Law, State and Law
What does it mean to be a patriot and who has the right to wear this proud title?
If you are asked: "What does it mean to be a patriot?", You probably will be surprised, because we still remember from the school bench that a patriot is a person who loves his homeland and is ready to protect it always. As a child, almost all thought so, but they represented such actions as something abstract. Growing up, many of us understand the concept of "patriotism" in somewhat different ways.
Who can be considered a patriot?
What does it mean to be a patriot? This is a rather complicated question. Here is what the encyclopedic dictionary tells us: "Patriotism is a love for one's country, a native land and its cultural environment."
Unfortunately, many young people often confuse devotion to the homeland with nationalism. After all, in fact, nationalism is the activity of a certain part of people who often struggle with non-existent enemies. The assertion that one nationality has superiority over another has nothing to do with the notion of "patriotism." A nation is not made up of individuals, but of peoples. Unity at the level of the nation is based on solidarity, both ethical and interethnic.
How to cultivate patriotism?
Some people think that love for the people and the motherland are instinctive feelings. Others - that an innate sense of patriotism does not happen as such, it can only be developed in a person. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Each person is not born a "clean leaf", which only take and fill. In the Soviet era, children were still imposed on their diapers with a sense of patriotism. Love for the motherland at that time was considered more important than the love of parents, wife and children. Propaganda of the patriotic spirit could be found everywhere: in the cinema, at work and even on the streets. And were all born in the Soviet Union patriots? Outwardly, people tried to be like loyal citizens of the country, but patriots in the soul were units.
Even more sad example is Nazi Germany. At that time, instead of citizens who were sacred to the state, only pliable biomass was present in it.
So maybe it's just that the feeling of complete unity with the homeland can not be imposed? This feeling can be awakened, but not created artificially. What it means to be a patriot, everyone decides for himself. People also come to this in different ways: some through art, others through religion, others through history, and fourth after service in the army. In general, how many people - so many ways.
Of course, the child must be introduced to acquaintance with the history, literature and culture of his state. Only in this way can he determine what it means for him to be a patriot. Because most people define the word "patriotism" ambiguously. The most popular responses of citizens are:
- love to motherland;
- defense of the Fatherland;
- loyalty to the country;
- compliance with laws.
Probably, all of them are right. All these concepts in the complex and outline a distinct image of the patriot. Although, first of all, the love of your land must live in the heart.
If your soul responds when playing the national anthem, if you are sincere fond of the national sports team, even when it is played by mediocre players, if you are far beyond your country, but you sing a lullaby in your native language, know: you are a real patriot And a worthy resident not only of his state, but of the whole planet!
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