country realizes its political program. Thus, the executive bodies are closely correlated with the state power. However, very few people know what the last category is. There are many ways of its legal characteristics. The most "classical" view of the problems of state power is the statement that this category stipulates the possibility of a group of persons or one person to fully control the activities of society. Consequently, state power is not only a single concept, but a whole system of interests, rights and obligations, bodies in whose person the category is actually realized.

Signs of state power

In order to understand the functions and key tasks of executive bodies, one should familiarize themselves with the signs of state power. In the theory of law, a large number of various features of public administration are usually put forward. However, the most common are the following:

  1. State power is exercised in the presence of a subject, object and the content of legal relations between them.
  2. The legislation spells out in detail the key powers of state bodies.
  3. In practice, the tasks of state power are implemented as clearly and fully as possible.
  4. In the Russian Federation, as in other countries, the principle of separation of powers operates.
  5. In the state, power is legitimate. Only in this case it will realize its functions most qualitatively.

Features of the principle of separation of government in the country

It should be noted that federal executive bodies in the Russian Federation exist only thanks to the once established principle of separation of powers. Paradoxically, this legal category was developed in the Enlightenment by philosophers and thinkers: Charles Louis de Montesquieu and John Locke. According to this principle, power in any country is divided into legislative, judicial and executive branches. This approach allows the most complete and competent division of public administration between the key powers of the state. In this case, the executive branch has its own structure and characteristics, as will be discussed later.

Executive Branch

As we understand, the federal executive bodies are part of the structure of the same branch of state administration. It, in turn, is a system of separate powers that allow you to manage the affairs of the country. In addition, the executive branch is also often described as a system of bodies that deal with the implementation of legislation in general and its individual norms. These departments exist in the form of an integrated structure based on the principle of subordination, hierarchy. To understand how the federal executive bodies operate, it is necessary to understand their legal essence. To understand it is not difficult.

The concept of executive branch structures

Federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation are structures of state administration that directly manage Russia. These bodies are entrusted with specific functions to implement the norms of the current legislation. In fact, these structures monitor the implementation of legal norms and the legality of their implementation. In addition, there are organs endowed with specific functions. One of these is the provision of law and order. It should be noted that the federal executive bodies of Russia have their own specific features, structure, staff, and also exclusive powers. At the same time, their activities are interconnected with other branches of government. Thus, the federal executive bodies are departments, structures or organizations responsible for implementing the current legislation. We think this is understandable.

Signs of departments

Federal bodies of state executive power are endowed with a number of characterizing signs that can not be found in other official structures. Thus, the departments represented in the article have the following characteristic features:

  • The executive bodies are an element of the central apparatus.
  • They have their own structure, which can vary depending on the particular agency.
  • Acts of federal executive bodies extend to the whole country.
  • Their education takes place in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation.
  • In their work, executive authorities implement specific methods and methods for regulating social relations.
  • In accordance with the regulatory norms, they exercise leadership in the socio-cultural, economic and administrative-political spheres.

Functions of federal executive bodies

As mentioned earlier, the executive branch implements a number of specific tasks and functions in its work. These categories show the quality and effectiveness of the departments mentioned in the article. It should also be noted that the executive branch is an entirely independent branch of the state administration of society. Specificity of its functions is due to the fact that the whole structure, in fact, is a method of directly implementing public interests. This statement is largely confirmed if detailed analysis of acts of federal executive bodies, in which a special procedure for the implementation of specific actions is presented. In accordance with this judgment, a number of key functions can be distinguished:

  • Human rights. It testifies that the executive bodies implement in practice the principle of observance of basic human rights and freedoms.
  • Executive. Allows you to comply with the Constitutional norms of the Russian Federation.
  • Security. Affects many sectors of public life. Thanks to it, the administrative, political, socio-cultural and economic sector of the Russian Federation functions normally. It is the security function that is responsible for the general well-being of the population of the country.
  • The rule of law enforcement determines the existing rule of law.

In addition, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the executive agencies may issue special regulatory acts, which indicates the existence of a standard-setting function. The powers of the federal executive body of one or another orientation are determined by the protective function of the entire branch. In accordance with its provisions, these departments are authorized to apply various kinds of legal measures, in case of violation of the legal regime by legal or natural persons. Thus, the functions presented in many respects explain the specifics of the executive branch in general. It should also be noted that the structure of government is of great interest. It has characteristic features, largely due to the federal system of the Russian Federation.

Central executive body

The federal executive body, which exercises general regulation of the entire structure of this type of public administration, is the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the provisions of the constitution, this is the highest or the main administrative, executive body of Russia. In the course of its functioning, the structure implements public policy of the state in this or that sphere of human activity. In its work, it is under the control of the State Duma alone or the parliament. This approach has democratic principles of building governance in the state. Because the government is an authorized federal executive body. It can carry out direct implementation of normative acts and separate norms of the current legislation. The normative regulation of the activities of this structure is presented in Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Russia.

Powers of the Government of Russia

Earlier it was stated that the Government of our state is an authorized federal executive body. It is able to implement public policy and state legislation. In addition, the structure has a number of other rather interesting tasks. They, in turn, manifest themselves in the powers vested in the government. In accordance with the thesis, we can say that the Government has the following fundamental opportunities:

  1. Directly develop, as well as provide the state budget of the Russian Federation.
  2. Provide competent and unified implementation of credit, monetary, economic, cultural, environmental, health and social policies.
  3. Implement federal property management.
  4. To develop measures that ensure the state security of the Russian Federation, the legality, the realization of human rights and freedoms.

In accordance with the current legislation, the Government has the right to create a sub-legislative base. It, in turn, allows to more accurately implement the legal regime that exists in the Russian Federation today.

Structure of executive bodies

Federal executive bodies, 2014 for which it was a turning point, in terms of systemic reorganization, are part of one rather large structure. Classification in this case is carried out depending on the person directly supervising departments. It should be noted that in addition to the Government there is also such a body as the Ministry. The federal executive body of this type is structured. Its system usually includes services, agencies, etc. As for the ministries, they are usually related to the government.

So, today in the Russian Federation the executive branch is represented as follows:

  1. Ministries and services. They are headed by the President of the Russian Federation. These include the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Justice, Federal Security Service, security, etc.
  2. The second group includes departments directly subordinate to the Government of Russia. As a rule, ministries are part of the central executive body. And smaller formations (agencies and services) are part of this or that ministry. Today, there is a large number of similar elements of the Government. These include the Ministry of Health, Culture, Natural Resources and Ecology, Industry, Transport, Finance, etc.
  3. The services and agencies, whose activities are coordinated by the president, are quite interesting in their essence formations. They are not part of any ministries and are completely independent departments. To date, there have been only five such entities: the antimonopoly service, the state statistics service, the consumer rights oversight service, the environmental, technical and transport supervision service, and the nationalities agency.
  4. In the Russian Federation, considering its federal structure, there are territorial federal bodies of executive power. But they are subordinate to the national in their activities, although they are independent in some local issues.

Thus, the federal executive bodies are a rather interesting structure that operates on the basis of decentralization of subordination. That is, power over the entire executive branch is divided between the president and the government of Russia. Their functions, presented in the article, the bodies implement through their own regulatory acts. For example, orders of federal executive bodies quite often regulate legislative gaps, which, of course, is an extremely positive factor.

So, in the article we tried to figure out which federal executive bodies exist in Russia. In conclusion, it should be noted that the theoretical aspects of the executive branch need to be improved. After all, it is from them in the future will depend on the quality and effectiveness of its immediate activities.

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